Download the PHP package sirprize/queried without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package sirprize/queried. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package queried


Database/ORM-agnostic query construction helper


Parsing input, setting defaults and constructing SELECT queries can quickly become a mess. Queried helps organizing clauses for WHERE, HAVING and ORDER BY, making it easy to apply input as well as defaults when executing the query.


Creating and activating simple WHERE conditions

First we'll take a look at organizing conditions for the WHERE and HAVING parts of a query statement. The basic idea is to prepare clauses describing specific conditions, register them with a query object and then activate them individually based on application requirements and user input. Each clause is wrapped in a BaseCondition object. Those objects are then registered with a BaseQueryConfigurator object:

use Sirprize\Queried\BaseQueryConfigurator;
use Sirprize\Queried\Condition\BaseCondition;

$publishedCondition = new BaseCondition();
$publishedCondition->setClause("( <= CURRENT_DATE() AND release.published = 1)");

$physicalCondition = new BaseCondition();
$physicalCondition->setClause("(release.format = 'LP' OR release.format = 'CD'");

$digitalCondition = new BaseCondition();
$digitalCondition->setClause("(release.format = 'MP3' OR release.format = 'WAV'");

$queryConfigurator = new BaseQueryConfigurator();

    ->registerCondition('published', $publishedCondition)
    ->registerCondition('physical', $physicalCondition)
    ->registerCondition('digital', $physicalCondition)

Next we'll activate some of the conditions according application requirements. Only published releases with a release-date of today or older must make it into the result:


Then the user can choose from digital or physical releases by setting the format parameter (eg /releases?format=digital)

$format = (array_key_exists('format', $_GET)) ? $_GET['format'] : null;

if ($format === 'digital')
else {

And finally we'll collect the activated conditions and add them to our query statement:

foreach ($queryConfigurator->getActiveConditions() as $condition)
    $clause = $condition->getClause();
    // Add clause to query

More complex WHERE conditions

For more complex conditions we'll subclass BaseCondition. This allows us to share conditions between queries. It's also the right place to set sensible defaults in case of invalid input:

use Sirprize\Queried\Condition\BaseCondition;
use Sirprize\Queried\Condition\Tokenizer;

class ArtistCondition extends BaseCondition
    protected $alias = null;

    public function __construct($alias = '')
        $this->alias = $alias;

    public function build(Tokenizer $tokenizer = null)

        $artist = $this->getValue('artist');

        if (!$artist)
            return $this;

        $token = $tokenizer->make();
        $alias = ($this->alias) ? $this->alias . '.' : $this->alias;

            ->setClause("{$alias}artist LIKE :$token")
            ->addParam($token, '%'.$artist.'%')

        return $this;

Note the $tokenizer parameter in the build() method - this is a simple object with an internal counter, letting us define non-conflicting parameter names. This is useful when combining many BaseCondition objects into one query.

Next we'll instantiate and build the condition, providing values from user input:

$artist = (array_key_exists('artist', $_GET)) ? $_GET['artist'] : null;
$artistCondition = new ArtistCondition('release');

    ->addValue('artist', $artist)
    ->build(new Tokenizer())

And when it's time to assemble the query, we have the final clause plus parameters available:

$condition = $artistCondition->getClause(); // "release.artist LIKE :token0"
$params = $artistCondition->getParams(); // array('token0' => '%Rebolledo%')

Defining sorting

Sorting is normally expressed by one or more field names, each with a direction of either ascending or descending (eg ORDER BY DESC, release.title ASC). This information is stored in a Rule object, both for ascending and descending order:

use Sirprize\Queried\Sorting\Rule;

$dateRule = new Rule();

    ->addAscColumn('', 'desc')
    ->addAscColumn('', 'asc')
    ->addDescColumn('', 'asc')
    ->addDescColumn('', 'asc')

$columns = $dateRule->getAscColumns(); // array('' => 'desc', 'release.title.asc')
$columns = $dateRule->getDescColumns(); // array('' => 'asc', 'release.title.asc')

