Download the PHP package simplicateca/selectplus without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package simplicateca/selectplus. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package selectplus

MetaSettings - Craft CMS Custom Field

MetaSettings is a JSON configured, custom field type plugin for Craft CMS 5+. It field presents like a standard Craft CMS Dropdown Field which itself makes use of the Selectize JS library.

Hiding under the hood of MetaSettings are a bunch of features aimed at improving the overall content Author Experience (AX) and developer templating experience in Twig.

**This is a Beta Release!**



This early release version is not currently available on the Craft Plugin store, and can only be installed via Composer.

Requires Craft CMS 5+

Run composer require "simplicateca/metasettings:^5.1" -w && php craft plugin/install metasettings and then enable the plugin from "Settings > Plugins"

composer require "vaersaagod/seomate:^3.1.1" -w && php craft plugin/install seomate


Options for each MetaSettings field are stored in a JSON file within the Craft CMS templates folder rather than requiring them to be input via the Craft CMS Control Panel.

That means, when you want to add, change, or remove options from a Dropdown, you can do so by editing a JSON file in your code editor, rather than having to go into the Control Panel and edit or re-save individual fields.

This is particularly useful for fields that are used across many Matrix Block types, reducing the need to update the same options in many places, and reducing the risk of human error.

Sample .json Files

Sample JSON config files can be found in the plugins 'src/templates/samples' folder.

Additionally, each file in that folder can be used in dev mode to demonstrate the fields capabilities and functionality:

Twig Templating

Each option in a MetaSettings field allows for additional data to be associated with it that you can use in place of creating logic in Twig to match the value of a dropdown field.

Within the JSON configuration for a field, you can have an attribute called settings that allows for any number of key-value pairs (strings, arrays, etc) to be passed along into Twig.

For example, if you had a MetaSettings field fieldName with this configuration:

You could then reference the settings.usefulText in your Twig templates like: {{ entry.fieldName.usefulText }}

This of course would only work if you "Option One" was selected in the fieldName field. If a different option were selected, the settings variables and their contents might be different (that's up to you!).

Why would this ever be useful? Plenty of reasons!

Explain With Examples...

Instant Updates

Because changes to the JSON file are immediately reflected in all instances of the field, you can use this to easily tweak any number of settings across many templates or entires without having to go into the Control Panel and edit/resave individual records.

Inline Documentation

While Craft CMS allows for us to associate instructions with each field, these only apply to the field as a whole, and not to individual option selected within a Dropdown.

MetaSettings fields allow for the creation of inline documentation for each option, which can be accessed via tooltips, modals, or links to external resources.

Modal content is loaded from a Twig file of your choice, and the Twig template can make use of dynamic information about the field and selected option to decide what kind of documentation to display.

TODO: Outline Different documentation settings in the JSON config

Virtual Input Fields

Like a regular Dropdown field, the MetaSettings field stores the value of the <option> selected by the user. However, it can also be used to store multiple additional inputs fields associated with each option.

This can be useful for situations where the selected option has fine-tuning "follow-up questions", especially if the extra inputs are presentational rather than content model in nature, and likely don't warrant their own Custom Field.

Nobody likes a cluttered content model, and this can help keep things tidy.

Field Configuration

The configuration structure used for the virtual field config is identical to the one used by the Craft core _includes/forms.twig file. In fact, most of the fields are directly generated by that.

Available Field Types

Available input fields include:

See all-inputs.json for an example of how to configure each of these fields.

Dynamic Configuration

MetaSettings only suggests .json files when attempting to autocomplete the file path within the field configuration screen.

However, MetaSettings it is happy to accept any file type that can be parsed as a Twig template provided:

1) You enter the file path manually without the aid of autocomplete (the horror!) 2) The file outputs a valid JSON array of options

MetaSettings provides an element variable which can be accessed in any Twig tags or commands from within any MetaSettings config file (regardless of file extension).

This element variable contains information about the element that the field is attached to, as well as that elements' owner (if applicable as in cases of matrix fields).

These are the fields that are available on the element variable:

element.section - The handle for the Section associated with the direct element that the field is attached to (if applicable).

element.type - The handle for the Entry Type associated with the direct element that the field is attached to (if applicable).

Additionally, for cases where the MetaSettings field is attached to a Matrix block, the element variable will also contain an owner variable which contains the same fields as the element variable, but for the owner of the Matrix block.

This means that instead of configuring a MetaSettings field with a static .json file, you may consider some of the following techniques.

Configuration with .twig instead of .json


Configuration with Twig inside .json

e.g. field-config.json

Other less sane adventureous methods of configuration

Using .twig as a router that points to regular static .json files using the Twig source function

e.g. layout-field-router.twig

Alternatively, you could use a .json file that includes common elements from a .twig file using the Twig block function

e.g. field-config.json

.. and field-inputs.twig

Element Variables

Button-Only mode

It is also possible to tell a MetaSettings field to operate in Button Only mode where if can be configured with a single "option" with multiple virtual input fields which can be accessed by clicking on a button.

The button uses the label from the single <option> as its text.

Additionally, to differentiate between regular Select fields with one option and button-only fields "type":"button" must be included in the JSON config for the field like so:

It is not necessary to include a value for the type key for non-button-only fields.


Brought to you by

Thanks to the Design Tokens field by Trendy Minds and the Matrix Field Preview plugin by Feral for inspiration.

Bug reports welcome.

All versions of selectplus with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires craftcms/cms Version ^5.0.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package simplicateca/selectplus contains the following files

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