Download the PHP package sschreier/sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package sschreier/sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download sschreier/sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage
More information about sschreier/sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage
Files in sschreier/sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage
Package sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage
Short Description show the properties in a separate area on the product detail page
License GPL-3.0-or-later
Informations about the package sschreierpropertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage
An extension to show the properties in a separate area on the product detail page for Shopware 6
An extension to show the properties in a separate area on the product detail page. The separate area can either be a separate tab or a modal box that can be reached via a link. The tab can be shown before or after the rating tab. The link to open the modal can be placed either above the buy button, above the product number or below the description text in the description tab. Furthermore, you can show a headline and a text above the property table if required. In addition, tooltips can also be shown to describe the properties.
Possible configurations
- select the area on the product detail page where the properties should be shown
- set the title of the modal or the title of the label of the tab via snippet
- select if a headline above the property table should be shown
- set the headline above the property table via snippet
- select if a text above the property table should be shown
- set the text above the property table via snippet
- select if the property table should be shown in larger resolutions in full width
Possible configurations for the tab
- select if properties tab should be shown before the rating tab
- set the preview text of the tab in the smaller resolutions via snippet
Possible configurations for the modal
- select the position of the link to open the modal
- set the text of the link to open the modal via snippet
- select if an icon should be shown before the link to open the modal above the product number
- select if the modal title should be shown
- select the size of the modal
Available snippets
- sschreier.propertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage.headline
- sschreier.propertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage.modal.linkToOpenModal
- sschreier.propertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage.text
- sschreier.propertiesinseparateareaproductdetailpage.title
How to install the extension
via console (recommended)
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierPropertiesInSeparateAreaProductDetailPage.
- Move the folder to the project folder custom/plugins/ .
- Connect to the console via ssh:
via composer
Add the repository URL to the composer.json of the project
- Connect to the console via ssh and install the plugin source code via the command
via zip upload
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierPropertiesInSeparateAreaProductDetailPage.
- Zip the folder to
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration.
- Install & Activate the extension.
extension update (zip)
- Download the latest
- Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to SschreierPropertiesInSeparateAreaProductDetailPage.
- Zip the folder to
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration.
- Update the extension.