Download the PHP package microman/kirby-form-blocks without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package microman/kirby-form-blocks. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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Informations about the package kirby-form-blocks

Kirby Form Block

Obsolete v2.0.4 -> v3.0

This plugin is no longer under maintenance!

Use new Kirby Form Block Suite with a lot of new features.


This form plugin for Kirby offers you maximum flexibility and usability. It can be used as a block anywhere you needed. Even multiple times per page.

Based on the great features of Kirby 3.6.

Packed with a rich set of features: 🎉

✅   Editors can flexibly organise the form fields.

✅   Spam protection with an integrated honeypot. (Since V2.0)

✅   Create a custom form field easely by added with just 2 files (Blueprint & Template).

✅   A newly created form block will be automatically filled by default data from a JSON file (which you can copy from a existing form block).

✅   Incoming requests can be viewed and managed within the block. (optional)

✅   You and/or the visitors will receive an email on incoming requests. (If desired)

✅   Custom form data can be defined in the config file. (E.g. for using of the IP address, etc.).

✅   Language support for English and German. Messages are fully customizable/expandable for developers and/or editors.

Before we start

Do you miss a feature? Post a feature request and donate something. I can't guarantee that your suggestion will make it into the next release.


For use with Kirby 3.6+ only! (update here!) Download and copy this repository to your plugin folder: /site/plugins/


composer require microman/kirby-form-blocks

Basic usage

Just put form in your fieldsets of your blocks field:

If you're not familar with Kirbys blocks field check this out.

On the blocks preview, you can set the name of your form and also check, if there's new requests. Inside the blocks settings you have 3 tabs:

Define default form block data

If your editor use more or less the same form multiple time, it can be usefull to set the default setting. To define the default form fields and form options follow these steps:

  1. Create a form block
  2. Fill it as desiered
  3. Copy the form block
  4. Paste it into ´site/config/formblock_default.json´

If your site is multilanguage, you can set a postfix behind the filename for each language on your site. (e.g formblock_default_de.json)

Customize the Output

Quick and easy: Copy site/plugins/kirby-form-blocks/snippets/blocks/ to site/snippets/blocks/ and edit the files.

form field types

Following form field types are available by default:

Name Output
1 input
2 textarea
3 select
4 checkbox
5 radio

Add a custom form field types

Let's say you want to create an form field that shows some information to your visitors:



Et voilà. You just created a new form field type:

To sort the fields in panel, you can use prefix like 05_fieldname on blueprints filename. Default fields stays on top.

Modify default form field types

Just copy site/plugins/kirby-form-field/blueprints/blocks/formfields to site/blueprints/blocks/formfields and edit it.

To disable a default form field type, just remove the content of the file.

Custom fields

Each form field has by default following fields:

Name Description
Display name Used for labels
Unique identifier It's required to work with fields.
Context Defines the kind of input. Is needet for autocompletition and the spam protection.
Required The visitor must fill this field

Make shure that the unique identifier is only just once used in the whole form block!

Add custom fields to all form field types

Let's make an example and adding a field for the width:




Messages are text fragments, that can be used in your code like this: $form->my_message().

Following messages are available by default:

Key Description
notify_subject Subject of notification email
notify_body Content of notification email
confirm_subject Subject of confirm email
confirm_body Content of notification email
success_message Message that shows to visitor if form is successfully send
fatal_message Message that shows to visitor if something went wrong, field_message Message that shows to visitor if a field ist not filled properly
invalid_message Summary for all fields with error. {{ fields }} insert a list of invalid formfields
exists_message Form already filled (if verify_content enabled)
send_button No explanation needed 🤷‍♂️

There are 3 ways to change/add messages (in order of priority):

  1. Translation-Files inside the plugin site/plugins/kirby-form-field/lib/languages/*.php -> form.block.*
  2. In the config with translations
  3. As custom field in the option tab. To modify fields in the option tab, copy site/plugins/kirby-form-field/blueprints/snippets/form_options.yml to site/blueprints/snippets and edit the blueprint:

As you see, you can also insert fields for the default messages to let the editor customize it.

