Download the PHP package seregazhuk/reactphp-fswatch without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package seregazhuk/reactphp-fswatch. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package reactphp-fswatch
Short Description Library for monitoring file changes with fswatch and ReactPHP
License MIT
Informations about the package reactphp-fswatch
Watch files for changes with fswatch and ReactPHP.
Table of contents
- Installation
- Usage
- Filesystem Changes
Library requires fswatch - a cross-platform file change monitor with multiple environments.
You can install this package like this:
First of all, you create a watcher object providing a loop and fswatch command that
you are going to run. For example if you want to listen to changes inside src
Once there are changes in the directory the watcher fires change
event that contains an
instance of Change
object. To detect change you can listen to this event and
handle the event object:
Also, you can use a helper method onChange
To stop listening for filesytem use method stop()
Filesystem Changes
On every change you receive Change
object that contains different details about
an event that happened in the filesystem. It has the following helper methods to examine the change:
- filename or a directory that has changed.isFile()
- whether a file was changed or not.isDir()
- whether a directory was changed or not.isSymbolicLink
- whether a symbolic link was changed or not.isLink()
- the object link count has changed.noOp()
- no changed were detected.attributeModified()
- the object’s attribute has changed.ownerModified()
- the object’s owner has changed.created()
- the object has been created.removed()
- the object has been removed.renamed()
- the object has been renamed.updated()
- the object has been updated.
All versions of reactphp-fswatch with dependencies
react/event-loop Version ^1.1
evenement/evenement Version ^3.0
react/child-process Version ^0.6.1