Download the PHP package quidphp/core without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package quidphp/core. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Package core
Short Description PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications
License MIT
Informations about the package core
QuidPHP/Core is a PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications. It is part of the QuidPHP package.
QuidPHP/Core is available as an open-source software under the MIT license.
QuidPHP/Core documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.
QuidPHP/Core can be easily installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.
Once installed, the Quid\Core namespace will be available within your PHP application.
QuidPHP/Core requires the following:
- PHP 8.1
- Mysql (>= 8.0) or MariaDB (>= 10.4) database
- All requirements of quidphp/orm
- All requirements of quidphp/routing
QuidPHP/Core has the following dependencies:
- quidphp/orm - Quid\Orm - PHP library that provides database access and a comprehensive ORM
- quidphp/routing - Quid\Routing - PHP library that provides a route matching and triggering procedure
- phpmailer/phpmailer - PHPMailer\PHPMailer - The classic email sending library for PHP
- scssphp/scssphp - ScssPhp\ScssPhp - SCSS compiler written in PHP
- tedivm/jshrink - JShrink - Javascript Minifier written in PHP
- verot/class.upload.php - Verot\Upload - A popular PHP class used for resizing images
All dependencies will be resolved by using the Composer installation process.
QuidPHP/Core code is commented and all methods are explained (in French).
QuidPHP/Core is built on the following conventions:
- Auto-alias: All class names that finishes by Alias will resolve to the existing class if no alias exists. Exemple: MyRole extents RoleAlias -> will resolve to Role if no alias is found.
- Class overloading: It is possible to retrieve an overloaded class with the same name but higher in the namespace hierarchy. We do this by using the static method $class::getOverloadClass(). Exemple Quid\Orm\Col::getOverloadClass() will return Quid\Core\Col.
- Coding: No curly braces are used in a IF statement if the condition can be resolved in only one statement.
- Config: A special $config static property exists in all classes. This property gets recursively merged with the parents' property on initialization.
- Core overloading: Using auto-alias and class overloading, it is possible to effectively replace all classes within Quid\Core by classes within an application directory.
- Traits: Traits filenames start with an underscore (_).
- Type: Files, function arguments and return types are strict typed.
QuidPHP/Core contains 115 classes and traits. Here is an overview:
- Boot - Abstract class for boot which is the object that bootstraps the application
- Cell - Extended class to represent an existing cell within a row
- Date - Class to work with a cell containing a date value
- Enum - Class to manage a cell containing a single relation (enum)
- Files - Abstract class extended by the media and medias cells
- Integer - Class to manage a cell containing an integer value
- Media - Class to work with a cell containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to manage a cell containing a value which is a link to many files
- Num - Class to manage a cell containing a numeric value
- Primary - Class for dealing with a cell of a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Relation - Abstract class extended by the enum and set cells
- Set - Class to manage a cell containing many relations separated by comma (set)
- UserPasswordReset - Class to work with a password reset cell within a user table
- UserRole - Class to work with the user role cell within a user table
- Cells - Extended class for a collection of many cells within a same row
- Col - Extended class to represent an existing column within a table
- Active - Class for the active column - extends the Yes column class
- Boolean - Class for the boolean column - a simple yes/no enum relation
- Context - Class for the context column, updates itself automatically on commit
- ContextType - Class for the contextType column, a checkbox set relation with all boot types
- CountCommit - Class for the countCommit column, increments itself automatically on commit
- Date - Class for a date column, supports many date formats
- DateAdd - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the row is inserted
- DateLogin - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the user logs in
- DateModify - Class for a column which stores the current timestamp when the row is updated
- Email - Class for a column managing email
- Enum - Class for a column containing an enum relation (one)
- EnvType - Class for the envType column, updates itself automatically on commit
- Error - Class for a column that manages an error object
- Files - Abstract class extended by the media and medias cols
- Floating - Class for a column which deals with floating values
- Integer - Class for a column which deals with integer values
- Json - Class for a column which manages json values
- Media - Class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to a file
- Medias - Class to work with a column containing a value which is a link to many files
- Num - Class for a column which deals with numeric values (string, float or int)
- Pointer - Class for a column which the value is a pointer to another row in the database
- Primary - Class for dealing with a column which has an auto increment primary key
- Relation - Abstract class extended by the enum and set columns
- Request - Class for a column that manages a request object
- RequestIp - Class for a column which applies the current request ip as value on commit
- Serialize - Class for a column which should serialize its value
- Session - Class for a column which should store current session id
- Set - Class for a column containing a set relation (many)
- Timezone - Class for a column which is an enum relation to the PHP timezone list
- Uri - Class for a column managing an uri (relative or absolute)
