Download the PHP package phery/phery without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package phery/phery. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

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  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package phery

PHP + jQuery + AJAX + File upload

Enter phery.js, the swiss army knife of jQuery and PHP


Example code

Check the a lot of examples and code at


This library is PSR-4 Compatible

The main goal of this library is to make jQuery (and Javascript), be completely dynamic instead of static and unchangeable code, returning commands on-the-fly from the server and execute them in order on the client, while still manipulating the DOM and dealing with callbacks.

This library unleashes everything you expect from an AJAX library, with nested responses, merging and unmerging responses, direct access to the DOM element that is making the AJAX call. It's loosely based on jquery-ujs for Rails concept.

It's a straightforward and powerful AJAX library with direct integration and mapping of all jQuery functions in PHP, the mapping is extended to custom functions set by $.fn, can create elements just like $('<div/>') does, as phery.js creates a seamless integration with jQuery functions, through AJAX to PHP functions, as you can call a PHP function using AJAX

All jQuery functions listed in here are available to call directly from the PheryResponse class: including any new versions of jQuery that comes out, its compatible with jQuery forever, since there are no hardcoded jQuery functions in the PHP code. No need to update phery.js, as it will continue to work with future versions of jQuery automatically (unless jQuery change anything in core that breaks any existing function).

phery.js uses HTML5 data attributes to achieve this, and no additional libraries (besides jQuery, since it's a plugin) are needed, even for Internet Explorer. Links and forms will still be able to send GET/POST requests and function properly without when no javascript isn't enabled, because it doesn't use obtrusive techniques and relies on event delegation.

Strict standards for PHP 5.3+ and advised to use jQuery 1.8+. Being just one PHP file, and one javascript file, it's pretty easy to carry around or to implement in PHP auto-load scenarios, plus it's really FAST! Average processing time is around 2ms with vanilla PHP, according to Firebug and in the demo page

The magic_quotes_gpc directive is DEPRECATED in 5.3 and REMOVED in 5.4, since you are always 100% responsible for the security of your data, so escape your text accordingly to avoid SQL injection or XSS attacks.

All AJAX requests are sent as POST only, so it can still interact with GET query strings, like paginations and such (?p=1 / ?p=2 / ...).

The code is mostly commented using phpDoc and jsDoc, for a steep learning curve, using doc-enabled IDEs, like Netbeans, Aptana, Phpstorm and Eclipse based IDEs. Also, most of the important and most used functions in jQuery were added as phpDoc (from, as a magic method of the PheryResponse class .

What do I need?


Upgrading from < 2.4.0

Version 2.4.0 isn't a drop-in replacement because of some changes, so you might need to update your code

Full PHP API Documentation


Install Phery with Composer:


It's really simple as:

When clicking a link with data-phery-remote, it will automatically call the "function_name" callback, that will return a response and apply everything automagically

Complete class declarations and functions at

PHP server-side

There is an special global setting to make phery.js to not expose information about your server on exceptions, that is a static configuration Phery::$expose_paths, which is set to false by default. If you want to know exactly which file is generating the exception, use Phery::$expose_paths = true;

Phery - The main class, that should be reused everywhere (singleton style), but you can create many instances just fine

Phery::instance()->callback(array('before' => array(), 'after' => array()))

Add a callback that will execute in all functions that are registered using Phery::instance()->set(), and can be any number of callbacks, useful when you're going to execute the same task for all AJAX requests.


Add any additional data, that will be accessible to either process functions or callback

Phery::args(array $data, $encoding = 'UTF-8')

Encode arguments that phery can understand (json_encode'd) that goes inside . Doing it by hand can have some unwanted side effects, since the JSON must be perfectly made

Phery::is_ajax($is_phery = false)

Returns a boolean, checks if it's a AJAX request (checks for X-Requested-With header). Set $is_phery to true to check specifically for phery.js call

Phery::error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)

Public static function that throws a exception and return a PheryResponse with the exception. May be registered as a handler using set_error_handler('Phery::error_handler', E_ALL); for example


Public static function that should be used only with register_shutdown_function('Phery::shutdown_handler'); having no other useful meaning

Phery::respond($response, $echo = false)

Static function that makes it easy to return a PheryResponse anywhere.


Set up the rendering functions for phery.view() on Javascript side. Automates the rendering of partials, and you may apply transitions between pages. Ajaxifying your website reduces the round trip by 60% less total content size, even less with GZIP

Phery::instance()->process($last_call = true)

Takes just one parameter, $last_call, in case you want to call process() again later, with a different set. last_call won't allow the process to return until you call it again or exit the code inside a callback function.


Set configuration for the current instance of phery. Passed as an associative array, and can be passed when creating a new instance.

Phery::instance($config = null)

Singleton static method, ensures just one instance of phery.js, this is prefered over creating multiple instances

Phery::instance()->set(array $functions)

Register the functions that will be triggered by AJAX calls. The key is the function alias, the value is the function itself.

