Download the PHP package speedovation/laravelmart without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package speedovation/laravelmart. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about speedovation/laravelmart
Files in speedovation/laravelmart
Package laravelmart
Short Description LaravelMart - eCommerce platform.
License MIT
Informations about the package laravelmart
LaravelMart - Complete eCommerce Platform
Pre Alpha release. Stay tuned for stable release.
- Admin dashboard responsive theme
- Link Menus
- Account management
- Widgets
- Reports
- Search
- Quick actions
- Quick look on stock
- Will add more
- Manage Themes
- Manage shipping ways and vendors
- Manage Payment types
- Adding payment gateways
- Integrating into frontend
- User fill billing address and buy stuff using payment gateways.
- New attractive front-end theme
Features - FrontEnd and Backend
FrontEnd - User area
Easily render forms for login, signup and password reset.
Account confirmation (through confirmation link).
Password reset (sending email with a change password link).
Generate routes for login, signup, password reset, confirmation, etc.
Generate a customizable controller that handles the basic user account actions.
Contains a set of methods to help with basic user features.
Integrated with the Laravel Auth and Reminders component/configs.
User validation.
Login throttling.
Redirecting to previous route after authentication.
Checks for unique email and username in signup
e Commerce
Cart - add, remove, edit products
View products
View single product
Page Display
Menu Display
Billing - Address, Payment type, Delivery type
Apply coupon
Custom Error Pages
403 for forbidden page accesses
404 for not found pages
500 for internal server errors
Backend - Admin area
Manage billings
Manage Categories
Manage Products
Manage Orders
Manage Orders Items
Manage menus (nested)
Manage Wishlists
Manage Users
Manage pages
Manage Coupons
Manage Emails
Manage Settings
Manage User, Permissions and Roles
Manage Password Resets
WYSIWYG editor for post creation and editing.
DataTables dynamic table sorting and filtering.
Colorbox Lightbox jQuery modal popup.
[Select] ( )
Created a dynamic CRUD for table operations. Just add fields in config and we are done. Do all types of CRUD operations. Working to bring foreign key support.
Email templates
Images croping
Products and Inventory
In Future
Manage Article Category
Manage Tag
Manage News
Manage Blog Post
Inventive - Responsive framework
Inventive - Responsive framework a simple, uncluttered, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
The LaravelMart is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
All versions of laravelmart with dependencies
gloudemans/shoppingcart Version ~1.3
fzaninotto/faker Version 1.5.*
laravelcollective/html Version ~5.0
filp/whoops Version ~1.0
laravel/socialite Version ~2.0
zizaco/entrust Version dev-laravel-5
yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle Version ~5.0
league/fractal Version ^0.13.0@dev
laracasts/flash Version ~1.3