Download the PHP package silverengine/reflectorm without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package silverengine/reflectorm. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
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Informations about the package reflectorm

+title: Query class

+author: Matija

+email: [email protected]

+PROPERTY: header-args:php :session php

+PROPERTY: header-args :results output

** Query methods

Each provided method accept values which are known as Query parts. Query part type is written before variable name (only in this documentation).

What can we pass for Query part is described in [[Query parts]] chapter.

*** From

- from($table, $alias = null, Column $id1 = null, Column $id2 = null) ::
 From which table we select data.
#+name: From example
  $q->from('table', 't');
  $q->from('table t');
  $q->from('table2', 't2', '', 't2.id_table1');
  $q->from('table2 t2', '', 't2.id_table1');
  $q->from('table2', '', 'table2.id_table1');


We can pass subquery too:

#+name: From subquery
  $q->from(Query::select()->from('other'), 'alias_must_exists');
  // or
  $q->from(function() {
      return Query::select()->from('tbl')->whereActive(true);
  }, 'alias');

*** Join

- join(Table $table, JoinCondition $condition) :: Inner join table
- leftJoin(Table $table, JoinCondition $condition) :: Left join table
- rightJoin(Table $table, JoinCondition $condition) :: Right join table

#+name: Join example
  $q->join('table', ['', '']);


*** Where and Having

 - where(Column $column, Raw $operator, Value $value, string $how = 'and', boolean $not = false)
 - having(Column $column, Raw $operator, Value $value, string $how = 'and', boolean $not = false)

 #+name: where/having
 #+BEGIN_SRC php
   $q->where('column', '=', 'value');
   $q->where('column', 'between', [10, 20], 'or', true); // or not between 10-20

 #+RESULTS: where/having

 We can skip operator and write value instead (but in this case,
 we cant modify $how and $not values)

 #+name: short notation
 #+BEGIN_SRC php
   $q->where('column', 'value'); // column = value

 #+RESULTS: short

 __call() function simplify where call for us. We can concatenate
 more words for method name to get what we want: (Order is important!)
 - or :: if we want connect this condition with OR (optional)
 - not :: if we want negate this condition (optional)
 - where / having :: one of them
 - column name :: Column name in camelCase will be transformed
                  into snake_case (optional)

 When we call this special method, we need to pass folowing arguments:
 - column (if it is not passed yet)
 - operator (required)
 - value (required)

 #+name: Special syntax
 #+BEGIN_SRC php
   $q->whereId(1); // operator is skipped
   $q->whereId('=', 1); // same thing
   $q->whereAge('between', [10, 20]); // AND age between 10 and 20
   $q->notWhereAge('between', [10, 20]); // AND NOT age between 10 and 20
   $q->orNotWhereAge('between', [10, 20]); // OR NOT age between 10 and 20
   $q->orWhere('specialColumn', 3); // AND specialColumn = 3

**** Operators

 Default operators are:
 - IN :: If value is array
 - IS :: If value is null
 - = :: For all other values

 Special operators:
 - BETWEEN :: it needs an array of two values for value

 All other operators are transformed to upper case. Operator is
 not escaped or treated specially. It is concatenated to SQL
 statement like raw value. We can write into whatever we want
 (spaces and comment too... please don't do any stupid)

**** Special use of where - parentheses

 If we want determine operators priority, we can use where()
 function to put conditions in parentheses.

 #+name: Parens example
 #+BEGIN_SRC php
   // WHERE active = true AND age = 10 OR age = 11

   // WHERE active = true AND (age = 10 OR age = 11)
       ->where(function ($q) {

   // High order function example
   function find_best($sex) { return function($q) use ($sex) { /* ... */ } }

 In this example, all where conditions (not having) is putted into
 parens. In inner function we still can do whatever we want with
 query (order by, having, limit, ...), if we really want this...

*** GroupBy

If we use having from previous chapter, we need first group some

- groupBy(Column $column)

This is it. If we want group more columns, we can call groupBy()
more times.

*** Order

- orderBy(Name $column, $dir = 'asc')

#+name: Order example
      ->orderBy('year', 'desc');

  // ORDER BY model asc, year desc

*** Limit

- limit(int $count, $offset = null) :: Standard limit
- offset(int $offset) :: If limit is not specified yet it will be set to 1
- page(int $page, int $per_page = null) :: First argument is page
     number (starting with 1), second argument is page size.

#+name: Limitations
  $q->limit(4); // LIMIT 4
  $q->limit(4, 6); // LIMIT 4 OFFSET 5
  $q->offset(3); // LIMIT 1 OFFSET 3
  // ^ Actually limit should be 4, becouse we set it in second row

  /* Page size = 10
   ,* Page:
   ,* 1. 0-9
   ,* 2. 10-19
   ,* 3. 20-29
  $q->page(3, 10); // LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20

*** Union

- union(Query $q)
- unionAll(Query $q)

#+name: Union

  // If we are more comfortable with callback, we can use it:
  $q->union(function() {
      return Query::select()

** Query parts

Query parts are stored in [[System/Database/Parts/]]. We can construct them with $part = OutPart::ensure(['construct', 'values']); or via constructor $part = new OurPart('construct', 'values');

If Part is defined before Query method parameter (in this doc), value will be passed through Part::ensure($value) function. If value is already part (maybe Raw), ensure will not touch it, otherwise value will be constructed into declared Part.

+name: Ensure examples


 Column::ensure('col'); /* is same as */ Column::ensure(['col']);

 $q->where('col', '=', 24);

  ,* So, because where is declared as: where(Column $c, $op, Value $v)
  ,* 'col' will be transformed with Column::ensure('col')
  ,* and 24 with Value::ensure(24);

 // If we want create Column like: new Column('table', 'col', 'alias');
 $q->where(['table', 'col'], ...);

 // becouse we can construct Column like: new Column('table.col alias'):
 $q->where('table col');

 // If we pass our own part into where, Column::ensure will skip it
 $q->where(new Raw('COUNT(*)'), 5)


We can pass alias into where column too, but we don't want to.

*** Raw

Arguments: (string $raw_value)

In raw we pass raw sql.

#+name: Raw example
  $q->select(new Raw('COUNT(*) count'))->from('table');

*** Literal

Arguments: (mixed $value)

Literal ensure that passed value will be properly
quoted. Following methods are predefined:
- Literal::wild() :: new Raw('*')
- Literal::null() :: new Literal(null)
- Literal::true() :: new Literal(true)
- Literal::false() :: new Literal(false)

We can pass into literal any value, and it will appear in sql

#+name: Literal
      ->where('active', Literal::true())
      ->where('string', new Literal('this is string'))
      ->where('age', 'IN', new Literal([20, 21, 22])); // We must write
                                                       // IN operator,
                                                       // becouse
                                                       // Literal is not
                                                       // recognized as
                                                       // array
  // SELECT * FROM ? WHERE active = true AND NOT WHERE last_login = null AND string = 'this is string' AND age IN [20, 21, 22]
  // We should specify IS operator for NULL too!

If we doesn't use Literal, Query will transform values into Value
part, which uses placeholders.

#+name: Literal
      ->where('active', true)
      ->where('string', 'this is string')
      ->where('age', [20, 21, 22]);
  // SELECT * FROM ? WHERE active = ? AND NOT WHERE last_login IS ? AND string = ? AND age IN [?, ?, ?]

*** Value

Arguments: (mixed $value)

All values passed into Query are transformed into Value. Value is
stored into Query bindings and '?' placeholder is inserted into
SQL statement.

*** Fn

Arguments: (string $name, ...$args)

Function call:
- Fn::count(Column $column = null) :: (default is Literal::wild())
- Fn::groupConcat(Column $column, string $sep = ',') :: GROUP_CONCAT function

Other function call can be constructed via special __call() method like:
- Fn::myOwnFunction(1,2,3) :: myOwnFunction(1,2,3);
- Fn::THIS_IS_FN(1,'string',new Value(24)) :: THIS_IS_FN(1,'string',?);

*** Column

Arguments: (string $table_or_column,  string $column = null, string $alias = null)

Column is part which represent column name with table (optional)
and alias (optional).

