Download the PHP package scherersoftware/cake-monitor without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package scherersoftware/cake-monitor. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package cake-monitor
Short Description A simple config based monitoring plugin for CakePHP 4
License MIT
Informations about the package cake-monitor
CakePHP 3 cake-monitor
A simple config based monitoring plugin for CakePHP 3
1. require the plugin in your composer.json
"require": {
"scherersoftware/cake-monitor": "dev-master",
2. Include the plugin using composer
Open a terminal in your project-folder and run these commands:
$ composer update
$ composer install
3. Load the plugin in your config/bootstrap.php
Plugin::load('Monitor', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]);
4. Add configuration to your config/app.php
'CakeMonitor' => [
'accessToken' => 'Header token (CAKEMONITORTOKEN) used for authentication',
'projectName' => 'Name of the Cake Project',
'serverDescription' => 'Identifier of the server - use of env() is recommended',
'onSuccess' => function() {
// callback function in case every check was successful
die('Do things if everything is fine');
Note that the Header token (accessToken
) is needed to grant access to the monitoring URL. Treat this token confidentially if your checking functions reveal classified information about your project.
Use a suitable browser-plugin to modifiy your HTTP request header when you're calling the monitoring-URL.
By default this plugin triggers a status check on all MySQL tables of the project. This behavior can be overwritten in app.php.
Define custom check-functions
Define custom check functions in your app.php
. Checks can be defined as array fields with anonymous callback-functions here. The Array 'checks'
is merged with the one in vendor/scherersoftware/cake-monitor/config/monitor.default.php
which contains the default database checking function.
You can use that function as reference to implement any checking function you want.
'CakeMonitor' => [
'accessToken' => 'CAKEMONITORTOKEN',
'projectName' => 'Name of the Cake Project',
'serverDescription' => 'Identifier of the server - use of env() is recommended',
'onSuccess' => function() {
// callback function in case every check was successful
die('Do things if everything is fine');
'checks' => [
'callback' => function() {
// your check function
// see the default 'DATABASE' function for further information
return true;
If every checking function executes without any exceptions, the 'onSuccess'
callback function is called.
Run the current checks and see their output anytime by calling the following URL: http://YOUR_PROJECT_URL.tld/monitor
Sentry Error Reporting
The plugin contains functionality to hook into CakePHP's error reporting and send exceptions to the excellent error reporting service Sentry.
The CakeMonitor
configuration section in your app.php
must contain a Sentry
'Sentry' => [
'enabled' => !Configure::read('debug'), # Boolean value to enable sentry error reporting
'dsn' => '', # The DSN for the Sentry project. You find this on the Sentry Project Settings Page.
'sanitizeFields' => [ # An array of fields, whose values will be removed before sending
# data to sentry. Be sure to include fields like session cookie names,
# sensitive environment variables and other private configuration.
// Optional callback for special filtering
'sanitizeExtraCallback' => function (&$data) {
if (isset($data['user']['id'])) {
$data['user']['id'] = '*****';
'extraDataCallback' => function() { # Extra data to send with every Sentry call. Works with SentryHandler::captureMessage() only!
if (!empty($_SESSION['Test'])) {
return $_SESSION['Test'];
In your bootstrap.php
you have to tell CakePHP which ErrorHandler to use. Please find the following section:
* Register application error and exception handlers.
$isCli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
if ($isCli) {
(new ConsoleErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();
} else {
(new ErrorHandler(Configure::read('Error')))->register();
And modify it to look like this:
* Register application error and exception handlers.
Plugin::load('Monitor', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true]); # important for loading and merging the configuration
$isCli = php_sapi_name() === 'cli';
if ($isCli) {
(new \Monitor\Error\ConsoleErrorHandler(Configure::consume('Error')))->register();
} else {
(new \Monitor\Error\ErrorHandler(Configure::consume('Error')))->register();
From now on, given that the configuration value CakeMonitor.Sentry.enabled
is true, Errors and Exceptions are reported to Sentry without changing any of CakePHP's default ErrorHandler behavior.
If you're using cake 3.3 and above, you have to use the ErrorHandlerMiddleware provided by this plugin to enable Sentry error tracking.
In you Application.php
use the Monitor\Middleware\ErrorHandlerMiddleware
instead of the Cake\Error\Middleware\ErrorHandlerMiddleware
Loggin an exception into sentry:
$sentryHandler = new SentryHandler();
Logging a message into sentry:
$sentryHandler = new SentryHandler();
$sentryHandler->captureMessage('Error within request.', null, [
'extra' => [
'result' => $result,
'status' => $status