Download the PHP package pagamastarde/selenium-form-utils without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package pagamastarde/selenium-form-utils. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download pagamastarde/selenium-form-utils
More information about pagamastarde/selenium-form-utils
Files in pagamastarde/selenium-form-utils
Package selenium-form-utils
Short Description Pagantis PHP Library. Selenium helper to end a test purchase. Helper to test the payment validation and redirection
License proprietary
Informations about the package selenium-form-utils
Selenium Form Utils
Selenium Form Utils will help you when developing integration test of Pagantis. The utils will go pass Pagantis form to ensure you can test the Notification and the Redirection. Be sure that KO and OK controllers work. You can automate your testing using travis-ci or circle-ci.
How to use
Install the library by:
Downloading it from here
- Using Composer:
Finally, be sure to include the autoloader:
Once the library is ready and inside the project the stub objects will available and the ordersApiClient will also available.
You can also check the cancel action automated
To Develop and improve the library:
after doing the modifications please run the precised testing
Help us to improve
We are happy to accept suggestions or pull requests. If you are willing to help us develop better software please create a pull request here following the PSR-2 code style and we will use reviewable to check the code and if al test pass and no issues are detected by SensioLab Insights you could will be ready to merge.
All versions of selenium-form-utils with dependencies
phpunit/phpunit Version ^4.8
pagantis/orders-api-client Version ^2.0
phpunit/phpunit-selenium Version ^2.0
facebook/webdriver Version ^1.1
fzaninotto/faker Version ^1.8