We can construct it in more ways:
- new Column('table', 'column', 'alias')
- new Column('table', 'column')
- new Column(null, 'column', 'alias')
- new Column('table.column alias')
- new Column('table.column', null, 'alias')

Becouse what we give into query, is passed through
Column::ensure() function, we can define column in next ways:

#+name: Query column
  $q->select('table.column alias', ['table', 'column'], ['t', 'c', 'als'], [null, 'col', 'alias'], 'col alias');

*** Name

Arguments: (string $name)

Name is like Column, but it doesn't have table and alias. It is
used for column and table names.

*** JoinCondition

Arguments: (Name $col1, $operator = null, Name $col2)

Join condition can be ON (c1 = c2) or USING (c).

#+name: JoinCondition
  echo new JoinCondition('col1', '=', 'col2'); // ON `col` = `col2`
  echo new JoinCondition('col1', 'col2'); // same thing
  echo new JoinCondition('col'); // USING (`col`)

Column names are automatically escaped, becouse they are
transformed into Name part.

*** Table

Arguments: (Name or Query $table,  Name $alias = null)

Table is used to specify source of data. It is used in join

#+name: Table example
  $q->join(new Table(Query::select()->from('tbl'), 'alias'));
  $q->join(new Table('table', 'alias'));
  $q->join(new Table('tbl', 'alias'));
  $q->join(new Table('tbl'));

  // Becouse join already make Table part, we can skip new Table:
  $q->join([Query::select()->from('tbl'), 'alias']);
  $q->join(['table', 'alias']);
  $q->join(['tbl', 'alias']);
  $q->join(['tbl']); /* same as */ $q->join('tbl');


** Inserting data

  1. We can insert full row: $data1 = [1, 2, 'value'];
  2. We can insert key=>value row with default data: $data2 = ['text' => 'value'];

    +name: Inserting

    +BEGIN_SRC php

    Query::insert('table', $data1); Query::insert('table', $data2); // Dont forget to execute query...

    // We can insert even more data at once Query::insert('table', [$data1, $data1, $data1]); // id conflict with maybe Query::insert('table', [$data2, $data2, $data]);

    // But all data in query must have same format (full-row or key-value)


** Updating data

+name: Updating data


 $q = Query::update('table', [
     'col' => 'new value',
     'col2' => 'new value',
     'col3' => Fn::CONCAT('col4', 'col5')

 // if we forget something
 $q->set('ups', null);

 // Add filter


For filters documentation check [[Where and Having]] chapter.

** Droping table

+name: Drop example




** Creating table

+name: Create new table


 $q = Query::create('table_name', function($q) {
     // ... other column definitions

 // other table properties


*** Column types

Query support next column types:
#+name: Column definitions
  $q->enum('sex', 'male', 'female', 'alien');
  $q->set('digits', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
  $q->decimal('decimal', $precision = 10, $scale = 5);
  $q->vachar('varchar', 255);

Some of them are not supported on all databases. For enum and set
are used varchar on sqlite database. (Check
[[Database/Parts/Sqlite/ColumnDef.php]] implementation.)

*** Column modifiers

Columns can have next modifiers:

#+name: Column modifiers
  $col = $q->integer('int_col');
  $col->unsigned(); // unsigned value
  $col->nullable(); // default is not null
  $col->default(24); // default is null
  $col->primary(); // primary key
  $col->unique(); // unique index

*** Column references

We can make reference to other column:

#+name: References
  Query::create('table', function($q) {

  Query::create('table2', function($q) {

*** Table modifiers

Table can have modifiers too:

#+name: Table modifiers
  $table = Query::create('table', function($q) { /* ... */ });
  $table->temporary(); // create table in memory
  $table->ifNotExists(); // skip if already exists

  $table->option('key', 'value'); // custom option KEY VALUE

  // Some of options are predefined
  $table->engine('MyIsam'); // ENGINE=MyIsam
  $table->charset('utf-8'); // CHARSET SET 'utf-8'
  $table->defaultCharset('utf-8'); // DEFAULT CHARSET SET 'utf-8'

** Alter table

Alter is buggy and untested, please report bugs.

