Download the PHP package natecollins/nofus without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package natecollins/nofus. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package nofus

NOFUS: Nate's One-File Utilities Stash


A collection of single purpose classes for common tasks, focusing on simple and straightforward use. Each class can be taken and used individually and requires no external code dependencies.



The recommended method of installation is to use Composer. However, if all you need is a specific file, it can be downloaded independently and will work without any of the other files present.

To install via composer:


A class to read in plain text config files.

Sample Config File:


Loading only loads the first time
Calling the load() method only parses and loads the config file the first time for any ConfigFile object. Subsequent calls check if the file was successfully loaded the first time, and then doesn't bother to re-parse.

If you want to force a config file to re-load a file, you must first reset() the ConfigFile object and then load() it again. Note that this will also clear out any preload() variables, so you will have to preload() them again after calling reset().


A class to create logs, with a built-in simple file-logging implementation



A class to handle MySQL/MariaDB compatible database connections. Features include:

Required Libraries

On Ubuntu, this can be installed via:

Establishing a Connection Establishing a connection to SQL server requires an array object to be passed. This array must contain at least one set of server authentication parameters, including host, username, password, and database. More than one set of parameters can be passed if you have redundant SQL servers, in which case each server will be tried in-order until a connection is established or there are no connection left to try.

Pass the array of connection parameters to the DBConnect object to prepare your connection.

Executing Queries
To execute a query, you pass a query string and an array of values to the query() method. If there are no values, you can omit the second argument. All queries are processed as prepared queries.

Return values are dependent on the type of query that is run. SELECT queries return an array of rows; INSERT queries return the unique id of the new row or null otherwise; DELETE and UPDATE queries return the number of rows affected.

Additional means of running queries include:

Example Queries:

Showing Errors and Debug Information
By default, an uninformative message is thrown on Exceptions. To enable automatic display of detailed errors and output of query information during development, make sure you enable debugging information:

To enabled detailed exception messages, but disable auto-dumping query error information to the output stream:

Alternatively, you can manually retrieve the error information after catching the Exception:

Throwing Exceptions
The silentErrors() method will set the PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE. By default, PDO exceptions will be thrown.

Setting PDO Attributes Manually
You can always set PDO Attributes maually with the setPDOAttribute() method. This takes a PDO constant and an appropriate value and sets the attribute when creating a connection. If an attribute is set to null, then that previously set attribute is removed and will not be set. If a database connection had previously been established, calling this method will disconnect it, forcing a new connection with the updated attribute when the next query is called.

Sanitizing Identifiers
Table and column names are not typically something you want to use variables for, but there are rare circumstances where it might be needed. By calling escapeIdentifier(), you can ensure your identifer is sanitized and safe from SQL injection attacks. This is accomplished by querying the database for all valid table and column names, and only if the passed identifier exactly matches an existing database identifier pulled from the database is it considered safe. If the identifer is not safe, an empty string is returned.

NOTE: This only checks that the identifier is valid in the database. You should still never trust user supplied data for use in your queries.

For performance reasons, this method only queries the database for identifiers the first time it is called. The method caches the results and any subsequent calls make use of the data previously loaded.

An optional second boolean parameter can be passed if you want to specify that the resulting identifier should not be backtick quoted.

Load Balancing Multiple Servers
Not a true load balancer yet, the loadBalance() method will shuffle the order in which servers are connected to. Obviously, this must be called before any queries are run and any connections are established.

Forcing a Connection to End
You can force a connection to a database to end by calling the close() method. This method does nothing if the connection is already closed.

Get Database Hostname

Get Database Name
Returns the name of the database currently connected. If no database is connected, will attempt to connect to one and return it. If it cannot connect to any databases, it will return an empty string.

Debugging a Query
To dump the PDO debugParams and get a copy of the query string for the last query run, you can call the getLast() method. If you ran series of querys as a transaction, then it will include all queries that were part of that transaction.

To emulate a query before it's run and see what it will likely be combined as, you can call either the queryReturn() or queryDump() methods. The first of which emulates joining the query and values together and returns it as a string; the latter which does the same, but dumps the query to stdout.

Grabbing a List of Enum Values
If a table column is an enum, you can get and array containing all possible enum values by calling the enumValues() method, and passing the table and column in question. The returned array will be ordered in the same order as the enum values are defined in the table.

Using Transactions
Transactions can be used via the methods startTransaction(), commitTransaction(), and rollbackTransaction() assuming the database engine support it.

By default, MySQL sets the transaction isolation to REPEATABLE READ. You can change this to READ COMMITTED by passing a boolean true when starting the transaction.

Get Count of Query Calls Made
To get a listing of the total number of queries for this specific instance of a DBConnect object, you can use the getQueryCount() method.


A class to access and validate user data types from GET, POST, COOKIE, and FILES.

Creating UserData Objects
When creating a new UserData object, you must specify the name of the data field to retrieve, and optionally name where to look for the data at. If not specified, UserData will look for the value field in-order from these locations: GET, POST, COOKIE, and FILES.

Getting Simple Values
Getting simple values is easy, and returns the appropriate value type, or returns null if variable name was not passed.

Setting Default Values
If no value was found, use the default value passed instead. With out a default value specified, the default is null.

Filter by Allowed Values
If you know the value retrived must be from a set of values, you can set a filter to reject all but those values. Any non-allowed values will return the default value instead.

Filter by Range
Only applicable when getting integer or float values. Values outside the range will return the default value, unless set to limit the value.

Filter by Length
Only applicable for string values. Values not within length limits will return the default value, unless set to truncate.

Filter by Regular Expression
Only applicable for string values. Values not matching pattern will return the default value.

Checking if Field with Name Exists
To check if a field with a given name exists, even if the value passed was blank.

Get Errors
If your value is out of bounds of a filter, it will generate an error message. All error messages are stored in an array. Using getErrors() you can retrieve and view those filter errors.

Get File Values
Get information about an uploaded file. Returns array containing:

Get Array Values
When using PHP form variable arrays, you can use the array version of the UserData functions. Any filters you've applied will apply to each value of the array.

All versions of nofus with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
No informations.
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package natecollins/nofus contains the following files

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