Download the PHP package snicco/blade-bridge without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package snicco/blade-bridge. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download snicco/blade-bridge
More information about snicco/blade-bridge
Files in snicco/blade-bridge
Package blade-bridge
Short Description Use v8.x of Laravel's Blade templating engine in WordPress. Fully tested and production ready.
License LGPL-3.0-only
Informations about the package blade-bridge
A standalone version of Laravel's Blade template engine for snicco/templating
This package allows using the blade template engine without the fullstack laravel framework.
100% tested with full support for all features of blade, including view composers.
This package must be used together with snicco/templating
Creating a BladeViewFactory
To start rendering .blade.php
views with the template engine
of snicco/templating
we need to create a BladeViewFactory
and pass it to
the template engine.
You can now render any .blade.php
views with the template engine.
Blade features
All features of blade 8.x can be used. Please consult the documentation.
There are some directives which are disabled by this package by default and will throw an exception when used because they are not decoupled from Laravel's global helper functions.
You can always enable them again with your own implementation using Blade::directive()
The following directives are disabled:
- auth
- guest
- method
- csrf
- service
- env
- production
- can
- cannot
- canany
- dd
- dump
- lang
- choice
- error
- inject
This repository is a read-only split of the development repo of the Snicco project.
This is how you can contribute.
Reporting issues and sending pull requests
Please report issues in the Snicco monorepo.
If you discover a security vulnerability, please follow our disclosure procedure.
All versions of blade-bridge with dependencies
snicco/templating Version ^2.0
illuminate/view Version ^8.81
illuminate/collections Version ^8.81
illuminate/container Version ^8.81
illuminate/contracts Version ^8.81
illuminate/events Version ^8.81
illuminate/filesystem Version ^8.81
illuminate/macroable Version ^8.81
illuminate/support Version ^8.81
snicco/better-wp-api Version ^2.0