There are also form_confirm.yml and form_notify.yml in that snippets folder. DO NOT modify them! Better disable the underlying function in the config.


Use placeholder for every messages like this: Hello {{given-name}}. For more info read in the config->placeholders.


Form Object

The form object provides you with a few useful methods that help you to work with the form block: (e.g. $form->showForm())

Method Description Parameter
showForm Returns true if the form is ready to fill (None)
fields Returns form fields. \$attrs: Array or string of desired Attibutes (e.g. 'label' returns the title of the field, null returns a form field object)
field Returns a form fields by unique identifier \$slug: unique identifier of the field
\$attrs: Array or string of desired Attibutes (e.g. 'label' returns the title of the field, null returns a form field object)
isFilled Returns true if the visitor send the form (None)
isValid Returns true if the visitor filled the form correctly (None)
isFatal Returns true if something went terribly wrong (None)
isSuccess Returns true if the request was successfully send (None)
errorFields Returns as list or array of invalid form fields \$separator: Char to Separate the field names.
null returns an array
message Returns a message \$key: Key of the Text
\$replaceArray: Additional Placeholder
errorMessage Returns error Message if isFatal (None)
successMessage Returns success Message if isSuccess (None)
sendNotification * Send Email to operator (if notify enabled) \$body: Content of the Email
\$recipient: Email to send to (optional)
sendConfirmation * Send Email to visitor (if confirm enabled) \$body: Content of the Email
\$reply: Email that the visitor can answere (optional)
setError Brings the form to state isFatal \$error: Error message
\$save: If true the request will saved in the Inbox

* Use only if you like to send extra emails. By default, the emails are sent automatically by the plugin after successful completion.

Form Field Object

Method Description Parameter
* Returns the field from the formfield.
(e.g $field->custom_field())
value Value from form data or default value \$raw: true...
...returns the value without HTML escaping
...with Options: returns the slug (not the Label)
label Display Name (None)
slug Unique identifier (none)
autofill Context for autocompletition \$html:
null returns bool
attr returns ' autocomplete="my_context"'
required return true or expression if field is required \$html:
null returns bool
asterisk returns ' * '
attr returns ' required'
type Returns the field type (none)
isFilled Returns true if the form field is not empty (none)
isValid Returns true if the form field is filled correctly (none)
errorMessages Returns an array of all errors, if invalid. (none)
errorMessage Returns one errors, if invalid. (none)
hasOption Returns true if the form type is:
checkbox, radio or select
selectedOptions Returns array of selected options \$prop: Desired property. Default = Value
options Returns a structure field with the options (none)
ariaAttr Returns the aria-attribute. (For invalid fields) (none)


Email adress for outgoing emails

Default: no-reply@[the root url of your website]

If the domain is differ from the website domain check the DMARC to ensure that the emails will not rejected.

You probably get an SMTP-Error on localhost environments. Test the email function on a server!


In addition to the incoming form data, extra placeholders can be defined. (Which can be used with {{}} in your messages) For example, to determine the IP address of the sender:

Disable Functions

Functions like request saving, notification email or confirmation email can be disabled:

The corresponding function will be no longer executed and in the panel the tab/fields won't be visible anymore.

Verify Content (Since V2.0)

To ensure that the visitor does not submit the form more than once (for example by refreshing the page), this Plugin checks whether a form with the same content has been submitted already. In this case, an error message is shown to the visitor.

This function is automatically enabled and can be disabled with this example:

Translations (Since V2.0)

See chapter Messages for mor information


If you have any questions or something is not working properly, please let me know.

Hope you will enjoy this plugin. Stay tuned!

All versions of kirby-form-blocks with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires getkirby/composer-installer Version ^1.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package microman/kirby-form-blocks contains the following files

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