Download the PHP package sproutvideo/sproutvideo without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package sproutvideo/sproutvideo. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package sproutvideo


Use this library to interact with the SproutVideo API


Install with Composer

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add SproutVideo with.

Composer will take care of the autoloading for you, so if you require the vendor/autoload.php, you're good to go.

Install source from GitHub

To install the source code:

$ git clone git://

And including it using the autoloader:

Getting Started

The first thing you'll need to interact with the SproutVideo API is your API key.


The following methods are available: list_videos, get_video, create_video, update_video, replace_video, delete_video.


By default the videos listing is paginated with 25 videos per page and sorted by upload date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page. You can also pass in the id of a tag to just return the videos tagged with that tag.


The string passed to get_video is the ID of a SproutVideo video.


The most basic upload you can perform is to just pass the path to the video file to the method. The title of the video will default to the name of the file.

You can set the title as well as many other parameters by passing them as a array

You can also apply any number of tags to the new upload by passing their ids along:

You can also create and apply tags on the fly when uploading by passing along tag names:

You can also specify a webhook url. We'll send an HTTP POST with the video json when the video has finished processing or if there was an error during processing:

Lastly, if you are using the source_video_url parameter instead of uploading a file directly, use the following syntax:


The first parameter is the id of the video you wish to edit. The second parameter is a array of attributes to update on the video.


The first parameter is the id of the video you wish to replace. The second parameter is the local path to the video file.


To add a tag to a video, make sure to include all of the tags currently associated with the video. For instance, if the video already has tags with the ids "abc" and "123", and you want to add a tag with the id "def", pass "abc", "123" and "def" to the update method.

If you want to remove a tag from a video, remove the tag from the list of tags on the video but make sure to include all of the tags you wish to keep. For instance, if you now want to remove the tag with id "123" from the example above, pass in "abc" and "def"

You can remove all of the tags from a video by just passing an empty array as the tags parameter.

Upload poster frame

You can upload a custom poster frame for a video by calling the upload_poster_frame method. The first parameter is the id of the video for wish you'd like the poster frame to be associated and the second parameter is the path to the image file.


Pass in the id of the video you wish to delete.

Signed Embed Codes

You can use this convenience method to sign an embed code. It will return the embed code URL which can be used to build an iframe embed code.


video_id - String ( Required ) : The id of the video for which you're generating the signed embed code

security_token - String ( Required ) : The security token of the video for which you're generatingn the signed embed code

query_parameteres - Array ( Optional ) : A array of query parameters to be passed to the embed code. Example: array('type' => 'hd', 'autoplay' => 'true')

expiration_time - Integer ( Optional ) : The number of seconds from the Epoc that this signed embed code should expire. This defaults to 5 minutes from the time the signed embed code was generated.

protocol - String ( Optional ) : http or https. Defaults to http


Upload Tokens

The following methods are available: create_upload_token


Live Streams

The following methods are available: list_live_streams, create_live_stream, get_live_stream, update_live_stream, delete_live_stream, end_live_stream upload_poster_frame.


By default the live_stream listing is paginated with 25 live_streams per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page.





Pass in the id of the live_stream you wish to delete.


Pass in the id of the live_stream you wish to end.


The following methods are available: list_tags, create_tag, get_tag, update_tag, delete_tag.


By default the tag listing is paginated with 25 tags per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page.





Pass in the id of the tag you wish to delete.


The following methods are avaialble: list_folders, create_folder, get_folder, update_folder, delete_folder


By default, the folder listing is paginated with 25 folders per page and sorted by created_at date in ascending order. You can pass tow parameters to control the paging: page and per_page. If you do not pass in a parent_id only the folders within the root folder will be returned. To get the folders in a specific folder, make sure to pass in that folder's id using the parent_id parameter.


Creating a folder without a parent_id will place that folder in the root folder. Passing in a parent_id will place the newly created folder in the folder specified by parent_id.




