Download the PHP package sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Download sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
More information about sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
Files in sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
Download sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
More information about sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
Files in sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications
Vendor sschreier
Package sschreiertopbarnotifications
Short Description Leiste für Informations- und Hinweistexte oder Meldungen
License GPL-3.0-or-later
Package sschreiertopbarnotifications
Short Description Leiste für Informations- und Hinweistexte oder Meldungen
License GPL-3.0-or-later
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Informations about the package sschreiertopbarnotifications
bar for information and notification texts or messages for Shopware 6
A shopware 6 extension for a bar for information and notification texts or messages which can contain up to 4 areas. It can be displayed either in the top bar or in the footer bar or also above or below the breadcrumb navigation.
Possible Configurations for the bar
- show the content in a top or footer bar or above or below the breadcrumb navigation
- set the background color of the area (*1)
- set the shadow of the area (*1)
- set the outer distance of the area up- and downwards in pixels or percent (*1)
- set the distance of the areas up- and downwards in pixels or percent (*1)
- activate, if you want 50% width of the areas in the viewport smartphone landscape (SM)
Possible Configurations for each of the possible four areas of the bar
- show the area
- select the viewports in which the area should be shown
- select, if the icon should be shown
- select, if the icon should obtain from the select field or a snippet
- select the icon from the select field (which you can find here: or
- set the icon via snippet
- set the icon color and hover icon color (*1)
- set the icon width and height in pixels (*1)
- set the distance between the icon and the content (*1)
- set the font color and hover font color of the content (*1)
- set the font size of the content in pixels (*1)
- select, if the content should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
- set the content via the text editor
- set the content via snippet
- select the position of the content, for example icon on the left and content on the right or icon on the right and content on the left
- select the orientation of the area (left, center or right)
- set a link for the area
- select the link target of the area, for example in the current tab, in a new tab or in a modalbox
Available snippets to customize the content or the icons
- ContentTextEditorTopBarArea1
- ContentTextEditorTopBarArea2
- ContentTextEditorTopBarArea3
- ContentTextEditorTopBarArea4
- ContentTopBarArea1
- ContentTopBarArea2
- ContentTopBarArea3
- ContentTopBarArea4
- IconTopBarArea1
- IconTopBarArea2
- IconTopBarArea3
- IconTopBarArea4
Some changes in the settings within the configuration are not immediately visible in the frontend of the shop
After changing settings specifically for the appearance of the areas (*1), the theme must be recompiled, for example by saving the theme in the administration:
- Switch to "Content" and "Themes"
- Select the active theme
- Click on the button "Save"
How to install the extension
via console (recommended)
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierTopbarNotifications.
- Move the folder to the project folder custom/plugins/ .
- Connect to the console via ssh:
via composer
Add the repository URL to the composer.json of the project
- Connect to the console via ssh and install the plugin source code via the command
via zip upload
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierTopbarNotifications.
- Zip the folder to
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration.
- Install & Activate the extension.
extension update (zip)
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierTopbarNotifications.
- Zip the folder to
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration.
- Update the extension.
top bar with four areas
top bar with four areas, first area is linked with a modal box
top bar with four areas in a smaller viewport
top bar with only one area
footer bar with four areas
bar with only one area above the breadcrumb navigation
bar with only one area below the breadcrumb navigation
extension configuration - top bar part 1
extension configuration - top bar part 2
extension configuration - area 1 part 1
extension configuration - area 1 part 2
extension configuration - area 1 part 3
All versions of sschreiertopbarnotifications with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
The package sschreier/sschreiertopbarnotifications contains the following files
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