Download the PHP package seegno/bootstrap-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package seegno/bootstrap-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about seegno/bootstrap-bundle
Files in seegno/bootstrap-bundle
Package bootstrap-bundle
Short Description Bootstrap utilities for Symfony2
License MIT
Informations about the package bootstrap-bundle
Bootstrap utilities for Symfony3
1. Installation
1.1. Add the bundle to your composer.json
$ php composer.phar require seegno/bootstrap-bundle dev-master
1.2. Register the bundle on app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Seegno\BootstrapBundle\SeegnoBootstrapBundle()
1.3. (Optional) Symlink twbs/bootstrap
and twbs/bootstrap/fonts
. From your web
$ ln -s ../vendor/twbs/bootstrap bootstrap
$ ln -s ../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/fonts fonts
2. Usage
If you want to extend one of the SeegnoBootstrapBundle templates, you'll need to add the bundle to Assetic Configuration:
# app/config.yml
- SeegnoBootstrapBundle
To use the SeegnoBootstrapBundle form theme just import it in place:
{# some_view.html.twig #}
{% form_theme form 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Form:layout.html.twig' %}
Or, add it globally to Twig Configuration:
# app/config.yml
resources: ['SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Form:layout.html.twig']
There are two twig functions to help you handle the flash messages:
All at once
Render all the FlashBag
you can include the following twig function anywhere on your view:
{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alerts() }}
By default will render the keys "success", "info", "warning" and "danger" flashes. You can change this on the SeegnoBootstrap Configuration:
# app/config.yml
alerts: ["success", "info", "warning", "danger"]
Or, if you want to catch any flash, turn the strict option off:
{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alerts(false) }}
Just what you want
Render a flash individually (this will lookup for the given key on the FlashBag):
{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alert('success') }}
You can also use this twig function adding a message (without adding it to the FlashBag):
{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alert('success', 'Your message here') }}
Navigation takes advantage of KnpMenuBundle. Use the navigation layout included:
# app/config.yml
template: SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Nav:layout.html.twig
Or, use it on the twig function:
{{ knp_menu_render('main', { 'template': 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Nav:layout.html.twig' }) }}
Furthermore, to make the menus easier to define we've included a custom MenuProvider
to define the menus using yaml
. You can define a menu as showed bellow:
# app/config.yml
childrenAttributes: { class: 'nav nav-pills' }
homepage: { label: 'Pages', route: 'homepage' }
about: { label: 'About', route: 'about' }
blog: { label: 'Blog', route: 'blog', extras: { 'routes': [{ pattern: '/^blog/' }] } }
The MenuProvider
provides some menu item extras:
- submenu: The key of another menu to render it as menu item children.
- roles: An array of roles setted as an extra parameter that check if the users has access to certain menu item.
The twig template
included also have some extras:
- include: The template location setted as an extra parameter, i.e.,
- render: The controller setted as an extra parameter, i.e.,
Pagination takes advantage of KnpPaginatorBundle and we suggest you to use it in case you need to paginate something.
We've included two different views: a default pagination and a pager.
Added it to KnpPaginator Configuration:
# app/config.yml
pagination: SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Pagination:layout.html.twig
Or, just use it with the twig function:
{{ knp_pagination_render(pagination, 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Pagination:pager.html.twig') }}
Check the examples section for more.
3. Examples
The bundle includes some examples. Check the code on Controller/ExampleController.php
and relative views.
If you want to see them on your browser, add the following route to your routing file:
# app/routing_dev.yml
resource: "@SeegnoBootstrapBundle/Resources/config/routing/example.yml"
prefix: /seegno/bootstrap
And, the seegno_bootstrap
# app/config_dev.yml
childrenAttributes: { class: 'nav nav-pills nav-stacked'}
alerts: { label: 'Alerts', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_alerts' }
forms: { label: 'Forms', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_forms' }
navs: { label: 'Navs', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_navs' }
pagination: { label: 'Pagination', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_pagination' }
something: { extras: { include: 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Example:menuitem.html.twig' } }
4. Style Guide
It's always helfult to have a styleguide. In order to do it, add the following entry to your routing_dev.yml
# app/routing_dev.yml
resource: "@SeegnoBootstrapBundle/Resources/config/routing/styleguide.yml"
prefix: /seegno/bootstrap
Next, you'll need to override the Twig template so you can view the style guide with your stylesheets. Create the file app/Resources/SeegnoBootstrapBundle/views/StyleGuide/index.html.twig
with the following content:
{% extends 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:StyleGuide:base.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{% stylesheets filter="cssrewrite,?yui_css"
<link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endstylesheets %}
{% endblock stylesheets %}
And now, you can see how the Bootstrap components will look on your app by accessing /seegno/bootstrap/styleguide
in dev mode.
5. Advanced
To do.