Callback/response function comprises of:


Unset any previously function set with Phery::instance()->set()

Phery::instance()->csrf($check = false)

Create a new token inside PHP session to prevent CSRF attacks, and return as a <meta> tag. Need to enable CSRF setting with config()

Phery::factory(array $config = null)

Creates a new instance of phery.js, that is chainable

Phery::link_to($title, $function, array $attributes = array(), Phery $phery = null, $no_close = false)

Helper static method to create any element with AJAX enabled. Check sources, phpDocs or an IDE code hinting for a better scoop and detailed info When creating this element, if you use data-phery-related, you can merge multiple forms in one AJAX call

You may create a non-clickable container that hold many elements that may serve as a template. Using link_to as the following:

Phery::form_for($action, $function, array $attributes = array(), Phery $phery = null)

Helper static method to open a form that will be able to execute AJAX submits. Check sources, phpDocs or an IDE code hinting for a better scoop and detailed info When creating this element, if you use data-phery-related, you can merge multiple forms in one AJAX call

Phery::select_for($function, $items, array $attributes = array(), Phery $phery = null)

Helper static method to display a select element that make AJAX calls on change. When creating this element, if you use data-phery-related, you can merge multiple forms in one AJAX call


Helper static method that returns the first non null/false/0 item (taken from MYSQL COALESCE). Notice that depending on error reporting, some notices will be THROWN, to make sure use @ in front of the variable

PheryResponse - Used as a return value to any function called using AJAX

Check the code completion using an IDE for a better view of the functions, read the source or check the examples Any jQuery function can be called through PheryResponse, even custom ones, defined through $.fn.extend or $.function Since version 2.0, you may nest PheryResponses, and the this property was added, to access the calling element (or form) directly from PHP

A few special attributes:

PheryFunction - On-the-fly function callbacks

This class allows you to pass a string that will be made into an anonymous function, useful for jQuery functions that needs a callback. You may bind parameters and variables that will be replaced inside the function, like:

Another example:

PheryException - Exceptions that are thrown by phery, when enabled to do so, with some descriptive errors

Check the code completion using an IDE for a better view of the functions, read the source or check the examples

Javascript client-side

Special selectors

There are three jQuery helper selectors: :phery-remote, that return elements if they have phery remote functions attached, :phery-confirm if the element got any confirmation before click/submit and :phery-view, to determine if the calling element belongs to the view You may check elements that have phery.js enabled using

or selecting all the elements for a class

Or combine them in the remotes function, to execute them in order


Generate an object serialized with unlimited depth from forms. Opts can be defined as:

This function can also be called directly on select, input (all types) and textarea DOM elements, and the transformations will happen automatically


An helper function that has been long missing from jQuery, to simply reset a form and remove all values from it. Can reset multiple forms at once


Returns functions associated with phery.js and the element, they extend the $.fn part of jQuery

$(el).phery('remote', [args])

Trigger the AJAX call, can pass an additional object. Executes the phery.js data associated with the element. Returns the jQuery AJAX object. The data that is passed to the function will overwrite the variables in the object if the have the same name.

An element created with

When calling e.g: $('a').phery('remote', {'append': false});, the append setting will be rewritten, so be careful when passing temporary arguments to the phery('remote') function. All arguments passed using this function are temporary, they don't get stored in the element, even if the value already exists in the element.

$(el).phery().data(key, value);
$(el).phery('data', key, value);

If this function is called without any arguments, will return all phery data associated with the current element.

$(el).phery().exception(msg, data);
$(el).phery('exception', msg, data);

Trigger the exception handler on the element. Returns the current jQuery elements.

$(el).phery('append_args', ...);

Append arguments to the current element. The initial value will decide how the parameters will behave in the future. These changes are not temporary, they last as long the DOM element is on the page This function return the phery() of the element, so you may chain remote()

$(el).phery('set_args', ...);

Set arguments to the current element. Overwrites any data previously set. It cannot use single values, any string, number, etc will become a [value] It's better to always pass preferably an object, or at least an array. These changes are not temporary, they last as long the DOM element is on the page This function return the phery() of the element, so you may chain remote()


Get data arguments of the current element.


Add phery.js to the selected element, set the AJAX function name and you may pass arguments. Returns the current jQuery elements.

It will make the a call test with arguments {loaded: true}


Clean up the element, and remove it from the DOM. It removes all data before so it won't memory leak on IE


Returns boolean if there's already an AJAX call going on. You may prevent double form submissions for example checking if element is in progress, returning false if there's already another in progress

You may disabled it automatically per element, when creating the element with Phery::link_to or Phery::form_for passing array(only => true) or you may set it programatically using el.phery('data', 'only', true); Notice that animations and asynchronous functions won't count as "in progress".

