Download the PHP package omikron/oxid-factfinder without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package omikron/oxid-factfinder. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package oxid-factfinder

FACT-Finder® Web Components for OXID eShop

Packagist Version GitHub contributors

This document helps you to integrate the FACT-Finder® Web Components SDK into your Oxid Shop. In addition, it gives a concise overview of its primary functions. The first chapter Installation walks you through the suggested installation process. The second chapter Backend Configuration explains the customisation options in the Oxid backend. The final chapter Web Component Integration describes how the web components interact with the shop system and how to customise them.

Table of contents


Note: If you use OXID eShop 7.x, please use SDK version 5.x


To install the module, open your terminal and run the command:

composer require omikron/oxid-factfinder:^4.0

Activating the Module

From the root of your Oxid installation, clear the cache with:

rm -rf source/tmp/*

Check in the Oxid 2 backend "Stores → Configuration → Advanced → Advanced" if the module output is activated.

Backend Configuration

Once the module is activated, you can find the configurations page under "Extensions → Modules → FACT-Finder® Web Components | Omikron Data Quality GmbH -> Settings". All sections will be covered in the following paragraphs.

Main Settings

This section contains a critical configuration, which is required in order for the module to work. All fields are self-explained. Configuration set here is used by both Web Components and during the server side communication with FACT-Finder® instance. Credentials you will be given should be placed here.


Test Connection Button

By clicking the Test Connection button you can check if your credentials are correct. This functionality uses form data, so there is no need to save first. Note: This functionality uses de channel input value.

Export Feed Button

It is a one of possible ways of exporting feed. You can find more details in section Admin Panel Export

Test FTP Connection Button

This functionality allows you to test if your shop can successfully connect to configured FTP/SFTP server. It uses parameters passed down with the request so there is no need to save the configuration before.

Update Field Roles Button

This functionality allows you to update field roles if you have changed them in FACT-Finder. The field roles are by default configured accordingly to the columns exported by the module. If you are about change one of the column name that serves as a role e.g. Master or ProductNumber, that holds the Master article number and Product number roles respectively, please remember to update the field roles with that functionality

Advanced Settings


Proxy feature adds a oxid controller which serves as a middleware between Web Components and FACT-Finder®. The data flow with proxy enabled is illustrated by the graph below. Having a middleware controller brings many possibilities to customize the request and the response. In addition, if forwarded request does not result with a correct response, you can implement fallback strategy, starting from this point.

To enable proxy you need to change your HTTP server configuration by adding two rewrite rules. This is necessary because Web Components appends a URL parts to the base URL making it unreadable by the Oxid. This is because Oxid use query parameters cl and fnc to instantiate specific controller and execute its function. There is no routing that use url parts, hence any AJAX requests must target index.php file with the aforementioned parameters. Without this rules any request will lead to 404.



Features Settings

Using FACT-Finder® on category pages

Module in order to preserve categories URLs and hence SEO get use of standard Oxid routing with the combination of FACT-Finder® availability to pass custom parameters to search request. Once user lands on category page search event is emitted immediately (thanks to search-immediate communication parameter usage).

Feed Settings

This section allows setting attributes to export. If you want to export the attribute to separate column, choose it from the select input and set Multi-Attribute column value to No. if Multi-Attribute is set to Yes, the attribute is placed in an aggregate column FilterAttributes Note: Selection attributes are always placed in FilterAttributes automatically.

Export Settings

Use following fields if you want to export feed file to your FTP server, where it could be then imported by FACT-Finder®.


Export Methods

HTTP Export

This method uses a specific URL under which the feed will be available. You can set FACT-Finder® to download the feed directly from this location:


For category export:


For suggest category export:


Note: Please keep in mind that the feed file is not directly available under the location. There is an export mechanism that does it on demand, so the whole process may take some time.

Basic Authentication

Using Export Settings you can secure the HTTP export by setting up a Basic Authentication. Please remember that in this case you will need to include credentials in the URL, otherwise FACT-Finder® will not be able to download the feed file. You can include Basic Authentication credentials in URL using following syntax:


FTP Export

With this approach, the exported feed file is uploaded to a specific FTP/SFTP server. Once the feed file is uploaded, FACT-Finder® is requested to begin an import based on uploaded file (optional). All settings related to this exporting method are found in Export Settings. Fields Key and Key Passphrase are dedicated only to the SFTP. Field SSL Enabled is dedicated only to FTP.

Note: Used FTP/SFTP server should be also accessible to FACT-Finder®.

Admin Panel Export

Export Feed button located in module configuration, could be used to manually trigger an export. By clicking this button, you trigger the whole export process, including upload to FTP server and triggering a FACT-Finder® import (if enabled).

Note: This method does not download the feed file to your local file system. If you need to view it, please use the HTTP Export

Note: Category export is not available here as clicking button start import on channel but category feed is supposed to be an enrichment for main article feed

Console Commands

There are two console commands located in the module bin directory, available for use. Simply run them using the installed PHP CLI.


If you are using Oxid Enterprise and its multishop feature, you can specify the shop ID by using the -s parameter, e.g.

php source/modules/ff/ffwebcomponents/bin/feed-write.php -s1

If your shop supports multiple languages, enter the language identifier of the language you want to export by adding -l parameter to the command (e.g. php bin/feed-write.php -l 1). You can check the language identifiers at "Master Settings -> Languages". You can specify the type of the feed with the -t option. Default value is product. In order to switch for category, please use -t category


Here you can find a full Tracking Guide. This module follows that guide in order to provide tracking of following events:


This event is tracked automatically by the ff-communication element upon receiving uid attribute.

Click on Product

This event is tracked automatically by the ff-record element bindings. Note: for this to work a directive data-redirect has to be added

Add Product to Cart

We offer a registerAddToCartListener function which helps to register click events on form submit buttons. Note: Example usage can be found in src/views/frontend/blocks/campaign/product.tpl

Place an Order

This event is tracked by the ff-checkout-tracking element which is implemented on order confirmation page


For more information, click here

You can also open a new issue if You spot a bug or just have an idea for module improvement To check currently opened issues here.


FACT-Finder® Web Components License. For more information see the LICENSE file.

All versions of oxid-factfinder with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^8.1
ext-ftp Version *
ext-json Version *
omikron/factfinder-communication-sdk Version ^0.9.7
league/flysystem-sftp Version ^2.2
league/flysystem-ftp Version ^2.3
monolog/monolog Version ^1.23
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package omikron/oxid-factfinder contains the following files

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