Download the PHP package rancoud/session without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rancoud/session. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package session
Session Package
By default session is in read only (option read_and_close = 1).
You can specify it using Session::setReadWrite()
or Session::setReadOnly()
Session::start() is not needed, but:
- Session will automatically start in read only when using
get, has, hasKeyAndValue, getAll
- Session will automatically start in write mode when using
set, remove, getAndRemove, keepFlash, gc, regenerate
How to use it?
Set and get value from $_SESSION
Use custom options
With encryption on default php session
With File driver
With Database driver (you have to install rancoud/database)
With Redis driver (you have to install predis/predis)
With your own driver implementing SessionHandlerInterface
and/or SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface
Static General Commands
- start([options: array = []]): void
- regenerate(): bool
- destroy(): bool
- commit(): void
- rollback(): bool
- unsaved(): bool
- hasStarted(): bool
- getId(): string
- setId(id: string): string
- gc(): void
- setReadOnly(): void
- setReadWrite(): void
- isReadOnly(): bool
Static Variables $_SESSION access
- set(key: string, value: mixed): void
- get(key: string): mixed
- getAll(): array
- getAndRemove(key: string): mixed
- has(key: string): bool
- hasKeyAndValue(key: string, value: mixed): bool
- remove(key: string): void
Static Variables flash access
Flash data are store in a separate variable.
They will dissapear at the end of the script execution or after commit()
You can use keepFlash for saving it in $_SESSION.
When flash data is restore, it will be delete in $_SESSION.
- setFlash(key: string, value: mixed): void
- getFlash(key: string): mixed
- getAllFlash(): array
- hasFlash(key: string): bool
- hasFlashKeyAndValue(key: string, value: mixed): bool
- keepFlash([keys: array = []]): void
Static Options
- setOption(key: string, value): void
- setOptions(options: array): void
- getOption(key: string): mixed
Static Driver
- getDriver(): \SessionHandlerInterface
Static PHP Session Default Driver
- useDefaultDriver(): void
- useDefaultEncryptionDriver(key: string, [method: string|null = null]): void
- setLengthSessionID(length: int): void
- getLengthSessionID(): int
Static File Driver
- useFileDriver(): void
- useFileEncryptionDriver(key: string, [method: string|null = null]): void
- setPrefixForFile(prefix: string): void
- setLengthSessionID(length: int): void
- getLengthSessionID(): int
Static Database Driver
- useNewDatabaseDriver(configuration: \Rancoud\Database\Configurator|array): void
- useCurrentDatabaseDriver(databaseInstance: \Rancoud\Database\Database): void
- useNewDatabaseEncryptionDriver(configuration: \Rancoud\Database\Configurator|array, key: string, [method: string = null]): void
- useCurrentDatabaseEncryptionDriver(databaseInstance: \Rancoud\Database\Database, key: string, [method: string = null]): void
- setUserIdForDatabase(userId: int): void
- setLengthSessionID(length: int): void
- getLengthSessionID(): int
Static Redis Driver
- useNewRedisDriver(configuration: array|string): void
- useCurrentRedisDriver(redisInstance: \Predis\Client): void
- useNewRedisEncryptionDriver(configuration: array|string, key: string, [method: string = null]): void
- useCurrentRedisEncryptionDriver(redisInstance: \Predis\Client, key: string, [method: string = null]): void
- setLengthSessionID(length: int): void
- getLengthSessionID(): int
Static Custom Driver
- useCustomDriver(customDriver: \SessionHandlerInterface): void
Session options
List of session options you can change:
- save_path
- name
- save_handler
- auto_start
- gc_probability
- gc_divisor
- gc_maxlifetime
- serialize_handler
- cookie_lifetime
- cookie_path
- cookie_domain
- cookie_secure
- cookie_httponly
- cookie_samesite
- use_strict_mode
- use_cookies
- use_only_cookies
- referer_check
- cache_limiter
- cache_expire
- use_trans_sid
- trans_sid_tags
- trans_sid_hosts
- sid_length
- sid_bits_per_character
- upload_progress.enabled
- upload_progress.cleanup
- upload_progress.prefix
- upload_progress.freq
- upload_progress.min_freq
- lazy_write
- read_and_close
Driver Informations
Use SessionHandler
Extends SessionHandler
You need to install
You need to install
How to Dev
docker compose build && docker compose run lib composer ci
for launching tests
All versions of session with dependencies
ext-openssl Version *
ext-session Version *
ext-mbstring Version *