Download the PHP package shopgo/currency-import-services without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package shopgo/currency-import-services. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about shopgo/currency-import-services
Files in shopgo/currency-import-services
Package currency-import-services
Short Description A module that adds Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance currency rate import services to Magento 2.0.
License OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
Informations about the package currency-import-services
Currency Import Services
- Synopsis
- Overview
- Installation
- Tests
- Contributors
- License
This module adds additional currency rate import services to Magento 2.
With currency import services module, you can import currencies rates with different services such as Yahoo Finance and Google Finance. This is very important, because Magento 2.0's default and only currency import service WebserviceX tends to go down from time to time. And sometimes, it returns empty results for some currencies.
Below, you can find two ways to install the currency import services module. With the release of Magento 2.0, you'll also be able to install modules using the Magento Marketplaces.
1. Install via Composer
First, make sure that Composer is installed:
Add the currency import services module repository's URL:
php <your Composer install dir>/composer.phar config repositories.shopgo-cis vcs
Run Composer require to install it:
php <your Composer install dir>/composer.phar require shopgo/currency-import-services:~1.0
2. Clone the currency-import-services repository
Clone the currency-import-services repository using either the HTTPS or SSH protocols.
2.1. Copy the code
Create a directory for the currency import services module and copy the cloned repository contents to it:
mkdir -p <your Magento install dir>/app/code/ShopGo/CurrencyImportServices
cp -R <currency-import-services clone dir>/* <your Magento install dir>/app/code/ShopGo/CurrencyImportServices
Update the Magento database and schema
If you added the module to an existing Magento installation, run the following command:
php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento setup:upgrade
Verify the module is installed and enabled
Enter the following command:
php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento module:status
The following confirms you installed the module correctly, and that it's enabled:
List of enabled modules:
Unit tests can be found in Magento 2 app/code/Magento/Directory/Test/Unit directory.
Ammar ([email protected])
Open Source License
All versions of currency-import-services with dependencies
magento/module-config Version 100.0.*
magento/module-store Version 100.0.*
magento/module-backend Version 100.0.*
magento/module-directory Version 100.0.*
magento/framework Version 100.0.*