Download the PHP package oui/oui_cookie without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package oui/oui_cookie. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about oui/oui_cookie
Files in oui/oui_cookie
Package oui_cookie
Short Description Cookie management plugin for Textpattern CMS
License GPL-2.0-only
Informations about the package oui_cookie
h1. oui_cookie
h2. Introduction
Set, check, read, reset or delete cookies manually or through GET/POST parameters.
p(alert-block warning). %(ui-icon ui-icon-alert).% According to the "EU legislation":, some cookies need the user consent before to be set.
h3. Plugin requirements
oui_cookie's minimum requirements:
- "Textpattern CMS": 4.6+.
h2. Plugin management
h3. Installation
h4. From the admin interface
"Download": the compiled plugin file or the source to compile a customized file.
Paste the content of the compiled plugin file under the "Admin > Plugins":?event=plugin tab and click the Upload button.
Confirm the plugin install by clicking the Install button on the plugin preview page.
Enable the plugin.
h4. Via Composer
After "installing Composer":…
Target your project directory:
@$ cd /path/to/your/textpattern/installation/dir@
If it's not already done, lock your version of Txp:
@$ composer require textpattern/lock:4.6.2@, where @4.6.2@ is the Txp version in use.
Install oui_cookie:
@$ composer require oui/oui_cookie@
h3. Update
h4. From the admin interface
Follow the installation instruction above.
h4. Via Composer
bc. $ composer update oui/oui_cookie
h3. Uninstall
h4. From the admin interface
Check the box on the left of the plugin row under the "Admin > Plugins":?event=plugin.
open the select list at the bottom of the plugins table and choose Delete.
confirm the plugin deletion.
h4. Via Composer
bc. $ composer remove oui/oui_cookie
h2. Tags
h3(#oui_cookie). oui_cookie
h4. Attributes
h5. Required
- @name@ := Value: string; none by default. The cookie (and GET/POST parmater) name you want to use. If no other attibutes are defined, the tag will read and display the related value. =:
h5. Manually set a cookie
- @value@ := Value: string; none by default. A value to manually set the named cookie. You can also set the cookie value by using a continer tag like you would for a variable. =:
h5. Set a cookie through a GET/POST parameter
- @values@ := Value: comma separated list of strings; none by default. A comma separated list of accepted values for the GET/POST parameter and its cookie. =:
- @default@ := Value: string; none by default. A default value. If set, the plugin conditional tag will always be true if not check against a defined value. =:
- @delete@ := Value: string; none by default. An GET/POST parameter value used to delete the cookie. =:
h5. Optional cookie settings
- @duration@ := Value: "strtotime": value, @+1 day@ by default. The duration of the cookie. =:
h5. Delete a cookie
- @delete@ := Value: @0@ or @1@; @0@ by default. If set to @1@ this attribute will delete the named cookie. =:
h3(#oui_cookie). oui_if_cookie
p. This tag checks the status or the value of the cookie (and/or the related GET/POST parameter) defined by the @name@ attribute.
h4. Attributes
h5. Required
- @name@ := Value: string; none by default. The cookie (and GET/POST parameter) name you want to use. =:
h5. Optional
- @value@ := Value: string; none by default. A value to check against the cookie (and/or the GET/POST parameter) value. =:
h2. Examples
h3. Front-end articles sorting
List the sort options you want to use:
p. Then, catch the GET/POST parameter sent by this list to store it (useful to keep the sort order pages after pages).
Now use the new value as the value of the @sort@ attribute of your article tag.
h3. Last viewed article
Store the current article id in a cookie:
Now, use the following code anywhere you want to display the last viewed article.
h3. EU cookies Warning