$(el).phery().subscribe({'name': function(){}), remove);
$(el).phery('subscribe', {'name': function(){}}, remove);

Subscribe to a topic and receive data from the server (or other part of the client code through publish) Internally, it uses jQuery.Callbacks, so they will fire in order they were added.

if you set the remove argument to true, the callback will be removed

$(el).phery().publish('name', args);
$(el).phery('publish', 'name', args);

Publish a message on the topic with arguments (that are optional). The args passed must be an array (think jQuery trigger)

$(el).phery('one', args);

Executes the phery.remote on only one element from the jQuery element stack and returns a promise (like phery.remote does)

$(el).phery().unmake(unbind = false);

Remove phery.js AJAX functions on the select elements. Setting the unbind parameter to true will also unbind the phery.js events that were previously set Returns the current jQuery elements.

phery.subscribe(name, args)

Create a subscription without attaching to any DOM elements. Takes almost the same parameters as phery.remote

phery.timer(element, miliseconds)

Make an ajax call automatically every miliseconds. It uses setTimeout instead of setInterval, returns two functions to start or stop the timer. You can't pass a phery.remote() call directly to this function, it need to be either a DOM element or in form of an array that you would pass in phery.remotes

phery.broadcast(name, args)

Broadcast a topic to all elements that has this topic subscribed. The args must be passed as an array.


Call a series of AJAX calls in order, waiting for the last call to finish. Returns a promise for all the queued calls, so you can watch it with progress, and use then (or a chain of then). Calls will be made in sequence regardless if they were successiful or not

An array of array of arguments, the same you'd call phery.remote with.

You may also pass a jQuery set of phery.js-ready elements

This isn't the same as doing $('.containers:not(.loaded)').phery('remote'), because in that case elements will be called at once, asynchronously, with no progress or any feedback. Also you may observe the progress of the functions using the progress as part of the promise:

phery.json(function_name, args, callback)

Calls an AJAX function, pass some args if needed (pass null for no arguments) and the callback, containing a function(data){} Usage:

It's a shorthand for the following code:

phery.element(function_name, attrs)

Shorthand for phery.remote('function', null, attrs, false) to create reusable AJAX elements with their own element that isn't bound to the DOM (but may eventually be appended to the DOM)

phery.remote(function_name, args, attr, direct_call)

Calls an AJAX function directly, without binding to any existing elements, the DOM element is created and removed on-the-fly If directCall is false, it will return a jQuery a element, if not, it will return an jqXHR object

When setting direct_call to false, the returned element can be reused many times, using phery('remote'), to explicitly remove it, you need to call phery('remove')

If you wish to remove it as soon as the call ends, pass in the attr parameter, the temp option:

If direct_call is undefined or true (the default) the element is removed and cleaned after each remote call.

Options and global and element events

Global events will always trigger, and they first come empty and do nothing. It's mainly useful to show/hide loading screens, update statuses, put an overlay over the page, or interact with other libraries. Not to confuse with the document event bubble of these events. Please notice that when setting views, phery remote elements inside a view that doesn't do navigate_to calls, will have side effects for events that propagated from the children elements, so when you set an event, like beforeSend on your view if you execute any other phery event that isn't the selector for your in-view link, the beforeSend of the child element will propagate to the view container, and will trigger it's event.

phery.on(event, cb)

These events are triggered globally, independently if called from an existing DOM element or through phery.remote() The points to the related DOM node (that was clicked, or the form that was submitted), if any. When calling phery.remote, the will be the detached DOM element that were created on-the-fly to make the AJAX call, and isn't appended to the page. You may check if the element is temporary using if (event.$target.phery('data', 'temp')){ /* is temp */ } Also, phery provides a shortcut to the event jQuery element through event.$target, that is the same as doing $(, but it's ready to use.

Remove a global event bound


Reset the configuration to the defaults, see phery.config()


Wrapper for the console.log(), but keeps a local history, if you enable it in phery.config()


Config the page to render AJAX partial views

Retrieve the data and functions associated with the container with:


and the PHP side:

phery.config(key, value)

The current configuration options that are available in phery. Reminding that additional configurations and modifications on the AJAX calls can be done using $.ajaxSetup() The options can be set using the key:value in the key parameter, or using a string and value. Each option can be accessed using dot notation inside the string


Locks the configuration, so that nobody can change the configuration again using phery.config() Works as an extra safety measure against people messing with your project settings

Misc options




If you specify a string, it will be appended phery.config('delegate.confirm', 'focusin') becomes ['click','focusin'], passing a array, it wil be rewritten phery.config('delegate.confirm', ['focusin']) becomes ['focusin']

Per element events

Per element events are the same from global events. Refer to phery.on above for description for each event. They can be disabled using phery.config('', false); since they are enabled by default These events will bubble to the document DOM, so you may catch them using, for example:


Released under the MIT license

All versions of phery with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.3.3
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package phery/phery contains the following files

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