Download the PHP package smskin/nova-dadata-suggestion without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package smskin/nova-dadata-suggestion. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Informations about the package nova-dadata-suggestion
Release notes
Author of base library fomvasss/laravel-data ( deleted it. I found its fork and change composer dependencies. At now library depend on inkover/laravel-data.
Address suggestion field for Laravel Nova
Based on package
- composer require smskin/nova-dadata-suggestion
- php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SMSkin\DaDataSuggestion\FieldServiceProvider"
- add the variables DADATA_TOKEN and DADATA_SECRET to .env file and fill it
- Create the full address field
- Link it to other fields
- Use the suggestion for fill depend fields
Available fields:
- postalCode
- country
- federalDistrict
- regionType
- regionTypeFull
- region
- areaType
- areaTypeFull
- area
- cityWithType
- cityType
- cityTypeFull
- city
- cityDistrictWithType
- cityDistrictType
- cityDistrictTypeFull
- cityDistrict
- settlementWithType
- settlementType
- settlementTypeFull
- settlement
- streetWithType
- streetType
- streetTypeFull
- street
- houseType
- houseTypeFull
- houseWithType
- house
- blockType
- blockTypeFull
- block
- flatType
- flatTypeFull
- flat
- flatWithType
- geoLat
- geoLon
All versions of nova-dadata-suggestion with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
The package smskin/nova-dadata-suggestion contains the following files
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