- UriAbsolute - Class for a column managing an absolute uri
- UriRelative - Class for a column managing a relative uri
- UserActive - Class for the column which manages the active field for the user row
- UserAdd - Class for a column which stores the current user id on insert
- UserCommit - Class for a column which stores the current user id on commit
- UserModify - Class for a column which stores the current user id on update
- UserPassword - Class for the column which manages the password field for the user row
- UserPasswordReset - Class for the userPasswordReset column of a user row
- UserRole - Class for the column which manages the role field for the user row
- Username - Class for the username column of a user row
- Yes - Class for the yes column - a simple yes checkbox
- Cols - Extended class for a collection of many columns within a same table
- Com - Extended class that provides the logic to store communication messages
- Db - Extended class used to query the database
- Error - Extended class used as an error handler
- File
- Css - Class for a css or scss file
- ImageRaster - Class for a pixelated image file
- Js - Class for a js file
- Php - Class for a php file
- Flash - Extended class for a collection containing flash-like data (delete on read)
- Lang - Extended class for a collection object containing language texts and translations
- En - English language content used by this namespace
- Fr - French language content used by this namespace
- Request - Extended class with methods to manage an HTTP request
- Role - Extended abstract class that provides more advanced logic for a role
- Route - Extended abstract class for a route that acts as both a View and a Controller
- CliCompile - Class for a cli route to compile assets (js and css)
- CliPreload - Abstract class for a cli route to generate a preload version of the PHP application
- CliSessionGc - Abstract class for a cli route to remove expired sessions
- CliVersion - Abstract class for the version route, accessible via the cli
- Error - Abstract class for an error route
- Home - Abstract class for a home route
- Robots - Abstract class for a robots.txt route
- Sitemap - Abstract class for automated sitemap.xml route
- _cli - Trait that provides some initial configuration for a cli route
- _cliClear - Trait for a cli route to remove log files and truncate tables
- _cliLive - Trait that provides some methods for a cli script which loops
- _cliOpt - Trait that provides some methods to manage opt in a cli application
- Row - Extended class to represent an existing row within a table
- CacheRoute - Class to store rendered route caches
- Email - Class to deal with a row of the email table, contains the emailModels
- Lang - Class to work with a row of the lang table, contains the text and translations
- Log - Class to represent a row of the log table, stores user activities
- LogCron - Class to represent a row of the logCron table, stores cron jobs results
- LogEmail - Class to represent a row of the logEmail table, stores emails sent
- LogError - Class to represent a row of the logError table, stores error objects
- LogHttp - Class to represent a row of the logHttp table, stores bad HTTP requests
- LogSql - Class to represent a row of the logSql table, stores sql queries
- QueueEmail - Class to deal with a row of the queueEmail table, stores the email to send
- Redirection - Class to work with a row of the redirection table
- Session - Class to work with a row of the session table
- User - Class for a row of the user table
- _emailModel - Trait with methods relative to sending emails from models
- _log - Trait that adds log-related methods to a row
- _queue - Trait that adds queuing-related methods to a row
- Rows - Extended class for a collection of many rows within a same table
- Service
- ClassUpload - Class that provides methods to use verot/class.upload.php for resizing images
- Composer - Class that grants some methods related to the composer autoloader
- JShrink - Class that provides methods to use tedivm/jshrink for minifying JavaScript
- PhpMailer - Class that provides methods to use phpmailer/phpmailer in order to send emails
- PhpPreload - Class used for concatenating a bunch of php files within a single one, for use as preloading
- ScssPhp - Class that grants methods to use scssphp/scssphp for compiling scss files
- ServiceMailer - Extended abstract class with basic methods that needs to be extended by a mailing service
- Session - Extended class that adds session support for user
- Table - Extended class to represent an existing table within a database
- _access - Trait that provides methods to useful objects related to the Boot
- _bootAccess - Trait that provides methods to access the Boot object
- _dbAccess - Trait that provides a method to access the current database
- _fullAccess - Trait that provides all access methods related to the Boot
QuidPHP/Core contains 18 test classes:
- Boot - Class for testing Quid\Core\Boot
- Cell - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cell
- Cells - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cells
- Col - Class for testing Quid\Core\Col
- Cols - Class for testing Quid\Core\Cols
- Com - Class for testing Quid\Core\Com
- Db - Class for testing Quid\Core\Db
- Error - Class for testing Quid\Core\Error
- Lang - Class for testing Quid\Core\Lang
- Request - Class for testing Quid\Core\Request
- Role - Class for testing Quid\Core\Role
- Route - Class for testing Quid\Core\Route
- Row - Class for testing Quid\Core\Row
- Rows - Class for testing Quid\Core\Rows
- ServiceMailer - Class for testing Quid\Core\ServiceMailer
- Session - Class for testing Quid\Core\Session
- Suite
- BootCore - Class for booting the Quid\Core testsuite
- Table - Class for testing Quid\Core\Table
QuidPHP/Core testsuite can be run by creating a new QuidPHP/Assert project.
All versions of core with dependencies
quidphp/orm Version 5.31.*
quidphp/routing Version 5.31.*
phpmailer/phpmailer Version ^6.6
scssphp/scssphp Version ^1.10
tedivm/jshrink Version ^1.4
verot/class.upload.php Version ^2.0