Download the PHP package silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport
More information about silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport
Files in silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport
Package gridfieldqueuedexport
Short Description Export large data sets from your GridField in the SilverStripe CMS interface through async jobs
License BSD-3-Clause
Informations about the package gridfieldqueuedexport
GridField Queued Export
Allows for large data set exports from a GridField
. By using an asynchronous job queue, we avoid
running out of PHP memory or exceeding any maximum execution time limits.
The exact limitations of a standard GridField
export vary based on the server configuration,
server capacity and the complexity of the exported DataObject
As a rough guide, you should consider using this module
when more than 1000 records need to be exported. The module should be able to export
10,000 records on a standard server configuration within a few minutes.
Since this component operates on a GridField
, you can simply use it's addComponent()
If you want to replace the GridFieldExportButton
created by the default GridField configuration,
you also need to call removeComponentsByType()
Note: This module is preconfigured to work with the silverstripe/userforms submission CSV export.
- silverstripe/queuedjobcsvexport: General purpose CSV exports through queuedjobs (without a dependency on GridField)
All versions of gridfieldqueuedexport with dependencies
league/csv Version ^9.18
silverstripe/framework Version ^6
symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs Version ^6