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Package redislabs-rejson
Short Description Redislabs RedisJSON aka ReJSON Module Client for PHP that supports Predis and PhpRedis
License MIT
Informations about the package redislabs-rejson
RedisJSON-PHP: Redislabs RedisJSON aka ReJson Version 2 Client for PHP
RedisJSON-PHP provides a client for Redislabs' ReJSON Module for PHP. This library supports both widely used redis clients (PECL Redis Extension and Predis).
About RedisJSON
"RedisJSON is a Redis module that implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type. It allows storing, updating and fetching JSON values from Redis keys (documents)".
RedisJSON-PHP Interface
Commanda are named after lowercase version of the original RedisJSON commands.
The recommended method to install RedisJSON-PHP for ReJSON is with composer.
If you use Redis ReJSON module version 1.0:
You need PECL Redis Extension or Predis to use ReJSON-PHP.
Creating RedisJSON Client
Example for PECL Redis Extension
Example for Predis
Running commands
- $key (or $keys - array that containes $key items) parameters are all string.
- $json (or $jsons - array that containes $json items) parameters can be any type of json encodable data (array, int, string, stdClass, any JsonSerializable object etc...).
- Commands automatically performs json encoding these data. Functions also returns json decoded data if the response is json string.
Test and Development
You can use Docker Image provided by Redislabs.