PHP code example of pickles2 / px2-blog-kit
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pickles2/px2-blog-kit library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
pickles2 / px2-blog-kit example snippets
/* 中略 */
* funcs: Before content
$conf->funcs->before_content = array(
// BlogKit
\pickles2\px2BlogKit\register::blog( array(
"blogs" => array(
"articles" => array( // ブログID
"orderby" => "update_date", // 並べ替えに使用するカラム名
"scending" => "desc", // 並び順 (昇順 asc or 降順 desc)
"logical_path" => "/articles/{*}", // パンくず (サイトマップCSV上での記法と同じ)
) ),
/* 中略 */
* funcs: Before output
$conf->funcs->before_output = array(
// BlogKit: RSS出力
\pickles2\px2BlogKit\register::feeds( array(
"path_trigger" => "/",
"blog_id" => "articles",
"orderby" => "update_date",
"scending" => "desc",
'dpp' => 10,
'lang' => 'ja',
'scheme' => 'https',
'domain' => '',
'title' => 'test list 1',
'description' => 'TEST LIST',
'url_home' => '',
'url_index' => '',
'author' => 'Tomoya Koyanagi',
'dist' => array(
'atom-1.0' => '/rss/atom0100.xml',
'rss-1.0' => '/rss/rss0100.rdf',
'rss-2.0' => '/rss/rss0200.xml',
) ),
"* title","* path","* release_date","* update_date","* article_summary","* article_keywords"