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Package t3x-scheduler-status
Short Description API to monitor scheduler task execution status
License GPL-2.0-or-later
Informations about the package t3x-scheduler-status
TYPO3 scheduler status API
This TYPO3 extension provides a simple JSON API route that returns the scheduler status:
- Overview status field if everything is fine
- How many tasks failed, are late, disabled and running
- Detailled information about each task
- Install this extension:: $ composer require mogic/t3x-scheduler-status
- Include the TypoScript template "Scheduler status" into your root TypoScript template
- Configure the API key in the TypoScript constants
- Include the routing configuration in your
:: imports: - { resource: 'EXT:scheduler_status/Configuration/Routes/Default.yaml' }
- Fetch the scheduler status::
TYPO3 v11 and v12 are supported with v0.3.
TYPO3 v10 was supported up to v0.2.
API response
Example response:
"status": "ok",
"errored": 0,
"late": 0,
"running": 0,
"longrunning": 0,
"disabled": 0,
"tasks": [
"id": 2,
"name": "IP-Adressen in Datenbanktabellen anonymisieren",
"description": "",
"disabled": false,
"group": "admin",
"groupid": 1,
"late": false,
"running": false,
"last": null,
"lasterror": null,
"lastsuccess": false,
"next": "2023-04-29T08:31:22+02:00",
"next_seconds": 600
Field explanation:
Possible values:
when one of the tasks had an error in their last runlate
when one task was not started as plannedok
when all is fine
Number of tasks that are currently running.
Number of tasks that are still running and should have been started again already.
Number of seconds when the task will be running in.
Negative if it should have started already but could not because it's still running.