Download the PHP package ocdladefense/appserver-file-service without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package ocdladefense/appserver-file-service. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download ocdladefense/appserver-file-service
More information about ocdladefense/appserver-file-service
Files in ocdladefense/appserver-file-service
Package appserver-file-service
Short Description A module for uploading and listng files from the Salesforce platform.
License MIT
Informations about the package appserver-file-service
Upload a file as an [blank].
Previously referred to as sObject Attachment sObject Documents.
Test routes
Test route URL includes the Salesforce record Id to use when updating a ContentDocument for a given Salesforce record.
Related Salesforce SObjects
Testing Script
While not logged in click on the "Upload Files" and "My Shared Files" and make sure you are getting the access denied message.
After logging in, click on the links again to make sure you have access.
Upload a file using the file upload form with none of the sharing options selected, and make sure that the "ContentDocumentLink" for the file has the current contact's ContactId for the LinkedEntityId field.
- Upload another file with the sharing options selected. Make sure that the ContentDocumentLink(s) have the correct LinkedEnityIds.
Testing Script Part 2
The expectation is that if I upload a file while sharing with my contact and a committee I will see two ContentDocumentLinks with the same ContentDocumentId, and the same LinkedEntityId. I expect to see one ContentDocumentLink with matching ContentDocumentId and LinkedEntityId for each entity I shared it with.