The Sorting class maps rule names (eg from user input) to rules while applying defaults, given a non-existing rule name. It makes sure that only valid column definitions make it into the query. Let's put it all together:

use Sirprize\Queried\Sorting\Params;
use Sirprize\Queried\Sorting\Rules;
use Sirprize\Queried\Sorting\Sorting;

$rules = new Rules();

    ->addAscColumn('release.title', 'asc')
    ->addDescColumn('release.title', 'desc')

    ->addAscColumn('', 'asc')
    ->addDescColumn('', 'desc')

No defaults, no parameters

$params = new Params();
$sorting = new Sorting();
$columns = $sorting->getColumns(); // array();

Single default

$defaults = new Params('title', 'asc');
$sorting = new Sorting();
$columns = $sorting->getColumns(); // array('release.title' => 'asc');

Defaults and valid parameters

$params = new Params('date', 'asc');
$defaults = new Params('title', 'asc');
$sorting = new Sorting();
$columns = $sorting->getColumns(); // array('' => 'asc');

No defaults and invalid parameters (non-existing rule name)

$params = new Params('xxx', 'asc');
$sorting = new Sorting();
$columns = $sorting->getColumns(); // array();

No defaults and invalid parameters (invalid ordering, valid orderings are "asc" or "desc")

$params = new Params('date', 'xxx');
$sorting = new Sorting();
$columns = $sorting->getColumns(); // array('' => 'desc');

Putting it all together

It's best to manage the construction of the entire query in a subclass of BaseQueryConfigurator. Here's an example of a query built for use with the Doctrine ORM:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Sirprize\Queried\BaseQueryConfigurator;

class ReleaseQueryConfigurator extends BaseQueryConfigurator
    protected $queryBuilder = null;
    protected $releaseAlias = 'release';

    public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager)
        $this->queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

        // register the external condition we built earlier
        $this->getConditionRegistry()->registerCondition('artist', new ArtistCondition($this->releaseAlias));

        // register an inline condition
        $pc = new BaseCondition();
        $pc->setClause("({$this->releaseAlias}.date <= CURRENT_DATE() AND {$this->releaseAlias}.published = 1)");
        $this->getConditionRegistry()->registerCondition('published', $pc);

        // define some sorting rules
            ->addAscColumn($this->releaseAlias.'.title', 'asc')
            ->addDescColumn($this->releaseAlias.'.title', 'desc')

            ->addAscColumn($this->releaseAlias.'.artist', 'asc')
            ->addDescColumn($this->releaseAlias.'.artist', 'desc')

    public function getCountQuery()

        return $this->queryBuilder

    public function getQuery()

        return $this->queryBuilder

    protected function applyFrom()
            ->from('My\Model\Entity\Product', $this->releaseAlias)

    public function reset()
            ->setParameters(new ArrayCollection())

    public function applySorting()
        foreach ($this->getSorting()->getColumns() as $column => $order)
            $this->queryBuilder->addOrderBy($column, $order);

    protected function applyConditions()
        foreach ($this->getConditionRegistry()->getActiveConditions() as $condition)

            if (!$condition->getClause())


            foreach ($condition->getParams() as $name => $value)
                $this->queryBuilder->setParameter($name, $value, $condition->getType($name));

Running the query

use Sirprize\Queried\Sorting\Params as SortingParams;

// input
$sort = (array_key_exists('sort', $_GET)) ? $_GET['sort'] : null;
$order = (array_key_exists('order', $_GET)) ? $_GET['order'] : null;
$label = (array_key_exists('label', $_GET)) ? $_GET['label'] : null;
$artist = (array_key_exists('artist', $_GET)) ? $_GET['artist'] : null;

// sorting
$sortingParams = new SortingParams($sort, $order);
$sortingDefaults = new SortingParams('title', 'asc');

// the query
$queryConfigurator = new ReleaseQueryConfigurator($em);

    ->activateCondition('artist', array('artist' => $artist))


$count = $queryConfigurator->getCountQuery()->getSingleResult();
$releases = $queryConfigurator->getQuery()->getResult();



All versions of queried with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.2 || ^8.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package sirprize/queried contains the following files

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