PHP code example of spatie / laravel-feed

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download spatie/laravel-feed library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


spatie / laravel-feed example snippets

// In routes/web.php

return [
    'feeds' => [
        'main' => [
             * Here you can specify which class and method will return
             * the items that should appear in the feed. For example:
             * [App\Model::class, 'getAllFeedItems']
             * You can also pass an argument to that method.  Note that their key must be the name of the parameter:             *
             * [App\Model::class, 'getAllFeedItems', 'parameterName' => 'argument']
            'items' => '',

             * The feed will be available on this url.
            'url' => '',

            'title' => 'My feed',
            'description' => 'The description of the feed.',
            'language' => 'en-US',

             * The image to display for the feed.  For Atom feeds, this is displayed as
             * a banner/logo; for RSS and JSON feeds, it's displayed as an icon.
             * An empty value omits the image attribute from the feed.
            'image' => '',

             * The format of the feed.  Acceptable values are 'rss', 'atom', or 'json'.
            'format' => 'atom',

             * The view that will render the feed.
            'view' => 'feed::atom',

             * The mime type to be used in the <link> tag.  Set to an empty string to automatically
             * determine the correct value.
            'type' => '',

             * The content type for the feed response.  Set to an empty string to automatically
             * determine the correct value.
            'contentType' => '',

// app/NewsItem.php

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Feed\Feedable;
use Spatie\Feed\FeedItem;

class NewsItem extends Model implements Feedable
    public function toFeedItem(): FeedItem
        return FeedItem::create()

// app/NewsItem.php

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Feed\Feedable;
use Spatie\Feed\FeedItem;

class NewsItem extends Model implements Feedable
    public function toFeedItem(): FeedItem
        return FeedItem::create([
            'id' => $this->id,
            'title' => $this->title,
            'summary' => $this->summary,
            'updated' => $this->updated_at,
            'link' => $this->link,
            'authorName' => $this->authorName,

// app/NewsItem.php

public static function getFeedItems()
   return NewsItem::all();

// config/feed.php

return [

    'feeds' => [
        'news' => [
             * Here you can specify which class and method will return
             * the items that should appear in the feed. For example:
             * 'App\Model@getAllFeedItems'
             * or
             * ['App\Model', 'getAllFeedItems']
             * You can also pass an argument to that method.  Note that their key must be the name of the parameter:             * 
             * ['App\Model@getAllFeedItems', 'parameterName' => 'argument']
             * or
             * ['App\Model', 'getAllFeedItems', 'parameterName' => 'argument']
            'items' => 'App\NewsItem@getFeedItems',

             * The feed will be available on this url.
            'url' => '/feed',

            'title' => 'All newsitems on',

             * The format of the feed.  Acceptable values are 'rss', 'atom', or 'json'.
            'format' => 'atom',

             * Custom view for the items.
             * Defaults to feed::feed if not present.
            'view' => 'feed::feed',


// config/feed.php

return [

    'feeds' => [
        'news' => [
            'items' => ['App\NewsItem', 'getFeedItems'],

            'url' => '/feed',

            'title' => 'All newsitems on',

             * The format of the feed.  Acceptable values are 'rss', 'atom', or 'json'.
            'format' => 'atom',
             * Custom view for the items.
             * Defaults to feed::feed if not present.
            'view' => '',


php artisan feed:install
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Feed\FeedServiceProvider" --tag="feed-views"