Download the PHP package rgab1508/cryptocrit without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rgab1508/cryptocrit. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about rgab1508/cryptocrit
Files in rgab1508/cryptocrit
Package cryptocrit
Short Description CryptoCRIT is an open-source Cryptocurrency project for making automated payments, The associated Cryptocurrency is called CritCoin
License MIT
Informations about the package cryptocrit
CryptoCRIT - Let's take CritCoin to the moon!!!
CryptoCRIT is an open-source Cryptocurrency project which facilitates a Cryptocurrency wallet for making payments. The associated Cryptocurrency is called CritCoin.
This system will be used in Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology
Quick Info | |
Name | CryptoCRIT |
Technologies Used |
Stack |
College | Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology |
Currently this application is availabe only for Android users ( iOS is too expensive!!). APK file is available Releases section of this page. iOS version is not available, but we plan on releasing it later.
Wallet setup procedure
- Once you have installed the application, open the app and you will be prompted to enter your roll no. 
- If you have registered for CryptoCrit using the link below, you must receive an OTP in your registered mail ID ( One entered in the form). Check on spam folder, most likely you will find the OTP mail there. 
- If you are a new user, you will be given a pass phrase. Save it in your clipboard or write it down. Once this passphrase is lost your wallet is gone forever!!
- If you are an existing user, you will be requested to enter your given passphrase 
- You will be allowed to choose an avatar once your account is created. Once selected, a new avatar will not be given unless logged out. 
- Your account balance will be 0 initially, you will have to request the admin to transfer the necessary amount.
- This will be your homepage. You can send coins by clicking on send coins button or receive coins using QR code facility by clicking receive coins. 
- Transactions can be done as per normal. All you need to know is the sender's roll no and you are good to go. Just make sure receiver is also registered.
- Some other utilities   
If you are from our college and want to use this app, kindly register in the link below. Registering will allow us to setup your wallet by adding your email ID and your roll no to the user database.
Register for CryptoCRIT
Credits and contact
You can contact us on social media, Our preferred mediums are as mentioned below
Contact us on Gitter
This project is licensed under MIT License, See LICENSE for more information