By default, when deleting a folder, all of the contents of that folder (videos and folders), will be moved the root folder to prevent unintended data loss. If you wish to actually delete all of the content of a folder, make sure to pass in delete_all as true.


The following methods are available: list_playlists, create_playlist, get_playlsit, update_playlist, delete_playlist.


By default, the playlist listing is paginated with 25 playlists per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page.


You can add videos to a playlist when creating it by passing in the videos you'd like to add in the videos parameter in the order you'd like them to appear.



To add a video to a playlist, make sure to include all of the videos currently associated with that playlist. For instance if the playlist already has videos with the ids "abc" and "123" and you want to add a video with the id "def" do pass "abc", "123" and "def" to the update method.

If you want to remove a video from a playlist, remove the video from the list of videos in the playlist but make sure to include all of the videos you wish to keep. For instance, if you now want to remove the video with id "123" from the example above, pass in "abc" and "def"

You can remove all of the videos from a playlist by just passing an empty array as the videos parameter.


Pass in the id of the playlist you wish to delete.


The following methods are available: list_logins, create_login, get_login, update_login, delete_login


By default the login listing is paginated with 25 tags per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page.


create_login takes two required parameters, email and password, which will be used to allow a viewer to login to watch a video if the login has an associated access_grant for that video.


The string passed to get_login is the ID of a SproutVideo login.


You can change the password for a login.


Pass in the id of the login you wish to delete.

Access Grants

The following methods are available: list_access_grants, create_access_grant, get_access_grant, update_acces_grant, delete_access_grant


By default the access grant listing is paginated with 25 tags per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page.


create_access_grant takes two required parameters, video_id and login_id, which will be used to allow a viewer to login to watch a video based on the other optional parameters.


bulk_create_access_grants takes an array of access grant objects and creates them in a single API call to efficiently create access grants in bulk, and reduce the number of API calls needed.


The string passed to get_access_grant is the ID of a SproutVideo login.


You can change the optional parameters for an access grant.


Pass in the id of the access grant you wish to delete.


The following methods are available through the API client for analytics:

Check the API documentation for more information about the data returned by these calls.

Each method can be called on it's own for overall account data for all time like this:

Each method can also take an options array containing a :video_id for retrieving overall data for a specific video:

The following methods can also take an options array containing a :live for retrieving overall data for a specific video:

Each method can also take an optional :start_date and :end_date to specify a date range for the returned data:

The geo method can take an optional :country to retrieve playback data by city within that country

misc analytics endpoints


You can grab the total number of seconds of your videos that have been watched like this:

And for livestreams:

You can grab engagement for a specific video like so:

And for a livestream:

Lastly, you can grab every single playback session for a video like this:

You can also grab engagement sessions for a video for a specific email address like so:

You can also grab engagement sessions for a live stream:


The following methods are available: get_account, update_account.




The following methods are available: list_subtitles, create_subtitle, get_subtitle, update_subtitle, delete_subtitle.


By default, the subtitle listing is paginated with 25 subtitles per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page. You must pass a video_id in the options array.


To create a subtitle, you must pass the following data: language and content. You must also pass the video_id option for the video you want to add the subtitle to.



Pass in the id of the subtitle you wish to delete and it's associated video_id.

Calls to Action

The following methods are available: list_ctas, create_cta, get_cta, update_cta, delete_cta.


By default, the cta listing is paginated with 25 ctas per page and sorted by created at date in ascending order. You can pass two parameters to control the paging: page and per_page. You must pass a video_id in the options array.


To create a cta, you must pass the following data: text, url, start_time, and end_time. You must also pass the video_id option for the video you want to add the cta to.



Pass in the id of the cta you wish to delete and it's associated video_id.

Contributing to sproutvideo-php



Copyright (c) 2021 SproutVideo. See LICENSE.txt for further details.

All versions of sproutvideo with dependencies

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Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package sproutvideo/sproutvideo contains the following files

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