Download the PHP package objective-php/starter-kit without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package objective-php/starter-kit. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download objective-php/starter-kit
More information about objective-php/starter-kit
Files in objective-php/starter-kit
Package starter-kit
Short Description Objective PHP Project Template
License GPL-3.0
Informations about the package starter-kit
Objective PHP / Starter Kit
Project topic
Typical Objective PHP project arborescence, with minimal workflow and configuration implementation.
This is where to start your own Objective PHP project.
How to make it work
A few simple steps are needed to get this application up and running:
The next step assumes that composer is available in your PATH
You can then open http://localhost:8001 to access your brand new project. Note that the framework will show itself much more efficient when using a production grade web server (as Apache or Nginx), while the PHP built-in server will allow you to make the starter kit running within seconds.
All versions of starter-kit with dependencies
objective-php/application Version ^2.0
objective-php/phtml-action Version ^2.0
objective-php/rest-action Version ^2.0
objective-php/services-factory Version ^2.0
objective-php/cli Version ^2.0.0-beta