Download the PHP package php-anonymizer/anonymizer without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package php-anonymizer/anonymizer. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package anonymizer

Toni's Data Anonymization Toolkit

00 Preliminary

Table of Contents


This library is a simple data anonymization toolkit that allows to define rules for anonymizing data in a structured way. By using this library it is possible to skip writing a lot of boilerplate code to navigate through your data structures again and again. The library is designed to be flexible and extensible, so that it can be used in a wide range of use cases. It also ships with support of fakerphp/faker as a provider for randomized fake data.

Getting started

01 Basic usage

Creating an Anonymizer instance

If you want to start with the most basic usage of modifying data in an array structure, all you have to do is to create an instance of the Anonymizer class, register a rule set by using registerRuleSet and call the run method with the data you want to modify.

Example Output

02 Writing definition rules

02.01 Basic rule syntax

The default syntax when navigating the data to be anonymized is using dot notation. Every word separated by a dot represents a level in the data structure. The following example shows how to write a rule for anonymizing the first_name and last_name fields in the order.person structure.

02.02 Array rule syntax

Additionally it is possible to make use of array notation to tell the anonymizer engine that there is a list of items at a certain level. This can be realized by putting [] in front of a keyword.

02.03 Property access syntax [complex rule parser only]

The previous examples all assumed that the data structure to be passed is an array. Apart from that this library also supports different ways of accessing object properties. This can be passed to any layer directly after the name of the property.

Note: The definition of the access method is optional. If omitted, the anonymizer will fall back to the configured default access method.

Example with direct property access on object. This methods requires the properties to be public and not readonly.

Example with property access via getter and setter method. This method requires the properties to have a matching getPropertyName and setPropertyName method.

The safest way to access properties on objects, is to use reflection.

Of course it is also possible to mix these access methods in one rule set and make the array property access more verbose.

In case there are any more specific requirements for accessing object properties, it is possible to implement a custom data accessor by implementing the PhpAnonymizer\Anonymizer\DataAccess\DataAccessorInterface.

Supported access methods as of now are:

Access Method Description
array Access array elements by key name
property Access object properties by name
reflection Access object properties via reflection classes
setter Access object properties by getter and setter methods

02.04 Fake data type annotation [complex rule parser only]

Until now all that we have achieved, is to replace the data with starred out place holders that have the same length as the original data. As sometimes it is more desirable to replace the data with more real world-like fake data, it is possible to tell the Anonymizer which kind of data we want to set as a field's replacement.

Note: to get this feature working, the fakerphp/faker library must be installed. See section 03 Using Faker as a data provider for more information.

To introduce the use of fake data, you can add a type annotation to the property field with a precending # symbol within the square brackets, e.g. order.person.firstName[#firstName].

Of course, also in this case it is possible to mix the fake data type annotations with the other access methods. In this case, the fake data type must be preceded by the access method, e.g. order.person.firstName[property#firstName].

03 Using Faker as a data provider

Before using Faker as a data provider, you need to install the fakerphp/faker library. This can be realized by issuing a simple composer command.

Afterwards, you need to register an instance of Faker to the Anonymizer instance. There are different ways of achieving this.

03.01 Use default Faker instance of builder

By default it is possible to use the generic Faker instance that is shipped with the AnonymizerBuilder. This instance is created with the default locale en_US and all default providers.

03.02 Use custom Faker instance

If you want to have more control over how the Faker instance is created, you can pass an instance of Faker\Generator directly to the AnonymizerBuilder.

03.03 Set seed for Faker instance

It is also possible to set a seed for the Faker instance. This can be useful if you want to have reproducible results. In our case we use a string as a keyword that will be hashed to an integer value (md5).

04 Data Encoding

The Analyzer main service class supports the use of a data encoding class. The sole purpose of this data encoding class is to make the input data accessible for transformation:

Encoder Description Input Encode Output Encode Input Decode Output Decode
NoOpEncoder does not change the input data mixed mixed mixed mixed
CloneEncoder clones objects on decode mixed mixed mixed mixed
JsonEncoder encodes data as JSON array string string array
YamlEncoder encodes data as YAML array string string array
SymfonyEncoder transforms objects to array object array array object
SymfonyToJsonEncoder transforms object to json object array array string
SymfonyToArrayEncoder transforms objects to array object array array array
ArrayToJsonEncoder transforms array to json array array array string

04.01 NoOpEncoder

The NoOpEncoder simply does nothing. It takes an argument and passes the same object back to the consumer on both methods (encodeand decode).

Notice: It will pass arguments by value, not by reference, so if you pass a non-object value, it will NOT update the input variable as long as you don't override it manually.

Example output for the noop encoder on an array.

Example output for the noop encoder on an object.

04.02 CloneEncoder

When calling the decode method of the CloneEncoder, this encoder creates a COPY of the input values.

By this mean, the Anonymizer will update the objects within the data to be anonymized on a new copy of the object, rather than manipulating the initial object.

As the clone keyword only creates a shallow copy of the top level object, we use the very popular library myclabs/deep-copy to achieve a recursive cloning of all nested objects.

Example output for the clone encoder after data has been changed.

In the next step, we change our rule set to not modify any data within the cloned object.

Example output for the clone encoder after data hasn't been changed.

04.03 JsonEncoder

The JsonEncoder is an encoder that can help you handle json data. With this encoder it is possible to modify sensitive data directly within the json document's string representation.

For the encoder to work, the json php extension is required (which is part of the php core since 8.0 anyway).

The decode method will transform a json string into an array, the encode method will transform an array back into json string notation (single line without PRETTY_PRINT).

04.04 YamlEncoder

The YamlEncoder is an encoder that can help you handle yaml data. With this encoder it is possible to modify sensitive data directly within the yaml document's string representation.

For the encoder to work, the yaml php extension is required. This can be installed via pecl, for instance. Some Linux distributions also offer pre-compiled packages as an alternative to manual building already.

The decode method will transform a yaml string into an array, the encode method will transform an array back into yaml string notation.

04.05 SymfonyEncoder

The last encoder is the SymfonyEncoder. This encoder is a bit more complex than the others, as it is able to transform objects into arrays and vice versa.

For this encoder to work, you will need to have the symfony/serializer package installed and have to setup a Normalizer and a Denormalizer that follow Symfony's NormalizerInterface and DenormalizerInterface (e.g. ObjectNormalizer).

To make the SymfonyEncoder work, it is essential that your object can be normalized and denormalized properly by using these Normalizer and Denormalizer objects.

You can install the symfony/serializer package via composer:

06 Extended Information

06.01 Manual setup of Anonymizer

06.01.01 RuleSet parser

06.01.02 DependencyChecker

06.01.03 DataAccessProvider

06.01.04 DataGenerationProvider

06.01.05 DataEncodingProvider

06.01.06 DataProcessor

06.01.07 Anonymizer

06.02 Builder setup of Anonymizer

All versions of anonymizer with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.2
myclabs/deep-copy Version ^1.12
thecodingmachine/safe Version ^2.5
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package php-anonymizer/anonymizer contains the following files

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