Download the PHP package michaeltintiuc/laravel-permy without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package michaeltintiuc/laravel-permy. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package laravel-permy

Laravel Permy

Short for "permanent friend" - My Mom said it's pretty cool!

A powerful and flexible ACL for all your Laravel applications; supporting version of 4.2 and higher



The only section without hilarious comments

  1. Installation
  2. Publishing
  3. Database
  4. Usage
  5. Configuration
  6. Localization
  7. Artisan Commands
  8. Exceptions
  9. Feedback


The beginning of a beautiful friendship (with cheesy music in the background)

Require via composer

For Laravel 5.5+ you do not need to manually add the Service Provider nor the Facade (alias) - these will be auto-discovered

Append the Service Provider to your providers array in app/config/app.php (4.2) or config/app.php (5.0+)

Append the Facade to your facades array in app/config/app.php (4.2) or config/app.php (5.0+)

Add the Trait to your User Models or any other Models you need permissions for.


I can't publish this anymore...


Laravel 4.2

Laravel 5.0+


This is an optional step, the description of the configuration file will follow below

Laravel 4.2

Laravel 5.0+


This is an optional step, the configuration of the language file will follow below

Laravel 4.2

Create file app/lang/packages/en/laravel-permy/defaults.php

You may create this file for each locale used by your app simply by substituting en to fr (for example)

Laravel 5.0+


Drop the base, wait! No, that's not what I meant!

After you've successfully published the migration files, you should have 2 files:

create_permy_table and create_permy_user_table

The permy table is responsible for storing all of your future permissions while the permy_user table holds the relation of users to their respective permissions

Permy works in a way that each permission has a name, description and whole lot of columns, each representing a controller that has restricted user access. Now onto configuring it.

Leave the boilerplate as is

Create a column for every controller that needs access restriction. We're specifying controllers which will use the Permy middleware/filters. These should be fully name-spaced class names and \ (backslashes) replaced with :: double colons like so:

Original Controller class name:

Resulting php and column name:

The column type is text because we'll be storing JSON data that will represent access to specific Controller methods. We also set the column to be nullable because well... you might forget that you've created several new Controllers and/or methods for your awesome feature, this will allow a graceful fallback of either restricting or allowing access (we'll discuss this in-depth a bit later).

Now that you're all set - update your database


I know, finally... but it's well worth it, I promise!


Laravel 4.2

Add the filter to the end of your app/filters.php file

Laravel 5.0+

Add the middleware to the $routeMiddleware array in your app/Http/Kernel.php file

This is a base filter/middleware and will simply spit our 403 - Forbidden on restricted routes. If you'd like to display custom text, view or perhaps a redirect you can provide your own class. All you have to do is perform a check using Permy::can($route) in your implementation. Have a look at the source code of the filter or middleware and the Laravel docs 4.2, 5.0+ on how to implement custom filters.

Routes & Controllers

Laravel 4.2

These must be before filters

Applied directly to a route

Or to a route group

Or within a controller

Laravel 5.0+

Applied directly to a route

Or to a route group

Or within a controller

At this point you're done and can test the application. If you've assigned the filter/middleware to Acme\SomeController which has index and someMethod methods you can insert a new row in the permy table with a test JSON for the Acme::SomeController column:

Note the ID of the new row and insert a new one in the permy_user table binding the permission ID to an existing user. This will now allow the assigned user to issue requests to the index method and prevent access to someMethod. If you try the above routes with a different user, all requests will be blocked, in fact any requests to methods which were not explicitly set will also be blocked. This behavior can be overridden through the config file.



Allows you to check if the current user can access one or multiple routes or controller methods. You can mix route names, controller class names/methods and Route objects when passing an array.



You can perform additional logic operations on the resulting permissions.


Same as can(), this is a helper function.


Runs a check against all routes and controllers that have a fillable filter/middleware assigned to them. Builds a localized array of controller/method names and descriptions. Creates/updates the translation file.

Useful when fetching permissions data for UI management.


Provide a specific user instead of the default authenticated one


Helper function for testing/debugging


Overrides the config value for current call (see Config docs for details)


All checks return true. Why not, right? (see Config docs for details)


Overrides the config value for current call (see Config docs for details)


What there's more?!


If multiple permissions are assigned to a user and there are conflicting permissions per route/method, which logical operator to use? Invalid values default to and

Default: and

Allowed values & behavior:


Sets the default User model used in CLI artisan command and PermyModel describing the many-to-many relationship.

Default: App\User


When set to true, all route permissions return true. Useful for debugging, I guess...

Default: false


When set to true, all exceptions during permission checking will be thrown. Consider it strict mode

Default: false


An array of filters based on which Permy builds a list of permissions to manage. The fillable array represents the filters that are manageable through the UI. The guarded array represents the filters that are not seen in the UI and are managed manually through the DB or CLI.




After calling the getList() method, you now have language files for all of your restricted routes and controllers. You are encouraged to edit these files in order to provide a better understanding to those who manage the application on the front-end.

File Location:

Laravel 4.2


Laravel 5.0+


Example file:

If you've published the translation files, as mentioned at the very top, you should have the defaults.php file in your app's lang directory. It's responsible for the default (duh!) names and descriptions of controllers and methods.

When the permy.php file is created for the first time or updated with new data - these are the values that everybody dislikes to update so much. You can have translations of this file for each locale.

Artisan Commands



Mimics the Permy public methods, only cooler cause it's from CLI. Prints the result back on screen in pretty colors.

More commands coming soon


RTFM - Achievement Unlocked!

If debug or strict mode (if you will) is set to true these Exceptions may be thrown. You are more than welcome to catch them anywhere in your app.


Error creating the permy.php language file


Error updating the permy.php language file


The method you're trying to check is not explicitly set in the DB. Defaults to false when debug is false


The controller you're trying to check does not exist the DB as a column name. Defaults to false when debug is false


Failed to get permissions for current user


The back needs proper feeding and you're not doing anything about it!

Collaboration, bug-reports, feature and pull requests are always welcome!

All versions of laravel-permy with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.4.0
illuminate/support Version >=4.2.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package michaeltintiuc/laravel-permy contains the following files

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