Download the PHP package patryk-sawicki/fakturownia without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package patryk-sawicki/fakturownia. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package fakturownia
Short Description PHP client for Fakturownia API
License MIT
Informations about the package fakturownia
Fakturownia (InvoiceOcean)
PHP client for Fakturownia (InvoiceOcean) API (,
- PHP 7.1 or higher with curl and json extensions.
The recommended way to install is through Composer.
Supported API tokens provides two types of tokens - with prefix (i.e. with your subdomain) and without prefix. Only tokens with prefix are supported. You can generate it in service (Settings -> Account settings -> Integration -> Show ApiTokens -> Add new Token -> Kind: Token with a prefix).
Available methods
- login(string $login, string $password)
- getInvoices(array $params = [])
- getInvoice(int $id)
- createInvoice(array $invoice)
- updateInvoice(int $id, array $invoice)
- deleteInvoice(int $id)
- sendInvoice(int $id)
- changeInvoiceStatus(int $id, $status)
- getRecurringInvoices(array $params = [])
- createRecurringInvoice(array $recurringInvoice)
- updateRecurringInvoice(int $id, array $recurringInvoice)
- getClients(array $params = [])
- getClient(int $id)
- getClientByExternalId(int $id)
- createClient(array $client)
- updateClient(int $id, array $client)
- getProducts(array $params = [])
- getProduct(int $id, int $warehouseId = null)
- createProduct(array $product)
- updateProduct(int $id, array $product)
- getWarehouseDocuments(array $params = [])
- getWarehouseDocument(int $id)
- createWarehouseDocument(array $warehouseDocument)
- updateWarehouseDocument(int $id, array $warehouseDocument)
- deleteWarehouseDocument(int $id)
- getWarehouses(array $params = [])
- getWarehouse(int $id)
- createWarehouse(array $warehouse)
- updateWarehouse(int $id, array $warehouse)
- deleteWarehouse(int $id)
- getCategories(array $params = [])
- getCategory(int $id)
- createCategory(array $category)
- updateCategory(int $id, array $category)
- deleteCategory(int $id)
- getAccount()
- createAccountForClient(array $account, array $user = [], array $company = [])
- getPayments(array $params = [])
- getPayment(int $id, array $params = [])
- createPayment(array $payment)
- updatePayment(int $id, array $payment)
- deletePayment(int $id)
- getDepartments(array $params = [])
- getDepartment(int $id)
- createDepartment(array $payment)
- updateDepartment(int $id, array $department)
- deleteDepartment(int $id)
Examples of usage
Example 1 - Get invoices
Example 2 - Get invoices by parameters
Example 3 - Get invoice by ID
Example 4 - Create an invoice
Example 5 - Create an invoice and send to client by email
Example 6 - Update invoice
Example 7 - Delete invoice
More info about the required parameters for every method: PL | EN.
Changelog is available here.
All versions of fakturownia with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *