Download the PHP package samcday/phpstan-junit without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package samcday/phpstan-junit. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package phpstan-junit
PHPStan JUnit error reporter
The main scope for this project is to create error report in JUnit format that can be easly integrated in Jenkins or other tools that use this information.
How to use it
You need to include this library in your project as dev-dependency, it dependes on the version of phpstan you're using you should use a different version of mavimo/phpstan-junit
PHPStan 0.10
You need to require the version 0.1.0
of this package:
You should require this extension on phpstan.neon
file in the root of your project or the file you specify to phpstan using the --config
flag by referencing extension.neon
or declaring the service via:
PHPStan 0.11
The current version is not marked as stable (should be in some week), so you need to pull the version from master:
If you also install phpstan/extension-installer then you're all set; if you don't want to use phpstan/extension-installer
, you should require the extension.neon
file on your phpstan.neon.dist
file in the root of your project (or on the file you specify to phpstan using the --config
or declaring the service via:
Generate JUnit report
You should gnerate JUnit report with the flag --error-format=junit
, eg:
Contributions are welcome!
PR's will be merged only if:
- phpunit is :white_check_mark:, you can run it using
- phpstan is :white_check_mark:, you can run it using
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
- phpcs is :white_check_mark:, you can run it using
- code coverage will not decrease (or there are good reason to decrease it), you can check the current coverage using
phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
If you have any question feel free to open a issue or contact me!