Download the PHP package rockhopsoft/buckystats without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rockhopsoft/buckystats. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download rockhopsoft/buckystats
More information about rockhopsoft/buckystats
Files in rockhopsoft/buckystats
Package buckystats
Short Description Bucky Stats - Data Graphs for Co-Pilots of Spaceship Earth — Tracking some data points of a world whose organization is far too dominated by earlier grunches of giants. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller's ideas of immense data dashboards used to inform world leaders. If our governments are truly representative, then we all need powerful access to actionable data for evidence-based decisions.
License MIT
Informations about the package buckystats
This site is a completely free research tool used to collect and organize as much important documentation as possible, largely mainstream sources referenced by alternative media. The BuckyStats database has been rebuilt using Survloop, a Laravel-based engine for designing a database and creating a mobile-friendly user interface to fill it.
Table of Contents
- Stats People
- Requirements
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- Roadmap
- Change Logs
- Contribution Guidelines
Stats People
If your interest in the code base is to check the calculation algorithms, they can all be found in the /src/Controllers directory. Specifically, the php files which start with "DatasetsComiple" are where most of those calculation scripts currently live.
- php: >=7.4
- laravel/framework: 8.5.*
- rockhopsoft/survloop: 0.*
- rockhopsoft/buckystats-website: 0.*
Getting Started
Installing BuckyStats
Full install instructions also describe how to set up a development environment using VirutalBox, Vargrant, and Laravel's Homestead. For these instructions, the new project directory is 'mybuckystats'.
Install Laravel, Survloop, & BuckyStats on Homestead
Edit these lines of the environment file to connect the default MYSQL database:
Next, install Laravel's out-of-the-box user authentication tools, Survloop, and the software:
From your Laravel installation's root directory, update composer.json
to require and easily reference BuckyStats:
Hopefully, editing config/app.php
is no longer needed, but this can be tried if later steps break.
If installing on a server, you might also need to fix some permissions before the following steps...
Clear caches and publish the package migrations...
With certain databases (like some managed by DigitalOcean), you may need to tweak the Laravel migration:
Add this line before the "Schema::create" line in each file:
Then initialize the database:
Initialize BuckyStats Installation
Then browsing to the home page should prompt you to create the first admin user account:
If everything looks janky, then manually load the style sheets, etc:
After logging in as an admin, this link rebuilds many supporting files:
Once installed, documentation of this system's database design can be found at /dashboard/db/all . This system's user experience design for data entry can be found at /dashboard/tree/map?all=1&alt=1 or publicly visible links like those above.
The Survloop level is also starting here:
Here's the TODO list for the next release (1.0). It's my first time building on Laravel, or GitHub. So sorry.
- [ ] Add more data lines
Change Logs
Contribution Guidelines
Please help educate me on best practices for sharing code in this community. Please report any issue you find in the issues page.
Reporting a Security Vulnerability
We want to ensure that Survloop is a secure HTTP open data platform for everyone. If you've discovered a security vulnerability in, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner.
Publicly disclosing a vulnerability can put the entire community at risk. If you've discovered a security concern, please email us at rockhoppers at We'll work with you to make sure that we understand the scope of the issue, and that we fully address your concern. We consider correspondence sent to rockhoppers at our highest priority, and work to address any issues that arise as quickly as possible.
After a security vulnerability has been corrected, a release will be deployed as soon as possible.