Download the PHP package ntlab/ntjs without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package ntlab/ntjs. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package ntjs

Code Javascript Everywhere!

PHP-NTJS allows to dynamically manage your javascripts, stylesheets, and scripts so you can focus on your code. You can code your javascript using PHP class, or write directly in the PHP code, even on template.

JQuery and Bootstrap

Support for popular javascript like JQuery, Bootstrap, and FontAwesome.


To speed up your page, CDN can be enabled, PHP-NTJS will automatically do it for you. Just loads needed CDN information and assets will loaded from CDN.

Minified Output

On production, you can enable script output compression either by using JSMin or JShrink. On development, you can add script debug information to easily locate problematic code.

Integrate With Your Code

To integrate PHP-NTJS with your code, you need to enable Composer support in your project.

Available Scripts

This table below contains collection of scripts and its usage.

Script Usage
BigNumber Include BigNumber assets
Bloodhound Include Bloodhound assets
Bootstrap Include Bootstrap assets
Bootstrap.DateTimePicker Include Bootstrap DateTimePicker assets
Bootstrap.DateTimePickerLocale Include Bootstrap DateTimePicker locale assets
Bootstrap.DateTimePickerLocaleCustom Include Bootstrap DateTimePicker custom locale assets
Bootstrap.DateTimePickerPlugins Include Bootstrap DateTimePicker plugins assets
Bootstrap.Dialog Bootstrap modal wrapper to create and handle dialog
Bootstrap.Dialog.Confirm Bootstrap confirm modal
Bootstrap.Dialog.Iframe Bootstrap iframe modal
Bootstrap.Dialog.IframeLoader Bootstrap iframe loader helper
Bootstrap.Dialog.IframeRedir Bootstrap redirection helper to allow an Ajax iframe to reload
Bootstrap.Dialog.IframeResize Bootstrap iframe dialog auto-height
Bootstrap.Dialog.Input Bootstrap input modal
Bootstrap.Dialog.Message Bootstrap message modal
Bootstrap.Dialog.Wait Bootstrap modal to show a waiting dialog while in progress
Bootstrap.FormPost Handling form submission using ajax
Bootstrap.Notify Handle notification either using Web Notification or Bootstrap Toast
Bootstrap.Select Include Bootstrap Select assets
Bootstrap.StarRating Include Bootstrap StarRating assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingLocale Include Bootstrap StarRating locale assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingTheme Include Bootstrap StarRating theme assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingThemeFa Include Bootstrap StarRating FontAwesome theme assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingThemeFas Include Bootstrap StarRating FontAwesome Solid theme assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingThemeSvg Include Bootstrap StarRating SVG theme assets
Bootstrap.StarRatingThemeUnicode Include Bootstrap StarRating Unicode theme assets
Bootstrap.Theme.DefaultTheme Bootstrap default theme
Bootstrap.Typeahead Include Bootstrap Typeahead assets
BootstrapIcons Include Bootstrap Icons assets
Bootswatch Include Bootswatch assets
CanvasToBlob Include BlueImp Javascript-Canvas-to-Blob assets
CKEditor Include CKEditor assets
Cropper Include Cropper.js assets
DataTables Include DataTables assets
DataTablesAutoFill Include DataTables AutoFill extension assets
DataTablesButtons Include DataTables Buttons extension assets
DataTablesColReorder Include DataTables ColReorder extension assets
DataTablesDateTime Include DataTables DateTime extension assets
DataTablesFixedColumns Include DataTables FixedColumns extension assets
DataTablesFixedHeader Include DataTables FixedHeader extension assets
DataTablesI18N Include DataTables plugins I18N assets
DataTablesKeyTable Include DataTables KeyTable extension assets
DataTablesResponsive Include DataTables Responsive extension assets
DataTablesRowGroup Include DataTables RowGroup extension assets
DataTablesRowReorder Include DataTables RowReorder extension assets
DataTablesScroller Include DataTables Scroller extension assets
DataTablesSearchBuilder Include DataTables SearchBuilder extension assets
DataTablesSearchPanes Include DataTables SearchPanes extension assets
