Download the PHP package sergey-zatulivetrov/tinkoff-acquiring-client without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package sergey-zatulivetrov/tinkoff-acquiring-client. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
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Informations about the package tinkoff-acquiring-client

Tinkoff acquiring client

PHP client for Tinkoff REST API.

1 Requirements

2 Install

3 Client


Return Name Description
array init(Init $data) Creation of order
array finishAuthorize(FinishAuthorize $data) Confirms the payment of the transfer of details and write-off / blocking funds
array confirm(Confirm $data) Confirmation of payment
array cancel(Cancel $data) Cancellation
array getState(GetState $data) Get the status of payment
array resend(Resend $data) Sending lackless notifications
array submit3DSAuthorization(Submit3DSAuthorization $data) Carries out test results 3-D Secure
array sendClosingReceipt(SendClosingReceipt $data) Sends a closing check to the cashier
array charge(Charge $data) Performs auto plates
array addCustomer(AddCustomer $data) Registers the buyer and its data in the seller's system
array getCustomer(GetCustomer $data) Returns the buyer's data
array removeCustomer(RemoveCustomer $data) Removes the registered buyer data
array getCardList(GetCardList $data) Returns a list of saved registered buyer maps
array removeCard(RemoveCard $data) Removes a tied buyer card

4 Data



Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal identifier. Issued to the seller by the bank when opening the terminal
int $Amount The amount in kopecks
string $OrderId Order ID in the seller's system
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Description Description of the order
string $Language Payment form language
string $Recurrent Parent payment ID
string $CustomerKey Buyer's identifier in the seller's system. Passed along with the CardId parameter
string $RedirectDueDate Link lifetime (no more than 90 days)
string $NotificationURL Address for receiving http notifications
string $SuccessURL Success page
string $FailURL Error page
string $PayType Payment type
Receipt $Receipt Receipt data array
array $DATA Additional payment parameters in the "key" format: "value" (no more than 20 pairs)
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CardData Encrypted card data
string $EncryptedPaymentData Card data
int $Amount Amount in kopecks
array $DATA Advanced payment options in "Key" format: "Value" (no more than 20 pairs)
string $InfoEmail Email to send payment information
string $IP IP address client
int $PaymentId A unique transaction identifier in the bank system obtained in response to the initiating method
string $Phone Phone Client
bool $SendEmail True - Send the client information on payment of payment, false - Do not send
string $Route Method of payment
string $Source Source of payment
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation
void encodeCardData($publicKey, CardData $cardData) Encryption data cards


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
int $PaymentId Payment Identifier in the Bank System
int $Amount Return rate in kopecks
string $IP Buyer's IP address
Receipt $Receipt An array of check data
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
int $PaymentId Payment Identifier in the Bank System
int $Amount Amount in kopecks
string $IP Buyer's IP address
Receipt $Receipt An array of check data
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
int $PaymentId Payment Identifier in the Bank System
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $MD Unique transaction identifier in the bank system
string $PaRes Encrypted string containing results 3-D Secure authentication
int $PaymentId Unique transaction identifier in the bank system
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID, issued to the seller by the bank
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
int $PaymentId Payment Identifier in the Bank System
Receipt $Receipt An array of check data
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
int $PaymentId Payment Identifier in the Bank System
int $RebillId Identifier auto-payment
bool $SendEmail Obtaining a buyer of email notifications
string $InfoEmail Email buyer
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CustomerKey Buyer identifier in the seller
string $Email Email buyer
string $Phone Phone buyer in format +71234567890
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CustomerKey Buyer identifier in the seller
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CustomerKey Buyer identifier in the seller
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CustomerKey Buyer identifier in the seller
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation


Properties Type Name Description
string $TerminalKey Terminal ID. It is issued to the Seller by the Bank at the Terminal Institution
string $CustomerKey Buyer identifier in the seller
string $CardId Card ID in the Bank System
string $IP Buyer's IP address
string $Token Token


Return Name Description
void generateToken(string $password) Token generation



Type Name Description
string $Email Buyer email
string $Phone Buyer's phone number
string $EmailCompany Seller Email
string $Taxation Tax system
Item[] $Items Array of check items with information about goods
Payments $Payments Object with information about the types of payment amount


Return Name Description
void initItems(int $count) Generation of an empty array of check positions
Item getItem() Conclusion of check position



Type Name Description
string $Name Name of product
float $Quantity Number or weight of the goods
int $Amount Cost of goods in kopecks
int $Price Price per unit of goods in kopecks
string $PaymentMethod Sign of payment method
string $PaymentObject Sign of the subject of the calculation
string $Tax VAT rate
string $Ean13 Barcode in the required format
AgentData $AgentData Agent data
SupplierInfo $SupplierInfo Payment Agent Supplier Data



Type Name Description
string $AgentSign Sign of agent
string $OperationName The name of the operation
string[] $Phones Phones of the payment agent
string[] $ReceiverPhones Phone operator for receiving payments
string[] $TransferPhones Phones Translation Operator
string $OperatorName Name of transformation operator
string $OperatorAddress Alternator address translation
string $OperatorInn Inn Translation Operator



Type Name Description
string[] $Phones Phone supplier
string $Name Supplier name
string $Inn TIN supplier



Type Name Description
int $Cash Payment type "Cash". Amount to be paid in kopecks, no more than 14 digits
int $Electronic Payment type "Non-cash"
int $AdvancePayment Payment type "Advance payment (Advance payment)"
int $Credit Payment type "Postpaid (Credit)"
int $Provision Payment type "Other form of payment"


Type Name Description
int $PAN Card number
string $ExpDate Month and year of the duration of the card. In MMYY format
string $CardHolder Name and surname card holder as on map
string $CVV Protection code
string $ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator. The indicator showing the degree of protection used in providing the buyer of its TSP data. Used and is required for Apple Pay or Google Pay
string $CAVV Cardholder Authentication Verification Value or Accountholder Authentication Value Used and is required for Apple Pay or Google Pay

5 Constants


Name Description
BANK_PAYING_AGENT Bank payment agent
BANK_PAYING_SUBAGENT Bank payment subagent
PAYING_AGENT Payment Agent
PAYING_SUBAGENT Payment Subagent
ANOTHER Another type of agent


Name Description
RU Russian
EN English


Name Description
FULL_PAYMENT Full calculation
PARTIAL_PAYMENT Partial calculation and credit
CREDIT Transfer to Credit
CREDIT_PAYMENT Payment of credit


Name Description
EXCISE Crossing commodity
JOB Work
GAMBLING_BET Betting a gambling
LOTTERY Lottery ticket
LOTTERY_PRIZE Winning lottery
INTELLECTUAL_ACTIVITY Providing Intellectual Activities
AGENT_COMMISSION Agent's commission
COMPOSITE Composite subject of calculation
ANOTHER Other subject of calculation


Name Description
O Singadail payment
T Double-step payment


Name Description


Name Description


Name Description
OSN General
USN_INCOME Simplified (income)
USN_INCOME_OUTCOME Simplified (income minus costs)
ENVD A single tax on imputed income
ESN Single agricultural tax


Name Description
VAT0 0%
VAT10 10%
VAT20 20%
VAT110 10/110
VAT120 20/120

6 Example

7 License

Copyright (c) Zatulivetrov Sergey. Distributed under the MIT.

All versions of tinkoff-acquiring-client with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.1
ext-json Version *
ext-openssl Version *
guzzlehttp/guzzle Version >=6.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package sergey-zatulivetrov/tinkoff-acquiring-client contains the following files

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