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Package behat-contexts
Short Description Contexts that we use with Behat 3.x tests on Drupal sites.
License GPL-2.0+
Informations about the package behat-contexts
Behat Contexts for Drupal
Contexts that we use with Behat 3.x tests on Drupal sites.
This repository is based on Nuvole drupal extension.
Install with Composer:
composer require metadrop/behat-contexts
Each context may have its own configuration. Here is an example with all the contexts added.
Cache context
Steps to clear caches.
Given :path page cache is flushed Clear specific page caches.
- Given :view view data cache is flushed Clear caches for a specific view. Only available for Drupal 7, pending to implement in D8.
Content authored context
Allow created content owned by logged in user.
- Given own :type content: Create content with the author as the current user.
Cron context
Helpers to execute cron.
Given I run elysia cron Run elysia cron. Only for D7.
Given I run the elysia cron :job job Run elysia-cron-job. Only for D7.
Given I run the cron of Search API Run search api cron. Only for D7.
- Given I run the cron of Search API Solr Run search api solr cron. Only for D7.
Simple context to help debugging tests with some steps. Additionally, it hooks in the after step event to add a step that generates an error report on failed steps.
This report includes:
- A file with the HTML page content.
- A file with the current URL and the error exception dump.
- If available, a file with current page state.
Cookie compliance context
Allows checking that the sites are cookie GDPR compliant. This context works with any cookie banner integration : onetrust, cookies, eu cookie compliance...
It checks that before accepting cookies there are not cookies saved in the browser, and when the cookies are accepted, the expected cookies appears.
The context parameters are:
- cookie_agree_selector: The CSS selector of the button to agree cookies.
- cookie_banner_selector: The CSS selector of the cookie compliance banner.
- cookies: Map of cookies that should be handled by each cookie category. The key is the cookie category and the value is the list of cookies that will be present after accepting the cookie compliance category.
- cookies_ignored: List of cookies that must be ignored if they appear at the step 'There are no cookies loaded'. Add here cookies when they can't be managed at the server side.
- cookies_third_party_domains_ignored: List of domains reported that contains potential cookies loaded but they can be ignored because no cookies are being loaded.
- cookies_third_party_domains_included: List of domains that are not present in the default list of domains checked by the context, and is needed to be checked those sites are not loading cookies by iframes.
Example configuration:
Steps included in this context:
Then I accept cookies: Accept cookie banner with default options.
Then the cookies of :type type have not been loaded: Assert the cookies of a specific category are not present.
Then the cookies of :type type have been loaded: Assert the cookies of a specific category are present.
When I wait cookie banner appears: Wait until the cookie banner is loaded.
Then there should not be any cookies loaded: Check there are no cookies loaded at all. It also reports potential cookie source coming from third party iframes (s.e.: youtube, doubleclick, etc).
By default, only those iframes which domains belongs to the THIRD_PARTY_COOKIE_HOSTS CookieComplianceContext constant will be detected as iframes that will add unwanted cookies.
Then capture full page with a width of :width
Saves a screenshot of current page with the given width to a file.
Then capture full page with a width of :width with name :filename in configured directory (screenshots_path).
Saves a screenshot of current page with the given width to a given filename in configured directory (screenshots_path).
Then capture full page with width of :width to :path
Saves a screenshot of current page with the given width to a file in the given path. If path is relative screenshots_path config value is used as root.
Then capture full page with width of :width to :path with name :filename
Saves a screenshot of current page with the given width to a file in the given path to a given filename. If path is relative screenshots_path config value is used as root.
Then save last response
Saves page content to a file.
Then save last response to :path
Saves page content to a file in the given path.
Then save last response to :path
Halts test for a given amount of seconds. Useful when debugging tests with timing issues. Don't use this step in real tests.
Add DebugContext to your suite.
This is an example when bootstrap directorty is in DRUPALROOT/sites/all/tests/behat/bootstrap.
- report_on_error: If true error reports are generated on failed steps.
- error_reporting_path: Path where reports are saved.
- error_reporting_url: Url where the error screenshots will be shown. As we can see in example, the url must point to the directory where we save the reports, and the directory must be accesible through website.
- screenshots_path: Path where screenshots are saved. Report screenshots are saved in the report path, here only screenshots from capture full page steps are saved.
- page_contents_path: Path where page contents are saved. Report page contents are saved in the report path, here only page contents from save page content steps are saved.
Entity Context
Agnostic steps related with entities.
Given I go to the last entity :entity created Go to last entity created.
Given I go to the last entity :entity with :bundle bundle created Go to the last entity created from a specific bundle.
Given I go to :subpath of the last entity :entity created Go to last entity created subpath (s.e.:node/1/edit).
- Given I go to :subpath of the last entity :entity with :bundle bundle created. Go to last entity created subpath (s.e.:node/1/edit) from a specific bundle.
File context
Create files in drupal.
Given file with name :filename Create file in drupal file system. Files are extracted from files_path set in behat.
- Given file with name :filename in the :directory directory Create file in drupal file system in a specific directory. Directory must start with file system (public:// , private://). Default is public:// .
Form Context
Steps for form elements.
Then form :type element :label should be required Check a form element of a specific type (s.e.: input, select) with label is required.
- Then form :type element :label should not be required Check a form element of a specific type (s.e.: input, select) with label isn't required.
Node Access context
Steps related with node access system. Only for D7.
Given the access of last node created is refreshed Refresh node grants from the last node.
- @Given the access of last node created with :bundle bundle is refreshed Refresh node grants from the last node of a specific content type.
Paragraphs context
Steps to attach paragraphs to content.
- Given paragraph of :paragraph_type type referenced on the :field_paragraph field of the last content: Create a paragraph with fields and attach it to the last node created.
Url Context
Steps to check url values
Then current url should have the ":param" param with ":value" value Check an url has a specific value in a query parameter.
- Then current url should not have the ":param" param with ":value" value Check an url hasn't a specific value in a query parameter.
This context provides steps for certain UI elements.
Given I select :option from :select chosen.js select box
Selects and option from a Chosen select widget. Only for sinlge selection, it doesn't work with multiple selection enabled or tag style.
Example of how to use internal method elementShouldBeInPosition
* Example of implementation elementShouldBeInPosition on a custom step.
* @Then the card on the infinite scroll view with title :title should be in position :position.
public function theCardWithTitleShouldBeInPositionExample(string $title, string $position) {
$this->elementShouldBeInPosition('item-list-css-selector', $title, 'views-infinite-scroll-content-wrapper', $position);
This context provides waiting time after defined steps, and extra waiting steps.
Waiting steps - Sometimes steps are running faster than our site, if this is the case you can delay them a few seconds. Don't abuse of this functionality, if Behat is running slow maybe there is a performance global site issue that needs to be solved first!
- Then I wait for :seconds second(s)
Step wait a defined seconds before execute next step.
Configure some waiting time before execute next step
Set on behat.yml
step action with wait time in seconds before execute next step.
Wait 1 second before the next step to Then I press "Log in"
(Then the url should match "/example-page"
No configuration needed.