Download the PHP package mwoerlein/vector-graphics without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package mwoerlein/vector-graphics. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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More information about mwoerlein/vector-graphics
Files in mwoerlein/vector-graphics
Package vector-graphics
Short Description Library for OO-modeling of vector graphics.
License LGPL-2.1
Informations about the package vector-graphics
Vector Graphics Library
PHP library for OO-modeling of vector graphics.
This library is designed to construct and describe general vector graphics independent of its application backend. These descriptions are intended to separate the definition on an graphic/chart/... and its representation.
A graphic could be serialized into various document types using there capabilities for vectorized representations. Currently supported/planed serializations are:
- export as standalone SVG content
- serialize into a Zend-PDF page
- serialize into an Imagine image
To add vector-graphics as a local, per-project dependency to your project, simply add a dependency on mwoerlein/vector-graphics
to your project's composer.json
file. Here is a minimal example of a composer.json
Example Usage
The following example generates a svg-image containing a pentagram in a red circle inside of a square
$graphic = new Graphic();
$graphic->setViewportCorners(-50, -50, 50, 50);
$graphic->addRectangle(-49, -49, 98, 98)->setStrokeWidth(2);
$graphic->addCircle(0, 0, 45)->setFillColor('red', 0.5);
$radius = 40;
$path = new Path($radius * sin(0./5. * pi()), $radius * cos(0./5. * pi()));
$path->lineTo($radius * sin(4./5. * pi()), $radius * cos(4./5. * pi()));
$path->lineTo($radius * sin(8./5. * pi()), $radius * cos(8./5. * pi()));
$path->lineTo($radius * sin(2./5. * pi()), $radius * cos(2./5. * pi()));
$path->lineTo($radius * sin(6./5. * pi()), $radius * cos(6./5. * pi()));
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo (new SVGWriter())->toSVG($graphic, 10, 10);
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