PHP code example of mkorkmaz-updated / redislabs-rejson
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mkorkmaz-updated/redislabs-rejson library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
mkorkmaz-updated / redislabs-rejson example snippets
use Redislabs\Interfaces\ModuleInterface;
use Predis\ClientInterface as PredisClient;
use Redis as PhpRedisClient;
interface RedisJsonInterface extends ModuleInterface
public function set(string $key, string $path, $json, ?string $existentialModifier = null);
public function get(...$arguments);
public function del(string $key, ?string $path = '.'): int;
public function forget(string $key, ?string $path = '.'): int;
public function mget(...$arguments);
public function type(string $key, ?string $paths = '.');
public function numincrby(string $key, string $path, int $incrementBy);
public function nummultby(string $key, string $path, int $multiplyBy);
public function strappend(string $key, $json, ?string $path = '.');
public function strlen(string $key, ?string $path = '.');
public function arrappend(string $key, string $path, ...$jsons);
public function arrindex(string $key, string $path, $json, ?int $start = 0, ?int $stop = 0);
public function arrinsert(string $key, string $path, int $index, ...$jsons);
public function arrlen(string $key, string $path = '.');
public function arrpop(string $key, ?string $path = '.', ?int $index = -1);
public function arrtrim(string $key, $path, ?int $start = 0, ?int $stop = 0);
public function objkeys(string $key, ?string $path = '.');
public function objlen(string $key, ?string $path = '.');
public function debug(string $subcommand, ?string $key = null, ?string $path = '.');
public function resp(string $key, ?string $paths = '.');
public function getClient();
public function raw(string $command, ...$arguments);
public static function createWithPredis(PredisClient $client);
public static function createWithPhpRedis(PhpRedisClient $client);
use Redis;
use Redislabs\Module\RedisJson\RedisJson;
$redisClient = new Redis();
$reJSON = ReJSON::createWithPhpRedis($redisClient);
use Predis;
use Redislabs\Module\RedisJson\RedisJson;
$redisClient = new Predis\Client();
$redisJson = RedisJson::createWithPredis($redisClient);
$redisJson->set('test', '.', ['foo'=>'bar'], 'NX');
$redisJson->set('test', '.baz', 'qux');
$redisJson->set('test', '.baz', 'quux', 'XX');
$redisJson->set('test2', '.', ['foo2'=>'bar2']);
$baz = $redisJson->get('test', '.baz');
// Prints string(4) "quux"
$array = $redisJson->get('test', '.');
Prints result as an array instead of an object
array(2) {
string(3) "bar"
string(4) "quux"
$array = $redisJson->mget('test', 'test2', '.');
Prints result as an associative array instead of an object
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(3) "bar"
string(4) "quux"
array(1) {
string(3) "bar2"
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