DataTablesSelect Include DataTables Select extension assets
DataTablesStateRestore Include DataTables StateRestore extension assets
FileUpload Include BlueImp JQuery-File-Upload assets
FontAwesome Include FontAwesome assets
Gallery Include BlueImp Gallery assets
GoogleFonts Include Google Fonts assets
Highcharts Include Highcharts assets
Hotkeys Include JQuery Hotkeys assets
Interact Include Interact assets
JqGrid Include JqGrid assets
JqGridDefault Provide Bootstrap Icons integration in JqGrid
JQuery Include JQuery assets
JQuery.AjaxData Ajax data loader
JQuery.AjaxForm Provides form handling using Ajax
JQuery.AjaxHelper Ajax request helper
JQuery.Blob Retrieve content from an URL and transform it as blob for download
JQuery.Callback.SetHtml A callback handler to set html content of an element
JQuery.Callback.SetValue A callback handler to set the value of an element, such as an input tag
JQuery.Checklist Allow to set checked or unchecked state of check boxes
JQuery.DeleteConfirm Apply delete confirmation to element using attribute data-delete-confirm and do post request with its href
JQuery.Dialog JQuery UI dialog wrapper to create and handling dialog
JQuery.Dialog.Confirm JQuery UI confirm dialog
JQuery.Dialog.Iframe JQuery UI iframe dialog
JQuery.Dialog.IframeResize JQuery UI iframe dialog auto-height
JQuery.Dialog.Input JQuery UI input dialog
JQuery.Dialog.Message JQuery UI message dialog
JQuery.Dialog.Wait JQuery UI wait dialog to show a waiting dialog while in progress
JQuery.FileUpload Handle file upload using BlueImp File Upload
JQuery.FileUploadDialog Provides file upload dialog either by statically include it in the document or dynamically loaded from an URL
JQuery.FormPost Handling form submission using ajax
JQuery.Gallery BlueImp gallery helper
JQuery.ImageOp Provides image manipulation such as cropping, orientation, and others
JQuery.ImageOpCrop Image crop operation
JQuery.ImageOpHelper Provides all image operation
JQuery.ImageOpOrientation Image orientation operation
JQuery.ImageOpResize Image resize operation
JQuery.ImageOpRotate Image rotate operation
JQuery.ImageOpSave Image save operation
JQuery.NS JQuery namespace helper, to avoid javascript function redefine
JQuery.NumberFormat A JQuery number formatter helper
JQuery.NumberFormatJQueryNumberFormatter Provide number formatting internal using JQuery Number Formatter
JQuery.NumberFormatNumeralJs Provide number formatting internal using NumeralJs
JQuery.Observer Observer and event handling
JQuery.Overflow Document body overflow utility
JQuery.PostErrorHelper Handling ajax form submission error
JQuery.PostHandler Ajax POST handler
JQuery.RemoveAnchor Replace html tag into span tag. e.g. an anchor tag
JQuery.Resolver Javascript namespace resolver
JQuery.ScrollTo Update window scroll top based on element
JQuery.Spinner Include JQuery Spinner assets and provide a helper
JQuery.Swipe Provide swipe support to an element
JQuery.Typeahead A JQuery typeahead (auto complete)
JQuery.UI JQuery UI base class for script that is depends on JQuery UI
JQuery.UI.AutoComplete A JQuery UI auto complete
JQuery.UI.FormPost Handling form submission using ajax
JQuery.Util Common utility for javascript
JsCookie Include JsCookie assets
Jhashtable Include Jhashtable assets
Jstree Include Jstree assets
Keyboard Include an on-screen keyboard javascript and assets
Leaflet Include Leaflet assets
LoadImage Include BlueImp JavaScript-Load-Image assets
MomentJs Include MomentJs assets
NumberFormatter Include JQuery NumberFormatter assets
NumeralJs Include NumeralJs assets
Pdfjs Include PdfJs assets
PdfjsViewer Include PdfJs Viewer assets
Popper Include Popper.js assets
ReCaptchaV2 Include Google ReCaptcha V2 assets
ReCaptchaV3 Include Google ReCaptcha V3 assets
SCEditor Include SCEditor assets
SocketIO Include assets
Strophe Include Strophe assets
Templates Include BlueImp JavaScript-Templates assets
TinyMCE Include TinyMCE assets

Live Demo

Live demo is available here.

All versions of ntjs with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.1
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package ntlab/ntjs contains the following files

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