Download the PHP package rikudou/cron-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rikudou/cron-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about rikudou/cron-bundle
Files in rikudou/cron-bundle
Package cron-bundle
Short Description Simple and effective cron implementation for Symfony 4+
License MIT
Informations about the package cron-bundle
How to install
Via composer: composer require rikudou/cron-bundle
The bundle should be enabled automatically if you use the Symfony Flex.
How to use
Every cron job must implement the Rikudou\CronBundle\Cron\CronJobInterface
(every class that implements the interface is automatically registered as cron job),
which defines two methods:
string getCronExpression()
- the cron expressionexecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, LoggerInterface $logger)
- the method that will be executed, you can write to console output, use console input and use logger
The cron jobs are executed using the console command cron:run
, this command
should be executed every minute.
Example for crontab:
* * * * * php /path/to/project/bin/console cron:run
Listing cron jobs
If you want to see list of all jobs, run cron:list
command from Symfony console.
Example: php bin/console cron:list
Example output:
The listing will also let you know if the cron expression is invalid:
Disabling a cron job
If you have a cron job that you don't want to delete but at the same time you don't
want to trigger it, you can define method isEnabled()
and let it return false.
You can also use the packaged helper trait Rikudou\CronBundle\Helper\DisabledCronJob
Example 1 (wihout trait):
Example 2 (using trait):
In both cases the output will be similar to:
Running commands as cron jobs
If you want to run commands as cron jobs, you must configure them in yaml file.
This setting will run cache:clear every two minutes.
The config file will be created (if it doesn't already exist) when you first
run any cron command (cron:list
, cron:run
) at
IF you need to pass arguments or options to the command, you can do so:
Note that the option and argument names need to match their names as defined in the target command.
Example output from cron:list
All versions of cron-bundle with dependencies
symfony/framework-bundle Version >=4.4
dragonmantank/cron-expression Version ^2.2
symfony/console Version >=4.4
symfony/yaml Version >=4.4
symfony/clock Version >=4.4