Download the PHP package net_bazzline/php_component_apache_server_status_parser without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package net_bazzline/php_component_apache_server_status_parser. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in net_bazzline/php_component_apache_server_status_parser
Package php_component_apache_server_status_parser
Short Description php component to ease up reading and processing the apache server status (mod_status)
License LGPLv3
Informations about the package php_component_apache_server_status_parser
Full Stop
I still like the idea but there is currently no use case to develop it anymore.
Apache Server Status Parser Component for PHP
This project aims to deliver an easy to use component to read the apache server status for a configured list of hosts and gain information about that.
This component is relying on the apache mod_status and the undocumented query "?notable" ("?auto" does not contain information about the pid).
The build status of the current master branch is tracked by Travis CI:
Take a look on
The current change log can be found here.
Project Goals
- provides simple access to process information (deals with strings)
- provides detailed access to all information (building a lot of objects)
Let me give you an scenario I got on my desk and had to solve it.
As a maintainer of an infrastructure with multiple apache HTTP servers, I need to know if a given process (identified by its pid, a infrastructure wide unique identifier and its uri) is still running or not. Sometimes I know the IP Address of the server where process is running, mostly all I have is a pid, the unique identifier and the uri. And finally, it is allowed to use the apache server status but no ssh command execution.
How To Use
Because of the shipped with builders, it is really easy to getting started with. If you want to use your application instance pooling, use the builders as manual how to plumper things together.
There are two different kind of builders, one (AbstractStorageBuilder) gives you the control over where to fetch and how much to fetch information. The second one (ParserBuilder) simple uses the result from the first one to parse the information into domain objects.
Examples are placed in the path
Example Using Local File
Example Using Remote File
Example Output
Parsed Detail
Just one detail.
Parsed Information
Parsed Scoreboard
Parsed Statistic
By Hand
With Packagist
- get content
- split content into dedicated sections
- detail
- information
- scoreboard
- statistic
- parse each section into its fitting domain object
List Of Domain Model
- DomainModel\Detail
- dynamic detail information about each worker
- DomainModel\Information
- general static information about the environment
- DomainModel\Scoreboard
- dynamic and general worker information
- DomainModel\Statistic
- dynamic server statistic
List Of Service
- Service\Builder
- contains builder classes to kickstart the usage of this component
- Service\Content\Fetcher
- contains classes to get the apache status content from somewhere
- Service\Content\Parser
- contains classes to create domain objects out of the content
- Service\Content\Processor
- contains the class to split the content into logical parts (does the heavy lifting)
- Service\Content\Storage
- contains classes to share the logical content parts
- Service\StateMachine
- contains a class to ease up splitting the content into logical parts
Thanks to:
- mod_status_parser
- determine if an apache process is still running
- apache for the cloud
- reading apache server status
- Apache Server Status
Final Words
Star it if you like it :-). Add issues if you need it. Pull patches if you enjoy it. Write a blog entry if you use it. Donate something if you love it :-].
All versions of php_component_apache_server_status_parser with dependencies
net_bazzline/php_component_curl Version ^1.0
php Version >=5.6