Download the PHP package mzprog/datatables without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package mzprog/datatables. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package datatables
Short Description simple laravel/livewire datatable easy to use
License MIT
Informations about the package datatables
create a better tables with few lines of code.
simply install the package by:
composer require mzprog/datatables
make sure that livewire is installed, and styles and scripts added to the blade layout: @livewireStyles
and @livewireScripts
Basic Usage
- create a livewire component, without view file, and without
method. - The component should extends
- add
method to your componentpublic function columns(): array;
- This Should return array of
- add
method to have the main querypublic function query() : Builder
Column class
just add Column::name('id')
to your columns array, and it will be added and viewed in your table, but it will be labeled as Id
To change the label name just use the second parameter Column::name('id', 'ID')
The name will be used as the array index, and database field by defualt.
method is used to allow you to different key for the column as in this example(orderable
& edit
will be explained later):
->edit(fn($row) => $row->created_at->diffForHumans()),
we have change the format for created_at but can't store it in same properties (because casted to date, and work as getCreateAtAttribute
so when use orderable
it will order using created_at
method is used to change or add data.
it accept callback with the current raw data as parameter, example:
Column::name('full_name', 'Name)
->edit(fn($raw) => "{$raw->first_name} {$raw->last_name}")
method will allow you to order the column by pressing on the column name.
it will order your data based on your field name, unless you add a callback as a parameter.
the callback parameter are: the query Builder
, and the order direction, example:
return [
Column::name('id', 'ID')->orderable(),
Column::name('full_name', 'Name)
->orderable(fn($q, $dir) => $q->orderBy('first_name', $dir)->orderBy('last_name', $dir))
->edit(fn($raw) => "{$raw->first_name} {$raw->last_name}"),
method is work as orderable, and the callback function will pass the search keyword instead of order direction, example:
Column::name('full_name', 'Name)
fn($q, $keyword) => $q
->where(DB::raw('CONCAT(first_name," ", last_name)'), 'like', "%${keyword}%")
->orderable(fn($q, $dir) => $q->orderBy('first_name', $dir)->orderBy('last_name', $dir))
->edit(fn($raw) => "{$raw->first_name} {$raw->last_name}"),
method is used when you need to print HTML in your table. example:
->edit(fn($row) => '<a href="' . route('',['user' => $row->id]) . '" >View</a>';
Filter Class
If you want to select one or more value as a filter, like you only need to see rows from today, you can use:
public function filters()
return [
Filter::name('date', 'Select a Date'),
this will let you filter from your table using date
column, also you can skip the label name, by defualt it will be Date
also you can use custom data and filters:
example 1 (if you want to filter by name first letter):
Filter::name('name')->options(function () {
$options = User::query()
DB::raw('LEFT(name,1) as letter'),
DB::raw('COUNT(*) as total')
return $options->map(fn ($d) => [
'value' => $d['letter'],
'name' => "Starts with '{$d['letter']}'",
'total' => $d['total'],
->filter(function (Builder $query, array $values) {
$query->whereIn(DB::raw('LEFT(name,1)'), $values);
for options
you need to return array of options, and option has (name, value, total).
if this filter is selected you can add conditions to the provided query, and you will get also array of the selected values.
example 2(filter by success: success, fail)
Filter::name('success')->options(function () {
return [
'name' => 'Success',
'value' => '>=',
'total' => Exam::where('points', ">=", 50)->count()
'name' => 'Fail',
'value' => '<',
'total' => Exam::where('points', "<", 50)->count()
->filter(function (Builder $query, array $values) {
if(count($values) ==2) return;
$val = current($values);
$query->whereIn('points', $val, 50);