+name: Add new column


 Query::alter('table')->addColumn('new_column', 'varchar', 255);
 Query::alter('table')->addColumn('new_int_col', 'integer')->nullable();


+name: Modify column


 Query::alter('table')->modifyColumn('existing_column', 'text')->nullable(false);
 Query::alter('table')->modifyColumn('existing_int_column', 'bigInt')->default(123);


+name: Change column


 Query::changeColumn('existing_column', 'new_name', 'varchar', 255)->nullable();


** Using objects

Table name is class name in snake_case and primary key is 'id'. We can change that with implement methods which returns table name and primary key.

+name: Custom table name and primary key


class MyTable {
    public static function tableName() {
        return 'my_table_v2';

    public static function primaryKey() {
        return 'id_my_table';


Even if class doesn't have these two methods, we can accessing to its table name and primary. But it must extends from QueryObject class.

+name: QueryObject


class QueryObject {
    public static function primaryKey() {
        return 'id';

    public static function tableName() {
        return snake_case(static::class);


When we done this, we doesn't need to remember table names any more:

+name: Fetching objects




NOTE: id is still column id. If we want find user by primary key, we should write: ->where(user::primaryKey(), 3)

In background Name and Column part check if table is a class and replace it with Class::tableName().

+name: Accessing columns


$q = Query::select(' objid', 'name')
   ->join(Obj2::class, ['Obj2.id_obj', '']) // id is not necessary primary
   ->where('Obj2.something', true)
   ->fetch(['objid', 'name']);


There is only one problem. Obj::class could have namespaces A\B\Obj. In this case, Query will not found Obj class, because it doesn't exists in Query package. So, when new object is declared (in from or join method), Query will create alias in one of his sub namespaces. When column is referencing a class, Query will look in this namespace if it exists.

** Name conflicts :CHECK: Maybe you think, what if I use two classes with same name in different namespaces?

+name: Conflict example


namespace General {
    class User { } // tablename = users

namespace Deleted {
    class User { } // tablename = deleted_users

    ->where('', 3); // which one?


If you really want to have same object names, you can create class_alias(Existing::class, 'NewName') and use alias.

There is no problem using objects with same names on different databases. Query handle that properly.

+name: Same named objects


$q1 = Query::select()
    ->where('', 1); // referencing Query\Aliases\Mysql\User -> mysql\User

$q2 = Query::select()
    ->where('', 1); // referencing Query\Aliases\Sqlite\User -> sqlite\User

Query::withConnection('mysql', function() {

Query::withConnection('sqlite', function() {


Different connections will have different namespaces (eg: Query\Aliases\\) for used object aliases. But one connection must have unique names for objects.

This was a long chapter.

** TODO Joining with objects

Joins from previous chapter works, but they are not good. We still wneed to know relation between objects, their table names and their id columns.

+name: Join

+BEGIN_SRC php :exports code

     ->join(Group::class, ['', 'user.group_id']);


If we want write this right, we should do it in that way:

+name: Join 2

+BEGIN_SRC php :exports code

     ->join(Group::class, [Group::class . '.' . Group::primaryKey(),
                           User::class . '.group_id']);


Uff... and we still need to know `group_id' column everywhere in code.

*** TODO Relation definitions

Basic idea is to write join definition into model and then use it
all over the code.

