Download the PHP package rector/rector-nette-to-symfony without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rector/rector-nette-to-symfony. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download rector/rector-nette-to-symfony
More information about rector/rector-nette-to-symfony
Files in rector/rector-nette-to-symfony
Package rector-nette-to-symfony
Short Description Generate Rector rules from command line
License MIT
Informations about the package rector-nette-to-symfony
Rector Nette to Symfony
See for deprecation
Do you need to migrate from Nette to Symfony? You can ↓
3 part series in more depth:
- How we Migrated from Nette to Symfony in 3 Weeks - Part 1
- Why we Migrated from Nette to Symfony in 3 Weeks - Part 2 - Escaping Semantic Hell
- Why we Migrated from Nette to Symfony in 3 Weeks - Part 3 - Brain Drain Dead Packages-Lock
See available rules
This package is already part of rector/rector package, so it works out of the box.
All you need to do is install the main package, and you're good to go:
Use Sets
To add a set to your config, use Rector\Symfony\Set\SymfonySetList
class and pick one of constants:
Read a First Book About Rector
Are you curious, how Rector works internally, how to create your own rules and test them and why Rector was born? In May 2021 we've released the very first book: Rector - The Power of Automated Refactoring.

By buying a book you directly support maintainers who are working on Rector.
Rector is a tool that we develop and share for free, so anyone can automate their refactoring. But not everyone has dozens of hours to understand complexity of abstract-syntax-tree in their own time. That's why we provide commercial support - to save your time.
Would you like to apply Rector on your code base but don't have time for the struggle with your project? Hire us to get there faster.