Download the PHP package mmanos/laravel-search without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package mmanos/laravel-search. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in mmanos/laravel-search
Informations about the package laravel-search
Search Package for Laravel 5
This package provides a unified API across a variety of different full text search services. It currently supports drivers for Elasticsearch, Algolia, and ZendSearch (good for local use).
Installation Via Composer
Add this to you composer.json file, in the require object:
After that, run composer install to install the package.
Add the service provider to app/config/app.php
, within the providers
Add a class alias to app/config/app.php
, within the aliases
Laravel 4
Use the 0.0
branch or the v0.*
tags for Laravel 4 support.
Publish the default config file to your application so you can make modifications.
The following dependencies are needed for the listed search drivers:
- ZendSearch:
- Elasticsearch:
- Algolia:
Default Index
This package provides a convenient syntax for working with a "default" index. Edit the default_index
field in the config file to change this value. If you need to work with more than one index, see Working With Multiple Indicies below.
Indexing Operations
Indexing is very easy with this package. Simply provide a unique identifier for the document and an associative array of fields to index.
The index will be created automatically if it does not exist the first time you access it.
Index A Document
Add a document to the "default" index with an id
of "1".
may be a string or an integer. This id is used to delete records and is also returned in search results.
Store Extra Parameters With A Document
You may store extra parameters with a document so they can be retrieved at a later point from search results. This can be useful for referencing timestamps or other record identifiers.
Note: Extra parameters are not indexed but are stored in the index for future retrieval.
Delete A Document
Delete a document from the "default" index with an id
of "1":
Delete An Index
Search Operations
Search For A Document
Search the "default" index for documents who's content
field contains the word "fox":
Search More Than One Field
Search All Fields
Perform A Fuzzy Search
Perform a fuzzy search to find results with similar, but not exact, spelling. For example, you want to return documents containing the word "updates" by searching for the word "update":
Note: You may also pass a numeric value between 0 and 1 for the fuzzy parameter, where a value closer to 1 requires a higher similarity. Defaults to 0.5.
Apply A Filter To Your Query
You can apply filters to your search queries as well. Filters attempt to match the value you specify as an entire "phrase".
Note: Filters do not guarantee an exact match of the entire field value if the value contains multiple words.
Some drivers support location-aware searching:
Where the parameters are latitude
, longitude
, and distance
(in meters).
Note: Currently, only the
driver supports geo-searching. Ensure each indexed record contains the location information:_geoloc => ['lat' => 1.23, 'lng' => 1.23]
Limit Your Result Set
Paginate Your Result Set
You can also paginate your result set using a Laravel paginator instance.
Limit The Fields You Want Back From The Response
Chain Multiple Searches And Filters
Note: Chained filters/searches are constructed as boolean queries where each must provide a match.
Delete All Documents That Match A Query
Working With Multiple Indicies
If you need to work with more than one index, you may access all of the same methods mentioned above after you specify the index name.
Add a document to an index called "posts":
Search the "posts" index for documents who's content
field contains the word "fox" and who's status
is "published":
Delete a document from the "posts" index with an id
of "1":
Delete the entire "posts" index:
Advanced Query Callbacks
If you need more control over a search query you may add a callback function which will be called after all conditions have been added to the query but before the query has been executed. You can then make changes to the native query instance and return it to be executed.
Since each driver has it's own native $query
object/array, you may only want to execute your callback for one of the drivers:
Note: You may also pass an array of drivers as the second parameter.