Download the PHP package schnoog/boilerplate without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package schnoog/boilerplate. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download schnoog/boilerplate
More information about schnoog/boilerplate
Files in schnoog/boilerplate
Package boilerplate
Short Description A Webapp Boilerplate without the need to go OOP everywhere. Smarty, Bootstrap, OAuth, Usermanagement, Registration, OAuth, InputValidation, One-Click (and one name entry) page creation.
License MIT
Informations about the package boilerplate
What's that?
A boilerplate for php webapps, without the need to go object orientated for every single step.
It includes
- User registration
- User management
- OAuth implementation
- Cookie and Session Management
- Multilanguage support (i18n, gettext. Supplied languages: en_GB & de_DE)
- XSS and CSRF protection
- Easy routing
- Input validation in jQuery and php (with an interface function)
- Growing documentation (within base installation)
- Page generation (you decide if the new created page is automatically created with an ajax backend)
- ACL for pages and navigation tree entries
The following libraries and plugins are used:
- delight-im/PHP-Auth -- PHP-Auth ( |MIT License)
- phpmailer/phpmailer -- PHPMailer ( |GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1)
- sergeytsalkov/meekrodb/ -- MeekroDB ( |GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0)
- smarty/smarty -- Smarty Template Engine ( |GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 (or later))
- Bootstrap4 -- Bootstrap 4 ( |MIT license)
- bootstrap-4-multi-dropdown-navbar -- Bootstrap4 Multi Dropdown Navbar ( |GPL license)
- cookieconsent -- Cookie Consent ( |MIT License)
- nestable-fork -- Nestable ( |BSD & MIT license)
- datatables -- DataTables Table plug-in for jQuery ( |MIT license)
- summernote/summernote -- wysiwyg rich text editor for Bootstrap ( |MIT License)
- anti-xss -- anti-xss ( |MIT license)
- werx/validation -- werx/validation ( |MIT License)
- jQuery Form Validator -- ( |MIT License)
- Hybridauth -- Hybridauth 3.0 ( |MIT License)
- fontawesome -- Font Awesome ( |MIT License & SIL OFL 1.1)
- A webserver capable to run php (with intl extension, PHP 7.1+, PDO extension , OpenSSL extension)
- A MySQL database server (MySQL 5.5.3+ or MariaDB 5.5.23+)
- To use internationalisation, you may need to run locale-gen on your linux server
- composer
- You need the login data to an empty mysql database
- You need the login data to an email server
The installation directory should not be web accessible. Only the public folder needs to be web readable.
I suggest to install this boilerplate over composer. This will ensure random salts are defined for the hashing functions.
Install with composer
To install the boilerplate, run this within the target directory
or set a target directory
Installation with git or Download
- Open the console and change the directory to the target directory, where you want to create the checkout
Get the files
or download the package and unzip it
Create the configuration
This can be done by a little helper script
or by hand copy the distributed example
replace SECSALT1 and SECSALT2 with random strings by hand.
Please adjust the settings in
to match your needings.
Now you need to populate the database. This can be done by a little helper script
or by importing each NUMxxxx.sql file within app/SETUP/ (starting from 001....)
You should now be able to access the system. The administrator login is Username: [email protected] Password: 1234abcd
I suggest to use the "php ./appconsole db" to install and update the database. This will set a database version tag to be able to update the database without dataloss in later releases.
All versions of boilerplate with dependencies
sergeytsalkov/meekrodb Version ^2.4
delight-im/auth Version *
phpmailer/phpmailer Version *
voku/anti-xss Version ^4.1
werx/validation Version ^1.3
hybridauth/hybridauth Version v3.*