Download the PHP package pelmered/filament-money-field without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package pelmered/filament-money-field. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package filament-money-field
Filament Money Field
Money field powered by Money PHP.
This package gives much better localization support for money fields in Filament than most other packages, and especially the built-in money support on TextColumns and TextEntries. For example when it comes to currency symbols and decimal and thousands separators. Especially for more obscure currencies. This also includes an input field that handles localized formats.
Example of a money field with Swedish localization. This package would give "1 234,56 kr", while most other solutions probably would give you something like "SEK 1234.56" which is not the correct format for Sweden.
- PHP 8.2 or higher
- Filament 3.0 or higher
- PHP Internationalization extension (intl)
- The database column should be a integers with minor units (i.e. cents) and not a float (Floats should never be used for storing money).
Key features
- Fully localized money fields in most locales. Report in an issue if you find a locale that is not working as expected.
- Includes fully localized:
- Input field with currency symbols and (optional) input mask.
- Column for tables.
- Entry for infolists.
- Comprehensive test suite.
- Configure currency and locale globally or per field.
- Validation rules for valid numeric input, and min/max values.
- A money formatter class that could be used in your project. Any public method there is considered stable and will not change without major version update.
Are you using this package to make profits? Please consider sponsoring me.
Configure your locale
Set the default currency and locale
Set the default options for currency and locale so that you don't have to set them for every field.
Option 1 (Recommended): Put the default options in your .env file.
Option 2: Publish the config file and set the default options there.
Decimals and significant digits
The number of decimals and significant digits can be set in the config file. Defaults to 2.
For significant digits, use negative values. For example -2 will give you 2 significant digits.
This can also be set on a per-field basis.
Table column
Global Configuration
If you want to use the formatting mask on the MoneyInput
This will auto format the input field as you type.
This is a bit experimental at the moment and is therefore disabled by default. Hopefully it will be improved in the future and enabled by default in the next major version. Please try it out and provide feedback.
Use international currency codes (ISO 4217)
If you want to use international currency codes istead of their symbols or local short variants. For example USD instead of $, EUR instead of € or SEK instead of kr.
Placement of currency symbol/code on input fields
Possible options: after
, before
, none
Decimals and significant digits
The number of decimals and significant digits can be set in the config file. Defaults to 2.
For significant digits, use negative values. For example -2 will give you 2 significant digits.
This can also be set on a per-field basis.
Roadmap / Ideas for the future
Contact me or create an issue if you want something of this, or something else. I appreciate if you could tell me a bit about your use case for that feature as well.
- Improve the input mask.
- Add support for dynamic currency and locale based on current user.
- Currency conversions. Set what base currency the value in the database is and then convert to the current users preferred currency on the fly. Not sure how edit/create should be handled in this case.
I'm very happy to receive PRs with fixes or improvements. If it is a new feature, it is probably best to open an issue first, so I can give feedback and see if that is something I think would fit in this package. Especially if it is a larger feature, so you don't waste your time.
When you are submitting a PR, I appreciate if you:
- Add tests for your code. Not a strict requirement. Ask for guidance if you are unsure. I will try to help if I have time.
- Run the test suite and make sure it passes with
composer test
. - Check the code with
composer lint
. This will run both PHPStan and Pint. See if you can address any issues there before submitting.
All versions of filament-money-field with dependencies
ext-intl Version *
filament/support Version ^v3.2.39
moneyphp/money Version ^4.0
illuminate/support Version ^11.0|^12.0