Download the PHP package soflomo/scaffold without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package soflomo/scaffold. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about soflomo/scaffold
Files in soflomo/scaffold
Package scaffold
Short Description Soflomo scaffold project for fast bootstrapping ZF2 aplications
License BSD-3-Clause
Informations about the package scaffold
Soflomo Scaffold
This Soflomo scaffold repository contains the default set-up for Soflomo projects. The scaffold is intented to allow fast bootstrapping of Zend Framework 2 applications with a preconfigured setup of serveral tools. Use at your own will.
The scaffold is based on the following libraries:
- Zend Framework 2: more specifically, it looks similar to the ZendSkeletonApplication
- Soflomo\Common: a set of tools used in any Soflomo project
- Soflomo\Prototype: a small module that allows prototyping of applications
- Composer: Composer to load all external php dependencies (ZF2 and the Soflomo* libraries)
- Bower: a frontend dependency management tool
- normalize.scss: to normalize styles across different browsers
- Modenizr: to enable progressive enhancements across browsers
- Compass: to parse SASS files into CSS
You can install the scaffold by using composer. Load the composer.phar file and execute the following line:
php composer.phar create-project soflomo/scaffold my-dir
bower install
npm install
gulp build
This will install the scaffold in "my-dir", load all dependencies from bower and runs the compilation step from compass. If you have a repository available for your new project, add this as remote and start coding.
Inside the scaffold several string values are used to indicate the project's name. You can find & replace all of them for your own need.
- --Project Name--: this is meant as a user-friendly and readable format for the project. It is for example used in the title element inside the layout.
- project-name: an internal name for the project, used for example in the bower.json
- the domain name for the project's intended public url, used in the robots.txt file
All versions of scaffold with dependencies
soflomo/prototype Version ~0.1
soflomo/common Version ~0.5
soflomo/local-script Version ~0.1