Download the PHP package rah/rah_replace without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package rah/rah_replace. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package rah_replace
Short Description Search and replace plugin for Textpattern CMS
License GPL-2.0
Informations about the package rah_replace
h1. rah_replace
"Download": | "Packagist": | "Issues":
"Textpattern CMS": template tag that returns contained content with all searched occurrences replaced with given replacements, in the same manner as PHP's "str_replace": function.
h2. Install
Using "Composer":
bc. $ composer require rah/rah_replace
Or "download": an installer package.
h2. Basics
The plugin, rah_replace, introduces a new container tag to Textpattern's arsenal. The tag returns wrapped content with all found occurrences replaced with given replacements. A tag supports multiple searched occurrences and replacements.
h2. Attributes
The tag is a container and attributes for it follow.
from Strings that will be searched and replaced with @to@ attribute's values. Separate multiple values with a comma (or @delimiter@ if changed). Default: @from=""@ Example: @"dog,cat,house"@
to Replacements that will be used to replace @from@ attribute's values. Comma (or @delimiter@) separated if multiple. Default: @to=""@ Example: @"ship,home,hat"@
delimiter Sets the delimiter used in @from@ and @to@ to separate multiple values. Default is a comma. Default: @delimiter=","@ Example: @"|"@
h2. Examples
h3. Replaces a dog with a cat
Returns: @My favorite animal is a cat.@
h3. Replace multiple needles with different replacements
Returns: @I live in a boat with my friend and wife.@
h3. Replace multiple needles with a one replacement
Returns: @I remember when I and I did go to fishing.@
h3. Using a different delimiter
p. By default any comma is treated as a delimiter and can not be used as actual value. To use a comma (@,@) as a needle or a replacement, you would have to change the delimiter to something else. Like for instance to a vertical bar:
Returns: @A! B! C!@
h2. Changelog
h3. Version 0.5.0 - 2019/04/06
- Register the tag for Textpattern >= 4.7.0 compatibility.
- Now requires Textpattern >= 4.7.0.
h3. Version 0.4.2 - 2013/05/07
- The Composer package uses "textpattern/installer": and "textpattern/lock":
h3. Version 0.4.1 - 2013/04/25
- Minor clean up.
- Released as a "Composer package":
h3. Version 0.4 - 2012/07/12
- Performance optimization.
h3. Version 0.3 - 2011/04/22
- Performance optimization.
h3. Version 0.2 - 2009/04/16
- Added a new attribute: @delimiter@.
h3. Version 0.1 - 2009/04/16
- Initial release.