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On this page you can find all versions of the php package rah/rah_unlog_me. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package rah_unlog_me
Short Description Excludes site admins from Textpattern CMS visitor logs
License GPL-2.0
Informations about the package rah_unlog_me
h1. rah_unlog_me
"Download": | "Packagist": | "Issues":
Exclude set of IP addresses from "Textpattern CMS'": visitor logs. Can automatically filter out your own hits, site admins and hits made by bots. The plugin adds easy-to-use logging options to Textpattern's Preferences panel.
h2. Install
Using "Composer":
bc. $ composer require rah/rah_unlog_me
Or "download": an installer package.
h2. Preferences
After installation, you can find rah_unlog_me's settings from Textpattern's "Preferences panel":, under Visitor log exclusions section.
h3. Exclude site authors' IPs from the logs?
If set to Yes, site admin's visits are not logged while logged-in to the Textpattern admin.
h3. Additional IPs to exclude from the logs (comma-separated)
The second option of rah_unlog_me is a field where you can define a comma-separated (@,@) list of IPs which will be excluded from the logs.
This option supports wildcards. @%@ matches any number of characters, and @_@ matches exactly one character. With the wildcards it's easy to exclude whole address blocks. Following would exclude local devices from the visitor log:
bc. ::%, fc00::%, 10.%, 127.%, 172.16.%, 192.168.0.%
h2. Changelog
h3. Version 1.5.0 - 2022/05/13
- Now actively block hits instead of cleaning the database after. While giving performance benefits, current versions of Texptattern do not save the IP addresses to logs, so cleaning wouldn't be possible either.
- Now requires Textpattern CMS >= 4.8.0.
h3. Version 1.4.1 - 2012/09/10
- Improved: Cleaned up the installer and the migration script.
h3. Version 1.4 - 2012/07/11
- Changed: Moved embedded language strings to Textpacks.
- Added: Finnish translation.
- Added: Excluded IP list supports wildcard. @%@ matches zero or more characters and @_@ exactly one character.
- Now requires PHP5 or newer.
h3. Version 1.3 - 2011/12/06
- Changed: Use the exact same method as Textpattern to check logged in user's IP. Just for consistency, doesn't really affect anything.
- Removed: JavaScript on Preferences panel. Causes more issues than adds. Not everyone wants everyone to navigate to the plugin's pane.
h3. Version 1.2 - 2011/06/03
- Imrpoved: Don't throw up JavaScript to top of Preferences pane when JavaScript is disabled.
- Improved: Sweep pre-defined list of IPs with a single query.
h3. Version 1.1 - 2011/03/14
- Fixed: Typo in the uninstaller. Called step from "delete" to "deleted".
- Added: Forgotten flags.
- Added: Missing privileges for the plugins pane's options link.
- Fixed: Typo in docs. Changed required TXP version from 4.0.7 to 4.2.0.
h3. Version 1.0 - 2011/03/13
- Integrated plugin's preferences to Textpattern's native preferences pane.
- Better excluding/removing script. No longer searches IPs from the logs if it doesn't need to; takes no action when logs are off, and removes the additional IPs from logs only when accessing the logs pane.
- Language string support.
- Now requires TXP 4.2.0 for full feature support.
h3. Version 0.1 - 2009/05/24
- First release