Download the PHP package rnr1721/le7-framework without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rnr1721/le7-framework. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in rnr1721/le7-framework
Package le7-framework
Short Description le7 PHP MVC framework - project skeleton
License MIT
Informations about the package le7-framework
Le7 framework is minimalistic PHP MVC framework, written in PHP.
This is a skeleton (empty application for use with le7 framework)
What it can?
- Create Web, REST API or CLI applications
- Multilingual by default. Every page can be displayed on every language from config
- Use any template engine - Twig, Smarty or clean PHP if need
- Themes support for more extensible work with design
- Use controllers for different route groups in different namespaces
- Easy extending of framework functionality
- Easy etnity framework with data providers for validating arrays, forms etc...
- use PSR standards - cache, events, messages, middleware, request handler etc
- Easy to replace some functional as logger, cache, template engine and other
- Use any container, core use only get and has methods of ContainerInterface
- Use any cache - filesystem, memcached, null, etc... Can easy write own.
- Store flash messages in cookies and in session
- Able to write own session handler
- Very simple routing
- Internal validation class, but You can use any own
- CSRF protection for POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods.
- Easy inject dependencies in controller constructor and action methods
- Easy inject dependencies in middleware, events
- Easy-understanded container configuration
- Use minimal set of dependencies, light-weight
- Easy configure CSP and other security headers
In plans
- Tests
- Core documentation
- Database management package
- User management package
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Apache or Nginx web servers
- Working on Workerman, but I dont know how serve static content (js, img, css)
If you're a developer looking to contribute to an open source project, we invite you to check out our project and consider joining our community of contributors. You are welcome!
This skeleton use PHP-DI as dependency injection container, but you can use any DI container with autowiring. Framework core uses only get and set methods of ContainerInterface. But, in this case you need to edit this skeleton. Also, this skeleton use Nyholm PSR http-message reslisation but you can use any.
You can install le7 framework with composer In current directory:
In some directory:
In any folder present file, where you can find information about engine functional.
Web server configuration
This is standard configuration of Apache web server This file (.htaccess) already in public folder
Le7 engine may work on nginx fine, but I not testing it at this moment. In the future, I will install this server and provide the configuration for nginx.
Built-in PHP server for testing:
I checked in workerman and it worked. But the problem is that I don't know how to serve static files using workerman. But right now, as an API engine, it’s quite useable in Workerman
Running in workerman:
Folders topology
All versions of le7-framework with dependencies
ext-gettext Version *
rnr1721/le7-container-php-di Version *
rnr1721/le7-cache Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-logger Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-jsenv Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-static-snippets Version ^1.0
rnr1721/psr7-server Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-entify Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-menu-builder Version ^1.0
rnr1721/le7-view-twig Version ^1.1
nyholm/psr7 Version ^1.5
rnr1721/le7-db-redbean Version ^1.0