#+name: Reference example
#+BEGIN_SRC php :exports code
  class User extends QueryObject {
      protected class refGroup() {
          return Reference::toOne(Group::class, 'id_group');

  class Group extends QueryObject {
      protected class refUsers() {
          return Reference::toMany(User::class, 'id_group');

Now we can start joining:

#+name: Joins
#+BEGIN_SRC php :exports code
      ->join(' g');
  // and
      ->from(Group::class, 'g')
      ->where('', 'Guest')

- [ ] Table can be aliased
- [ ] ...

**** Devel

 #+name: Model example
 #+BEGIN_SRC php
   class Model {
       public function tableName() {
           return 'ime_tabele';
       public function primary() {
           return 'ID_ime_tabele';

 #+RESULTS: Model
 : // NULL

 #+name: Query with sources
 #+BEGIN_SRC php 
   class Query {
       private $components = [];   // Unused...
       private $bindings = [];
       private $sources = [
           'table or alias' => 'source info',
           'alias' => 'table_name',
           'table_name2' => 'table_name2',
           // 'g' => new Source('groups', 'g')
       private $select = [
           'name' => 'whatever(*)',
           'count' => new Column(),
           'xxx' => new Raw()

 #+RESULTS: Query
 : [8]     *> [8]     *> [8]     *> [8]     *>

 #+name: Source
 #+BEGIN_SRC php :exports code
          abstract class Source {
              private $name;

              public function __construct($name) {
                  $this->name = $name;

              public function name() {
                  return $this->name;

              abstract public function primary();
              abstract public function table();

              public function debug() {
                  echo "Table: `" . $this->name() . "` primary: `" . $this->primary() . "`\n";

 #+RESULTS: Source
 : PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class Source in /home/matija/Documents/code/php/boris/lib/Boris/EvalWorker.php(152) : eval()'d code on line 1

 #+name: TableSource
 #+BEGIN_SRC php 
   class TableSource extends Source {
       private $table;

       public function __construct($table, $name = null) {
           parent::__construct($name ?: $table);
           $this->table = $table;

       public function primary() {
           return 'id';

       public function table() {
           return $table;

 #+RESULTS: TableSource
 : // NULL

 #+name: ModelSource
 #+BEGIN_SRC php 
   class ModelSource extends TableSource {
       private $model;

       public function __construct($model, $name = null) {
           parent::__construct($model::tableName(), $name);

       private function setModel($model) {
           // if (class_exists($model) and is_subclass_of($model, QueryObject::class)) {
           if (class_exists($model)) {
               $this->model = $model;
           } else {
               throw new Exception("Wrong class name '$model'"); // Should be QueryException

       public function primary() {
           $m =  $this->model;
           return $m::primary();

       public function table() {
           $m = $this->model;
           return $m::tableName();

 #+RESULTS: ModelSource
 : PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class ModelSource in /home/matija/Documents/code/php/boris/lib/Boris/EvalWorker.php(152) : eval()'d code on line 27

 #+name: Usage
 #+BEGIN_SRC php :exports both
   $s1 = new ModelSource(Model::class);
   $s2 = new ModelSource(Model::class, 'alias');
   $s3 = new TableSource('tabela', 'alias');
   echo "\n";

 #+RESULTS: Usage
 : Table: `ime_tabele` primary: `ID_ime_tabele`
 : Table: `alias` primary: `ID_ime_tabele`
 : Table: `alias` primary: `id`

***** Query

  #+BEGIN_SRC php
    class Query {
        // private $components = [];   // Unused...
        private $bindings = [];
        private $sources = [
            'table or alias' => 'source info',
            'alias' => 'table_name',
            'table_name2' => 'table_name2',
            // 'g' => new Source('groups', 'g')

        // private $select = [
        //     'name' => 'whatever(*)',
        //     'count' => new Column(),
        //     'xxx' => new Raw()
        // ];

        public function from($source, $alias = null) {
            if (class_exists($source)) {
                // it is model
                $source = new ModelSource($source, $alias);
            } else {
                $source = new TableSource($source, $alias);

            $sources[$source->name()] = $source;


** TODO Relations

All versions of reflectorm with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package silverengine/reflectorm contains the following files

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